Casino Player November 2022
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In The Spotlight Our annual preview of new slot games coming soon to your favorite casinos Social Slots: YouTube continues playing a huge role in the popularity of slots
6 Publisher’s Message A Trip Down The Strip by Lisa Robertson-Dziedzic 8 Players Talk You asked—we answered! 10 The Buzz Our coast-to-coast roundup of gaming’s hottest news 20 Strip Search The Las Vegas Arts District Adds Some Soul: Chef Bruce Kalman Opens SoulBelly BBQ by Steve Kieva 22 Scobe Speaks Those Ups and Downs: Protect your bankroll like a pro by Frank Scoblete 45 Playing in the Spotlight Entertainment listings from casinos nationwide
52 Slot Payout Percentages State-by-state breakdown of slot machine payouts 57 Winners Lucky jackpot hits from casinos across the country
Expert Advice Smart Video Poker Play: Take your game to the next level with these rules Minding Your Money: The smart way to deal with your casino winnings
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58 Player of the Month Mattress Mack Betting Big on the Astros: Buy a mattress, cheer on the home team to get it for free
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FEATURES 38 CRUISE TIME Celebrity Cruises ups the ante on the ultimate gaming vacation 40 BOUTIQUE GLITZ MEETS WESTERN GLAM
Silverton Casino to reimagine its 300-room hotel as part of 25th anniversary celebration by Steve Kieva
There’s more to this game than you might think!
PLAYING POKER 30 Daniel Negreanu comes up big in Super High Roller Bowl by Sean Chaffin PLAYING THE BOOKS 34 Betting the Favorite:
New Slots—My Top 10: Here’s a totally subjective lineup of what I consider the the top 10 new slot games revealed in October by Frank Legato 27 How to prepare for video poker play by Jerry “Stickman” Stich PLAYING TABLES 28 Oddities: Strange, but true stories from table game players by John Grochowski
Plenty of action awaits sports bettors each fall—a paradise for those who enjoy placing a few bucks on games by Sean Chaffin
A Trip Down The Strip
I recently returned home from a trip to LasVegas after attending the gaming industry’s annual trade show—the Global Gaming Expo (G2E) at the Venetian Expo. It was three days packed full of infor mation from the industry’s top experts with the star of the show being a buzzing expo hall where slot manufacturers showcased their newest innovations and latest technologies.The annual show allows gaming insiders to view thousands of new products that were bright, enter taining and bold, from new cabinets,new games, larger-than-life screens, giant steppers, big entertainment brands, legendary stars, andYouTube influencers—all displayed brilliantly and ready to hit casino floors in the coming months. G2E goes well beyond slot machines, however, with numerous companies displaying new products and concepts for sports betting, table games, payment technology, and other advancements that you’ve never seen on casino floors before, and we look forward to reporting about them all in upcoming editions of Casino Player as they become available to gaming consumers. While my trip toVegas was designed for business, I did manage to be a tourist a couple evenings and pounded the pavement to see some of the new sights in the Gambling Capital of theWorld. Just walking down the Strip is an experience in itself and one of the best ways to take in all the sights. I don’t know about you,but it still mesmerizes me every time I see such large crowds walking in sync in the crosswalks when the light turns green. Literally, a sea of faces all walking in unison, eager to get on their way and to their next stop is always a sight to behold. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve walked Las Vegas Boulevard, and outside the convention hall, the Strip was jammed with walkers, gawkers and plenty of roaming showgirls and characters available for tipped photo ops. Sporting my most comfortable kicks and water bottle in hand, I was ready for it all—all four miles of it. First stop: Linq Promenade. This popular open-air shopping, dining and entertainment district is a great place to go for food, fun, shopping and more and is home to the High Roller observation wheel and the FLYLinq zipline.A cool experience worth checking out is the Minus 5 ICEBAR,where everything is made out of ice—the walls, the seats and even the glasses that you enjoy, you guessed it, chilled sig nature cocktails in. Next door sits the Flamingo, where you can bop in and enjoy a moment in paradise at the 15-acre Wildlife Habitat. Here you’ll find gorgeous greenery, the famed f lamingos, unique bird species and exotic fish.Venture into the casino and enjoy an array of gambling options and be part of a legacy—the Strip’s first craps rolled happened at Flamingo Las Vegas. At the end of the Strip sits the Luxor Hotel & Casino where I made the trek to visit the new exhibit, Discovering King Tut’s Tomb. Novem ber marks the 100th anniversary of the tomb’s discovery by archeologist Howard Carter and the immersive exhibit celebrates the amazing find, glittering-gold artifacts and ancient history.
