CBA Record January-February 2025


Court Walk Through; Government Ser vices Career Fair, Diversity Week, Law Day, and the YLS’ Annual Fundraiser, A 4 Star Night , benefiting the Lawyers in the Classroom program. I hope to see you at as many of these events as possible. I want to end on an important note: after the Illinois Supreme Court Com mission on Professionalism published its report on bullying in the legal profession ( the-legal-profession), I am proud to state that the YLS is taking bullying in the pro fession seriously and is implementing a

multi-prong approach to tackle and hope fully eliminate it. As someone who was bullied growing up and in past legal jobs, I was not surprised by the study’s findings; however, I was deeply disappointed to learn that so many of my colleagues had also been bullied. At the same time, the study has also allowed me to discuss this vital issue with people all over the world who have inspired me with their insights. If you are interested in participating in the YLS Anti-Bullying Task Force, please contact me. You are never alone, no matter what.

Nielsen Career Consulting Career Counseling For Attorneys Coaching support for your career in or out of the law • Career Transition • Job Search • Interview Prep • Professional Development • Difficult Workplace Guidance • Wellness Support Over 30 years of experience counseling over 5,000 lawyers and other professionals.

Annual Moot Court Competition Twenty-eight law school teams participated in the CBA’s 42nd Annual Moot Court Com petition in November 2024 at the Dirksen Federal Building. The St. Mary’s University School of Law team was awarded the best brief and best overall team. Thank you to the many CBA members who served as brief graders and competition judges.

Sheila Nielsen, MSW, JD

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Pictured from left to right: Associate Judge Martin Moltz, Circuit Court of Cook County; London Delks, St. Mary’s University School of Law; Carson Wienecke, St. Mary’s University School of Law; Haley Entrop-Ozment, St. Mary’s University School of Law; Justice Margaret Stanton-McBride, Illinois Appellate Court; and CBA 1st Vice President Judge Nichole Patton, Circuit Court of Cook County.


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