My last stop of the night was dinner at The Bedford by Martha Stewart, which recently opened at Paris Las Vegas. Surprisingly, this is Stewarts’s first-ever restaurant and gives guests a taste of what it’s like to be a guest in her home. Being a huge fan of the lifestyle mogul, I couldn’t wait to try Vegas’ latest hot spot.The new venue has a menu and setting based on Stewart’s upstate NewYork home and the moment you walk in, you feel as though you’re transported to a sophisticated country estate without being fancy.There are a variety of seating options and rooms, including more casual tables near the open kitchen, where countless hanging copper pots are beautifully displayed (available for purchase in her online store).The decor is warm and sophisticated and every detail is thought out by none other than Stewart herself. The food was the star of the show. Everything I sampled was spot on and absolutely delicious.For starters,Big Martha’s Pierogis: five melt in-your-mouth dumplings that were light, airy and creamy with a touch of nutty from the brown butter. Next up was a beautiful roast chicken stuffed with herbed breadcrumbs that was carved tableside,a treat unto itself, and a smashed baked potato also served tableside and featuring crème fraiche, chives and bacon (you can add caviar for an added treat and upgrade). I ended the feast with the most scrumptious dessert—Stewart’s signature upside-down lemon meringue pie that involves crispy meringue with a lemon curd filling topped with fresh whipped cream. I must say, this was truly an unforgettable sweet ending to a marvelous meal.The Bedford by Martha Stewart’s menu changes with the seasons and is definitely a must-visit spot in Las Vegas. A splurge, yes, but worth every penny. Of course, the trek back down the Strip was just what I needed after a satisfying meal but one thing to keep in mind on the Las Vegas Strip—the blocks are long, the mega-resorts are huge and everything is farther away than what they appear to be.Instead of losing my euphoric feeling, I opted for a rideshare service and took a Lyft.Very reasonable and plentiful on the Las Vegas Strip. LasVegas is one of the most visited destinations in the United States and the fall is one of the best times of year for the desert oasis.Gorgeous weather,several large concerts and conventions,Golden Knights hockey games are heating up, plus the NFL is in full swing, offering live games at Allegiant Stadium and plenty of viewing parties and betting options at casinos all over town.I mean,who could avoid the plethora of options available when it comes to gambling, food, shows, sports and party scenes? Cheers to good health, good luck and winning days!
Lisa Robertson-Dziedzic Publisher & Editorial Director
6 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 2 • w w w . c a s i n o c e n t e r . c o m
DECEMBER 15 - 26
*Plus taxes and fees. Offers are not retroactive. Subject to availability. Schedule subject to change. **Gift cards may be used for any purchase in the resort with the exception of gaming. ©2022 MGM Resorts International ® . All rights reserved. Gambling problem? Call 1.888.777.9696.
Casino Player America’s Premier Gaming Magazine print • mobile • online VOLUME 33 • ISSUE 6 P R E S I D ENT & CH I E F E X E CU T I V E OF F I C E R Derek James P UB L I S H E R & E D I TOR I A L D I R E C TOR Lisa Robertson-Dziedzic P R O D U C T I O N D I R E C T O R Diane Stevens-Gillan S E N I O R E D I T O R S Sean Chaffin
Attendants and Tips I love reading both your magazines; keep up the great work! There have been a lot of questions about slot attendants losing tips if Congress votes to increase the reportable slot jackpot to $5,000. (Currently, the casino is required to issue a W-2G form for any slot win of $1,200 or more.) The casinos could keep the hand-pay limits the same on all the machines. If the jackpot is $1,200 or more it would still be a hand pay, but when it's over $5000, then the casino must issue the player aW-2G.It is up to the Jackpot winner to pay the taxes. Does this sound like a rea sonable fix? —Rick Via the Internet It sounds like a very reasonable fix, Rick. It also sounds like something you shouldn’t hold your breath waiting to happen.Casinos, like any other business, are all about low costs and high profits.When ticket in/ticket out operation took the place of coins, it meant a lot lower labor costs for casinos, since players simply printed out tickets for wins under $1,200, where with coins, hand-pays were almost always required for anything approaching that. The machines would run out of coins before that many coins could be distributed, which meant attendants were required to refill the hopper, even if a tax form was not required. Don’t expect casinos to rehire slot attendants who are no longer needed. Not in this life time, anyway. Sequential or Random? My question concerns this scenario:You’re dealt five cards in video poker and keep three.Are the next cards already behind the two discard windows, or is there a random
Changing Craps I was in Harrah’sAtlantic City,and I noticed a change on the craps layout.The Bonus Bet— in which the shooter has to roll all small 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 or large 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 before rolling a 7, had a payout of 34-to-1. Harrah’s changed it to 30-to-1. Also, the payout for rolling all 10 numbers before rolling a 7 changed from 175-to-1 to 150-to-1. (I note that Ocean Casino and Borgata stayed with the higher payout. I did not go to any of the other casinos.) Does this mean that all three Caesars casinos decided that they must increase their bottom line at any cost when other casinos are satisfied as is? Is Harrah’s also decreasing the slot payouts, hoping no one realizes it? Shame on them. You should warn players about this additional 14 percent casino takeout the way you advise players not to play the 6/5 payout for blackjack. —Ken K. New Jersey While we can’t point to specific information on the slot returns, Harrah’s change to the Bonus Bet on craps tables is indicative of a general tightening-up of odds since the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020. For in stance, pre-pandemic, there were at least two casinos in Atlantic City where one could always find a $5 craps table. Since they reopened following the Covid shut downs, the lowest minimum to be found on any craps table in town has been $15. It’s a good thing that you can even still find craps with the Bonus Bet nowadays. But yes, our advice would be to stick to the tables with the higher payouts.And yes, if Harrah’s has the lower payouts, it’s a good bet Caesars and Tropicana have the same.
Karrie L. Zukowski C O P Y E D I T O R Lon Rozelle
Jack Clayton John Grochowski Steve Kieva Frank Legato Kara Miller Jack Clayton John Grochowski Steve Kieva Frank Legato Kara Miller
Patrick Roberts Frank Scoblete Jerry “Stickman” Stich Tim Wassberg Sharon Harris-Zlotnick Patrick Roberts Frank Scoblete Jerry “Stickman” Stich Tim Wassberg Sharon Harris-Zlotnick
N AT I O N A L S A L E S D I R E C T O R Karrie L. Zukowski A C C O U N T I N G M A N A G E R Jocelyn James C I R C U L AT I O N M A R K E T I N G D I R E C T O R Maureen Robertson C I R C U L AT I O N D I R E C T O R Jessica Taylor C U S T OM E R S E R V I C E CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-969-0711 O F F I C E S ATLANTIC CITY: 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 (609) 484-8866 • Fax (609) 645-1661 LAS VEGAS: 1137 S. Rancho Drive, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89102-2259 (702) 736-8886 • Fax (702) 736-8889 Casino Player (ISSN 0001-8152) Casino Player is published twelve times a year, one issue per month, by Casino Player Publishing, LLC. 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 BASIC SUBSCRIPTIONS Basic subscription prices do not include shipping & handling. Subscriptions: one year (12 issues) $24; two years (24 issues) $37; three years (36 issues) $53. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Casino Player, 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7, Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 Periodicals postage paid at Galloway, NJ, and at additional mailing offices. © 2022 Casino Player Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication can be reproduced without expressed written permission of the Publisher. Casino Player magazine is a publication of Casino Player Publishing, LLC owned by Casino Player Media (CPM). Not responsible for typographical errors. READER’S ADVISORY: Readers are recommended to make ap propriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before sending monies, incurring expense, entering into any binding commit ment, or wagering any sum in relation to an adver tisement, ar ti cle, column or other feature published in Casino Player. Casino Player shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage in curred or suffered as a result of his/her accepting, offering to ac cept, or following an invitation, advice, or other recommendation contained in any adver tisement, ar ticle, column, or feature pub lished in Casino Player . The views and opinions expressed by the writers and columnists of this magazine are not necessarily representative of the views of its management and employees. BET WITH YOUR HEAD, NOT OVER IT! PROBLEM GAMBLING? CALL 800-552-4700 Samantha Cooper I T D I R E C T O R Robert Walden
QUESTIONS, COMMENTS? WE WANT TO KNOW! E-MAIL US! or write to: Letters to the Editor 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, New Jersey 08205
8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 2 • w w w . c a s i n o c e n t e r . c o m
Hold The Aces When playing video poker where fourAces and a 2, 3 or 4 pays 2,000 credits and you are dealt threeAces and the kicker,are the odds better to hold three Aces and the kicker or draw to the threeAces,since fourAces without a kicker pays 800 credits? —Jim R. Midwest City,OK We assume the video poker game is Double Double Bonus, which pays $2,000 for four aces accompanied with a 2, 3 or 4 kicker (with max coins wagered).The ExpectedValue for holding only the three aces is greater than holding the three aces with a kicker; therefore, you should discard the kicker and only hold the three aces. Video Poker or Slot? Could you please settle a question my friends and I have: Is Spin Poker a true video poker ma chine or is it a slot machine? Some of us believe that since it has a pay table, it follows the rules of video poker that the cards are “dealt” from a 52-card deck, even on the re-deal. Others believe that since the cards are spinning, it’s just a random slot that doesn’t follow the rules of the pay table.Who is right? Thank you! —Michael D. Chicago, IL Spin Poker is a video poker game. The cards are randomly dealt from an initial, virtual 52-card deck. The “spinning” cards are just for show. You should use the same playing strategy for Spin Poker as you would for a traditional video poker game. One More Spin Why does the casino floor person make you press the spin button on a slot or the deal button on video poker after you are lucky enough to get a hand payout ?What happens if you refuse ? —Grace Z. Staten Island,NY Casinos have long asked players to spin off big winners. The idea is not to discourage other players by leaving a jackpot result on the reels or screen.Results are random and past payoffs have no effect on future outcomes, but many players believe a machine that has just paid big is not ready to pay again. Hence the "one more spin" request.
number generator selection for each window, waiting for you to hit the deal button? It doesn’t seem that the individual RNG situation would be likely because if they both stopped simulta neously, they could theoretically pick the same card from the 47 remaining cards. It would make a difference on if you might hesitate to in fluence the timing of the pick or play quickly because it doesn’t matter—the cards are already predetermined. Do the manufacturers publish such information so you could check the ma chines you tend to play? —ChuckV. Washington,MI We have checked with the manufacturers on this issue, because this has been a recurring question we’ve received for the entire 34 years this magazine has been published.The answer is that different programmers set up the deal/draw method in different ways. Some deal 10 cards in a sequential fashion, placing the draw cards behind the deal cards. Others use the random number generator twice, once for the deal and once for the draw. The main takeaway? The method doesn’t matter. Regardless of which method is employed, your odds and the payback percentage are exactly the same. So don’t worry about it; just play. Bonuses and Possibilities Is it possible to help the bonus money fall into squares in a slot bonus sequence by touching the empty squares as the money falls? It seems that sometimes it works. —Clark New Jersey It doesn’t work. Touching the screen does not affect the result at all; the result is predeter mined at the start of the bonus.But if it makes playing the game more fun, have at it! It cer tainly can’t hurt. I have Two Questions 1.While in New Mexico recently, driving along the highways,were several smaller Indian reser vation casinos I passed. I stopped into three.On many slot machines, there was a little sticker that stated.“This machine pays out 80 percent or more.” Isn’t there a certain percentage that even Indian reservation casinos have to pay out, which I thought is higher than 80 percent? 2. Another big Indian-owned casino,having been advertised in your magazine, is Isleta Casino. So my question is:Are all these Indian
casinos, the little ones like I mentioned above, along with the very big one like Isleta, Class III casinos or the“bingo type,”or video lottery ma chines? Isleta Casino seemed like regular Class III machines while the three smaller ones seemed to play differently yet still had the same look.The payout amounts,except for any actual progressive amounts,were also much smaller at the smaller Indian reservation casinos.Thanks for a great magazine. —RS Via the Internet First question: Indian casinos are not bound by state-imposed regulations, and that includes minimum payback percentages.We’re not sure why they would designate 80 percent, since casinos in New Mexico have to compete with nearby jurisdictions where the payout is typically much higher than 80 percent. Per haps it is because the nearest huge commer cial jurisdiction, Nevada, has a minimum payback requirement of just 75 percent. Second question: The machine classifica tion depends upon the state in which you play. Indian casinos in New Mexico are all Class III games, just as in Nevada.To offer these games, tribes are required to sign an agreement, called a compact, with the state that gives the state a portion of revenues in exchange for the privilege. In states like Alabama, Nebraska and Texas, only Class II electronic-bingo slots are permitted.Many states, such as California and Oklahoma, offer both types of games, sim ply because tribes keep all revenue from Class II games. Stopping Play When someone stops the play on a machine time after time,does that change when the RNG will let someone hit a jackpot? I sat next to a woman who never let the machine stop on its own. She seemed to be doing alright as far as wins go. Stopping between spins or going constantly does not change anything.The initiation of the spin will freeze the numbers generated by the random number generator at that instant, and that will translate into the reel result.Play ing faster or slower, or spinning constantly or stopping between spins—none of that affects the likelihood of wins or losses at all.The wins will come when the right numbers line up, and that’s it. —MaureenW. Woodgate,NY
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S ince closing for more than two years due to the pandemic and damage from Hurricane Laura, the former Isle of Capri Lake Charles will officially come ashore in a brand-new, land-based build-out as Horseshoe Lake Charles on Dec. 12.The all-new 60,000-square-foot prop erty will bring the legendary Horseshoe brand to southwest Louisiana, showcasing the ultimate gambling experience for guests, including new rooms, unmatched restaurants and a variety of entertainment. The new property boasts nearly 1,000 slot machines and table games, as well as an official WSOP Poker Room, an all-new Caesars Sportsbook and 253 hotel rooms designed with inspiration from local scenery. In addition to a wide palette of food and beverage outlets, Horseshoe Lake Charles will bring multi-Michelin-starred chef Gordon Ramsay to the Pelican State with the opening of Gordon Ramsay Steak in mid-2023.The doors to Horseshoe Lake Charles will open for the first time at noon on Dec. 12, pending Louisiana Gaming Control Board approval. Room reservations are now available at “When we closed the Isle of Capri in 2020,we were not expecting the property to be shut down for this length of time,”saidAnthony Carano, president and COO of Caesars Entertainment.“But we couldn’t be prouder of our team and all of the hard work they’ve put into this beautiful prop erty. We look forward to welcoming our partners and the community to celebrate with us as we commemorate this milestone and introduce them to Horseshoe Lake Charles.” Guests are invited to join the festivities beginning with the prop erty’s official ribbon cutting at noon on Monday, Dec. 12, continuing throughout the day and ending with a celebratory fireworks display that evening.The property will also host several special opening events over NewYear’s Eve weekend, during which guests can expect the first-ever drone show in the Lake Charles market,a lion dance celebration,exclusive giveaways and more. In addition to Gordon Ramsay Steak, Horseshoe Lake Charles will also have a stellar culinary lineup:Brew Brothers,the award-winning brew pub founded by the Carano family in 1995; 7 Seven Noodle Bar, a Pan Asian–inspired noodle restaurant featuring stir-fried entrees,hearty soups, sushi and an assortment of noodle dishes; and Slice Pizzeria & Pasta. ALL-NEW HORSESHOE LAKE CHARLES TO OPEN IN DECEMBER
Artist renderings of Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa expansion.
R ed Rock Casino Resort and Spa, a luxury resort in the Sum merlin neighborhood of Las Vegas, announced major plans to elevate its dining scene, entertainment offerings and gaming ex periences with all-new additions to the resort.New concepts, cur rently underway, include the famed Thai restaurant Lotus of Siam, an all-new Greek restaurant NaxosTaverna,and an Oyster Bar,all in partnership with Bua Food Group, as well as a stunning cocktail lounge and adult-only pool,alongside a reimagined High Limit Slots room and a lively casino bar.Located on the north side of the resort, the new restaurants will be at the center of the action. Lotus of Siam,NaxosTaverna, Kallisto Oyster Bar and an all-new casino bar converge to create a dynamic addition to Red Rock’s restaurant row and further complement the resort’s culinary collection. Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa Set For Casino-Wide Transformation
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Kingpin Suite
Palms Casino Resort Las Vegas Announces $150K Epic Experience One Night. Three Suites, 19,576 Square Feet of Party Space and a $10K Dinner for 10 Guests at Scotch 80 Prime
T here are high-roller suites and packages in LasVegas,and then there is the newly announced, one-of-a-kind Palms Casino Resort Epic Experience Suite Package as seen in MrBeast’s $1 vs $1,000,000 Hotel Room! video. Offered at $150,000 per night, the package was created in conjunction with MrBeast’s newest video that followed the crew on a journey across the world to discover the coolest hotel rooms, ranging in price from $1 to $1 million per night.MrBeast enjoyed a stay that featured an unforgettable combination of suites, including the Damien Hirst two-story Empathy Suite Sky Villa, the 10,000-square-foot Hardwood Suite, and the Kingpin Suite,named after the infamous movie and showcasing a two-lane bowling alley. While MrBeast was the first to experience this one-of-a-kind Las Vegas night, he will not be the last.With the Epic Experience Package, those that have ever dared to dream about the ultimate Las Vegas expe rience can now make it a reality.When combined, the $150,000 package offers over 19,000 square feet of rooms, 12 beds, more than 25 televi sions, multiple private massage rooms,pool tables,private butler service, marble bathrooms, a 30×30 basketball court, a two-lane bowling alley and a private infinity pool overlooking the Las Vegas Strip. In addition, the package also includes an extravagant $10,000 dinner for 10 guests at Palms’ award-winning steakhouse, Scotch 80 Prime. As a guest of this package, all three suites become the ultimate Las Vegas playground all day/all night, all at once.The Epic Experience Package will be available from January 8, 2023–October 8, 2023.Visit for more information.
Empathy Suite Sky Villa
Scotch 80 Prime
w w w . c a s i n o c e n t e r . c o m • C A S I N O P L AY E R 1 1
G et ready to be transported to a flourishing ancient Egypt and discover one of the greatest archeological achievements that took place one hundred years ago this year. Imagine Exhi bitions is proud to present the new immersive exhibition, Discovering KingTut’sTomb, at Luxor Hotel and Casino in LasVegas,NV.The exhibi tion celebrates the 100th anniversary of renowned Egyptologist Howard Carter’s epic discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb—the most pre served of any pharaoh to date—and recounts the story of Carter’s find ing, shedding light on the rich world of ancient Egyptian civilization. Tom Zaller,president and CEO of Imagine Exhibitions, said:“This exhibition takes you on a journey of the discovery of KingTut’s tomb. I have been fortunate enough to travel to Egypt and it is a magical place. My hope with this exhibition is that we can, just for a moment, trans port guests to theValley of the Kings along the Nile River,and introduce them to one of the greatest archeological discoveries of all time.And what better place to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the discovery than at the Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.”
The immersive display begins with a passageway to the burial chamber, taking guests on a journey along the Nile River and unfolding with animations that illuminate the process of mummification and its significance to ancient Egyptian culture.Additional galleries trace the 100 years of KingTut and explore archeological practices today.Pods of virtual reality chairs enhance the visitor experience, allowing guests to take a deeper dive into the exploration of KingTut’s tomb. Discovering KingTut’s Tomb is located on theAtrium level of Luxor Hotel and Casino near the hotel’s existing exhibits and is open daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.Tiered pricing allows for visitors to have a leisurely walk-through experience onto an audio tour through the exhibit by Carter himself.Tickets start at $20 for children ages 4–12 and $30 for adults, excluding tax and fees.To purchase tickets or for more informa tion about Discovering King Tut’s Tomb, visit and
1 2 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 2 • w w w . c a s i n o c e n t e r . c o m
Bally’s Shreveport Casino & Hotel Launches All-New 21+3 Progressive Blackjack Game I n October, Bally’s Shreveport launched the all-new 21+3 Progressive Blackjack game with jackpots starting at $10,000.“This is an exciting and new way for our guests to enjoy a classic casino game,”said Ian Cairns, director of casino operations at Bally’s. Bally’s Casino Shreveport is the only property in Louisiana offering this exciting twist on black jack. 21+3 is a side bet that addsThree-Card Poker to the base game of blackjack.The player wins their 21+3 wager if their two cards, plus the dealer’s up-card, form aThree-Card Poker hand of a straight or better.The progressive wager is made at the
I nternational GameTechnology (IGT) and OYO Hotel and Casino have teamed up to launch a state-of-the-art Wheel of Fortune Slots Zone inside the Las Vegas casino.The new space houses a dozen of IGT’s premiumWheel of Fortune slots games in an energizing environment synonymous with the popular theme. Standout game titles include the animatedWheel of Fortune 4D Collector’s Edition andWheel of Fortune Cash Link 2 video slots.The zone also features IGT’s largest cabinet to date, the Wheel of Fortune Megatower,while a bank of IGT’s attention-grabbing PeakSlant49 cab inets can host excitingWheel of Fortune Spin &WinTournaments. “OYO Hotel & Casino Las Vegas is thrilled to present the most exciting slots fran chise to our guests in a unique way.Wheel of Fortune slots are renowned for their highly entertaining themes and big jackpots, and this collaboration provides us with the oppor tunity to deliver our guests a one-of-a-kind memorable LasVegas gaming experience,”Keith Williams, executive director of casino operations at OYO Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, said. “IGT is excited to partner with OYO Hotel & Casino to bring another state-of-the-art Wheel of Fortune Zone to LasVegas.The innovative space combines the trademarkWheel of Fortune slots entertainment that players love, and a distinct environment with games that will drive play and differentiate OYO Hotel & Casino,” said Nick Khin, IGT chief operating officer,Global Gaming. Wheel of Fortune is the most successful slots theme of all time. Since the game’s 1996 debut, IGT has made more than 250 variations of the player-favorite slots theme and distributed them to countries around the world. As a result,Wheel of Fortune slots have minted over 1,100 millionaires, awarded over $3.4 billion in jackpot payouts, and earned dozens of accolades on the merit of attributes ranging from innovation to player affinity. OYO HOTEL & CASINO DEBUTS WHEEL OF FORTUNE SLOTS ZONE
beginning of the game, in addition to all base game wagers.After the player and dealer receive their cards, the 21+3 progressive wager is evaluated.The pro gressive has no effect on the base blackjack game and is simple to learn for both dealers and players.
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JERRY SEINFELD MAKES HIS RETURN TO THE COLOSSEUM AT CAESARS PALACE J erry Seinfeld,world-famous comedian,author,producer and director, will return toThe Colosseum at Caesars Palace for six shows in 2023 to perform his world-famous stand-up comedy. Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy career took off after his first appearance on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in 1981.Eight years later,he teamed up with fellow comedian Larry David to create what was to be come the most successful comedy series in the history of televi sion: Seinfeld .The show ran on NBC for nine seasons,winning numerous Emmy, Golden Globe and People’s Choice awards, and was named the greatest television show of all time in 2009 by TV Guide ; and in 2012 was identified as the best sitcom ever in a 60 Minutes / Vanity Fair poll. His latest Emmy-nominated Netflix projects include Jerry Before Se infeld and 23 Hours to Kill, along with the highly acclaimed web se ries Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee . Seinfeld has also starred in, written and produced movies ( Comedian , Bee Movie ),directed and pro duced a Broadway hit ( Colin Quinn Long Story Short ), and wrote two best-selling books ( Is this Anything? and Seinlanguage ) and a children’s book ( Halloween ).He will star in the upcoming comedy film, Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story, which he directed, co-wrote and produced . Shows includeApril 14 & 15; June 9 & 10; and July 28 & 29.Tickets start at $84, plus applicable tax and fees, and can be purchased online at
Bill Maher Brings His Comedy to Las Vegas
C omedian, actor and television host Bill Maher announced 2023 show dates inside the David Copperfield Theater at MGM Grand Hotel & Casino.Maher will bring his honest and hilarious comedy to Las Vegas February 17 & 18 and June 16 & 17. For more than 25 years,Bill Maher has set the boundaries of where funny political talk goes on American television. His combination of un flinching honesty and big laughs can be watched across notable televi sion performances such as Politically Incorrect (Comedy Central,ABC, 1993–2002) and Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO,2003–present).Maher has been recognized with numerous Emmy nominations for Real Time with Bill Maher and Politically Incorrect, as well as several of his 12 solo HBO stand-up specials.His most recent special, #Adulting ,aired in spring. Maher has written five bestsellers including True Story , Does Any body Have a Problem with That? , Politically Incorrect’s Greatest Hits and New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer . Maher started his stand-up comedy career in 1979 and continues to perform at least 50 dates a year in LasVegas and in sold-out theaters across the country.Most recently,Maher launched a new podcast,“Club Random with Bill Maher.”
The popular podcast records at Club Random, a bar located on his prop erty in Los Angeles, featuring free-flowing one-on-one interviews with eclectic guests including William Shatner, Quentin Tarantino, Judd Apa tow and many more. Tickets start at $89.99 (plus fees) and can be purchased online at, or at any MGM Resorts International box office.
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THE IS ON FireKeepers Casino Hotel is bigger, better, and hotter than ever! The latest games. Sizzling restaurants. A blazing sportsbook. Plus, play and wager anytime at our online casino and sportsbook. Proudly owned and operated by the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, leaders in the gaming and hospitality industries, FireKeepers is the top pick of our guests and team members. So why not make it your top pick, too? Book your next getaway today and experience Michigan’s favorite casino hotel. Best Casino • Best Overall Gaming Resort • Best Overall Sportsbook Best Players Club • Best Betting Options • Best Table Games Casino Player Magazine | 877.FKC.8777 | I-94 Exit 104 | 11177 Michigan Avenue
S am’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall in Las Vegas is making the season merry and bright with the return of Mystic Falls Park’s winter wonderland display, featuring festive décor, more than 26,000 points of light and a nine-minute holiday laser light show.The holiday attraction can be enjoyed starting at sundown on Wednesday, Nov. 23 through Sunday, Jan. 1, 2023. The holiday-themed attraction is a time-honored tradition that goes back to 1994. This holiday season, families can experience the indoor atrium’s spirited theme, featuring animated teddy bears that have come to life and can be seen playing,dancing and decorating the park.The plush, animatronic bears were handmade by a family in Italy, and have traveled from Italy to Spain and across the U.S. to make it to Mystic Falls Park. The whimsical display presents an 18-foot Christmas tree decorated with glistening ornaments and 5,300 twinkling lights, topped with a star burst tree topper.Garland-wrapped lampposts, streamers and wreaths fill the atrium, embellished with hundreds of lights, ornaments and holiday bows.As guests stroll through the park,they can also enjoy seeing blankets of snow, animatronic characters wearing Santa hats, giant pine cones and beautifully wrapped gift boxes.Mystic Falls Park’s beloved gazebo is also covered in snow and decorated with garlands,a sparkling icicle trimming and large candy canes at the entrance. Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall is Making the Season Bright with Return of Winter Wonderland Display and Holiday Laser Light Show
Also returning this year is the nine-minute holiday laser light show, which is the centerpiece of the display.The laser light show features a variety of classic holiday songs, including“It’s the MostWonderful Time of theYear,”“Let It Snow,”“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” and “Frosty the Snowman.”Performances run every hour,between 2 p.m.and 10 p.m. Adding to the wintery experience,Mystic Falls Park will make it snow in the Las Vegas desert every night through the new year. Santa will also join in the festivities by visiting the Mystic Falls Park gazebo beginning Friday,Nov.25 and through Friday,Dec.23.Santa will be available from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fridays and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, except for 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.Guests are invited to stop by and take photos with Santa using their own cameras. For more information, visit
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RAISING UP THE COMMUNITY The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi and FireKeepers Casino Hotel give back in a big way
T he Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (NHBP) has made reinvesting in the community a priority since opening FireKeepers Casino Hotel in 2009.The development and suc cess of the casino has generated benefits well beyond its home base of Battle Creek,MI.The tribe makes annual payments to the state and a local revenue sharing board from casino revenues, in addition to supporting hundreds of charitable endeavors throughout Michigan,Indiana and Ohio, via donations and sponsorships. The type of hands-on impact,which is the hallmark of the NHBP/FireKeepers focus on improving the local community, is generally unheard of across the United States.The tribe’s most significant investment isThe Fire Hub restaurant and connected Kendall Street Food Pantry in downtown Battle Creek. The restaurant provides a much-needed tasty lunch and dinner food option in an underserved section of the city.The Fire Hub’s most important goal is to give back to the community, which is accomplished via multiple programs. Eighty percent of all restaurant profits, plus monies from purchasers who often round up their purchase with a donation rather than a tip, is al located to local charities.The remaining 20 percent of profits is reinvested in the property.To date,The Fire Hub has raised more than $30,000 through this fund. The Kendall Street Pantry, located in the rear section of the building, operates as an agent of the South Michigan Food Bank, distributing food from shelves to those less fortunate. In addition, a large greenhouse on nearby tribal land is growing fresh produce, to provide free salad bars for schools in the Battle Creek area. “The Fire Hub reflects so many of the foundations of our tribe,” stated NHBPTribal Council Chairperson Jamie Stuck.“It reflects our care for mother earth, for the goodness it brings us every day.And, our desire to raise up the community.” The Fire Hub’s greenhouse provides more than 50,000 pounds of produce annually, to 11 area schools and daycares in and around Battle Creek, through a program titled Operation Fit; in addition to 500 pounds donated to Athens Schools (located near the NHBP’s Pine Creek Reser vation). The Fire Hub and FireKeepers make it a point to help neighbors in need around the holiday season.The Food and Beverage teams work together to provide a free, traditional Thanksgiving meal for more than 500 guests.They also provide free meals to veterans on Veterans Day, as well as Christmas meal kits in December.The casino also regularly collects non-perishable food items to donate toThe Kendall Street Pantry and the food bank through an initiative called Food for Friends. “Combining FireKeepers resources with amazing local partners, such as Operation Fit, we’ve been able to make a positive impact on a countless amount of people, and that is a source of great pride for our team,”stated FireKeepersVice President of Marketing JimWise.“It is an honor to witness this process, and we look forward to continuing this work.”
With six restaurants and a banquet kitchen on site, FireKeepers places a strong emphasis on food. With all of that food comes a lot of waste.The FireKeepers Food and Bever
age team was recently recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with a Food Recovery Challenge National Award for their efforts to prevent and reduce food waste. FireKeepers’wide range of efforts include the purchase of blast chillers to reclaim food from the buffet and banquet events,as the food had been prepared and not served. This food is then repackaged and distributed to those in need in the community.The amount of food diverted through FireKeepers donation efforts totals more than 10 tons.That number continues to rise through employee education and awareness. FireKeepers also works with food banks to prevent waste through the Fresh Food Initiative (FFI). FireKeepers and the South Michigan Food Bank partner to provide an average of four FFI events each month.At these events, fresh produce is distributed to neighbors in need.To prevent produce from being wasted, the FireKeepers Team develops easy recipes using the produce distrib uted and provides samples to encourage clients to utilize all the items they receive. In addition, the development of a greenhouse on local tribal land has generated fresh food,which is being utilized to provide free salad bars in local schools. “Following the example set by our owners,the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi,supporting the communities and improving lives is a priority of all of our Team Members,” statedWise.“Being a positive influence is FireKeepers’ number one goal.” For more information, visit
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Finding Christmas provides the perfect mix of holiday classics and modern-day favorites from an ensemble cast of singers, dancers and actors.Accentuated by a guaranteed snowfall at each performance, the production transforms the Beau Rivage Theatre and delivers the joy of the season to guests of all ages. In addition to the annual Christmas production, Beau Rivage plays host to headline entertainment each weekend throughout the holiday season. The stage is set with Chaka Khan on Nov. 26, The Commodores on Dec. 2, followed byA Boy Band Christmas on Dec. 3. Featuring JeffTimmons,Drew Lachey and Justin Jeffre (98 DEGREES), Jamie Jones (ALL-4-ONE), Erik-Michael Estrada (O-TOWN), and Ryan Cabrera,A Boy Band Christmas features all of the favorite songs along with some special holiday surprises. Country singer-songwriter JoshTurner brings his King Size Manger Tour to the Beau Rivage for one night only on Dec. 9, and beloved holiday traditionThe Nutcracker presented by the Mississippi Gulf Coast BalletTheatre performs two shows Dec.10 & Dec.11.Popular party band The Molly Ringwalds will close out 2022 with an unforgettable New Year’s Eve performance in the Beau RivageTheatre. Looking for one-of-a-kind Christmas gifts? Beau
Rivage’s annual Holiday Open House is the perfect time to shop for everyone on your list. From Dec. 6– 10,guests can browse shops and pop-up artisan trunk shows in the resort’s retail promenade and hotel second floor for distinctive gifts and holiday specials. Casino players will enjoy Five Days of Stocking Stuffers Dec. 18–22,where a daily holiday gift is avail able based on MGM Rewards points earned from slot activity,and Beau Rivage’s annualWinningWonderland giveaway gives players a chance to win something on everyone’s wish list—a share of $250,000 in prizes including a Lexus GX 460,A Lexus GX 500, $5,000 cash and more each drawing day now through Jan.1. The culinary standard at Beau Rivage is on par
W e all need a little Christmas and there is no place more magical than Beau Rivage during the holidays. For more than two decades, MGM Resorts’ expansive four-diamond destina tion resort on the beach in Biloxi has been the place to see and experi ence the holiday season on the Gulf Coast. Each year from Thanksgiving to New Years, the 1,740-room Beau Rivage is transformed into a winter wonderland adorned with larger-than-life nutcrackers, colossal Christmas ornaments, hundreds of frost-covered trees, thousands of brilliant poinsettias, and Santa’s sleigh and reindeer soaring high above the atrium.A stunning 20-foot Christmas tree and classic winter scenes throughout the resort’s public spaces invoke the spirit of the season. From Dec.15–26,Beau Rivage and Rand Productions present Find ing Christmas ,a Broadway-style musical variety production that follows young siblings as they set out on a quest to find the true meaning of Christmas. Some say that seeing is believing,while others know that believing is trusting what’s in your heart.
with the world’s finest resorts and there is no better time to feast in one of the resorts’many restaurants than during the holidays.The award winning BR Prime will host an upscale Santa Brunch on Dec.4.Capture memories and dine on an exquisite holiday meal with an exclusive event featuring everyone’s favorite big guy, Santa. Enjoy strolling Christmas characters,a commemorative photo and cherished keepsake gift to mark this special holiday occasion. From award-winning dining, a nationally ranked spa and salon, championship-worthy golf, renovated luxurious accommodations, and endless gaming excitement,Beau Rivage captivates the imagination with timeless traditions,making it a must-experience holiday destination for the entire family. For more information visit
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Luke Bryan Returns to His Residency in Las Vegas D ue to an overwhelming ticket demand for Luke Bryan’s headlin ing engagement Luke Bryan:Vegas at ResortsWorldTheatre, at ResortsWorld Las Vegas, the country music superstar has added six more show dates in November and December, including performances coinciding with National Finals Rodeo. Show dates include Nov. 30 and Dec. 2, 3, 7, 9 and 10. Luke Bryan:Vegas debuted this past February with a high-energy open ing run that had Bryan working the theater and interacting with fans. The show features only-in-Las Vegas production elements including a shifting stage that lifts the five-time Entertainer of theYear and his band to the rhythms of his hit songs as well as a catwalk that descends from the ceiling and elevates Bryan to eye level with the mezzanine seats. For more information, visit
NEW STRIP CASINO PLANNED FROM OWNER OF GOLDEN NUGGET T he face of Las Vegas is an ever-changing environment.The demolition of properties has become a regular part of life on the Strip with new megresorts then taking their place. Gamblers heading to Sin City will soon see another addition to the Vegas skyline with the announcement in October that Houston businessman and billionaireTilman Fertitta would be bringing a new property to the Strip, located at the southeast corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and HarmonAvenue. Plans call for a 43-story, 2,420-room hotel and 59,000 square feet of casino space.The property also will include a 2,500-seat theater and 2,000-space parking garage.Fertitta’s filings with Clark County estimate the project to begin in March and completion set for March 2025. His company purchased the 6.2 acres of Strip frontage for $270 million. Fertitta is the man behind Landry’s Inc., the corporation that includes the seafood restau rants of the same name, as well as numerous other eateries and bars around the country. His portfolio also boasts several casino properties including the Golden Nugget in downtown LasVegas as well as properties inAtlantic City,NJ;Biloxi,MS; Laughlin,NV; and Lake Charles, LA. Fertitta also owns the Houston Rockets NBA franchise. The addition of the new casino adds to quite an intersection right in the middle of the Strip.The land for the new property currently houses a 1960s-eraTravelodge,aTex-Mex restau rant and other retail locations including a smoke shop.The intersection of LasVegas Boulevard and HarmonAvenue will now include a new property adjacent toAria, Planet Hollywood and the Cosmopolitan. Texas billionaire Tilman Fertitta, who owns the Golden Nugget casinos, plans to build a 43-story, 2,420-room hotel-casino luxury resort on the Las Vegas Strip. The upscale project, on roughly 6 acres at the southeast corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Harmon Avenue, calls for restaurants, convention space, a spa, wedding chapel, auto showroom and a 2,500-seat theater.
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