Casino Player July 2022

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Get ready for Atlantic City’s biggest summer season yet

OPEN-AIR GAMING Hitting the tables and slots in unique outdoor areas


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In The Spotlight

Summer Sounds: Entertainment heats up at casinos across America Incredible Technologies is turning heads on slot floors with its Prism VXP moving cabinet and a collection of strong games

6 Editor’s Letter Betting Responsibly: Key takeaways to keep the game fun by Sean Chaffin 8 Players Talk You asked—we answered! 10 The Buzz Our coast-to-coast roundup of gaming’s hottest news

16 Scobe Speaks Food for Thought: Gaming ingredients for smart blackjack play by Frank Scoblete 44 Slot Payout Percentages State-by-state breakdown of slot machine payouts 49 Winners Lucky jackpot hits from casinos across the country 50 Playing in the Spotlight Entertainment listings from casinos nationwide

Expert Advice Top tips for playing slots smarter Royal Time: Should we expect a royal every 100 hours of play, every 48, or somewhere in between?

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58 Player of the Month

The Drums are Beating: $1.6 million jackpot on Dancing Drums Explosion

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FEATURES 38 OPEN-AIR GAMING Hitting the tables and slots in unique outdoor areas offers some fresh air and fun

30 SUMMER AT THE SHORE Get ready for Atlantic City’s biggest summer season yet by Sean Chaffin


Funny man, Vinnie Favorito, returns to his East Coast roots

for an extendedstay at Ocean Casino Resort


High returns are good, but enjoying the game

Amateurs, poker pros, celebrities, bracelets and more by Sean Chaffin

is important by Frank Legato

PLAYING THE BOOKS 26 Summer Wagering: NFL approaches, trash talking and cruise ship wagering by Sean Chaffin

PLAYING TABLES 2O Winning Streaks:

Readers share memorable gaming sessions, for better or for worse by John Grochowski


Betting Responsibly Key takeaways to keep the game fun

C asino gaming is supposed to be fun and playing responsibly is always important. Some recent cases show the extremes of what happens when gambling goes wrong.For example, a woman in the Bronx,NY,was recently convicted for defrauding the Social Security Administration and NewYork City Human Resources Administration. She’d made use of fake names and identities to secure government and Social Security benefits and had been running the ruse since 1960.The 77-year-old Carmen Soto used much of the money to gamble at casinos and now faces five years of probation and also must repay the cash. She apparently received a lesser punishment because of her age. In Ohio,a non-profit group closed after the former executive director allegedly embezzled funds to gamble as well. Sabina Serratos was fired by the group earlier this year and now faces a criminal investigation.The group,known asAdelante,offered social services,support,education and outreach to the Latino community in Northwest Ohio.Adelante officials allege she stole more than $400,000.In February,80-year-old nun Mary Margaret Kreuper was sentenced to a year in federal prison for stealing $800,000 from the LosAngeles–area private school she worked as principal at for 28 years. She used much of those funds to gamble.Also this year, Helen Marie Dahlstrom is accused of embezzling $5.3 million from two construction companies and a homeowners association in Mexico. She also is accused of gambling those funds. Good grief! The vast majority of visitors to casinos are there for some entertainment and to just get away from their daily lives, and most gamblers don’t overdo it. Sadly, however, some players gamble irresponsibly and those heading to a casino should always keep some key concepts in mind. Gaming should be fun and it’s important to budget only funds that you are willing,and can afford, to lose for entertainment purposes.If that means it might be tough making a mortgage payment or funding other monthly necessities, definitely consider an alternative.Also,set a budget for your casino trip and stick to it. Don’t chase jackpots; take breaks during your gaming sessions and don’t hit up the ATM machine when those funds are gone.Responsible gaming is critical for those who enjoy some time at casinos.Don’t overdo it. And if you do find yourself crossing the line, there are resources available to help you.We here at Casino Player take problem gambling seriously and are strong proponents in educating gamblers, not only on how to play games smarter and how to get the most from your casino experience, but to also play

responsibly. If you feel you are at risk, the National Council on Problem Gambling operates the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network.The network is a single national access point to local resources for those seeking help for a gambling problem.The network consists of 28 call centers that provide resources for all 50 states and is available 24/7 and is 100 percent confidential.You can call toll free at 1-800-522-4700 or via an online peer support forum at On a more positive note, this issue of Casino Player brings readers plenty of fun and excitement.And nothing says fun like a trip to the Jersey Shore during summertime and this issue, we showcase our favorite beach town—Atlantic City, NJ. We’ve got you covered with some of the most exciting events happening at all of the AC properties this summer—from new rooms and amenities to concerts along the Boardwalk, and even someWWE wrestling.The city offers some great opportunities for sand and slots, beach and blackjack, and hopefully some waves and winnings. Also fittingly, as summer starts to warm up, perhaps some gaming outdoors might be a nice idea.This is a growing trend in the industry since the pandemic of 2020.Relaxing in the open air with a favorite slot or table game can make for a great experience. Grab the sunglasses and enjoy.And for those who enjoy some time at the blackjack tables, this issue brings you the complete dos and don’ts when“hitting”the tables.In this article,Frank Scoblete gives you the ingredients to play America’s favorite table game to help you keep your losses as small as possible.Hopefully these concepts help you make a visit to the cage for some nice returns. Slot guru, Frank Legato, discusses the payback conundrum and goes on to say that high returns are good, but enjoying the game is more important. Some players enjoy the contest against the house edge while others enjoy the sheer entertainment of all the dazzling new features on the penny slots.Whatever you play, play to enjoy the experience.We look to make that next visit to the casinos a fun trip—just remember to always play responsibly.

—Sean Chaffin senior editor Casino Player magazine

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Casino Player America’s Premier Gaming Magazine print • mobile • online VOLUME 33 • ISSUE 2 P R E S I D ENT & CH I E F E X E CU T I V E OF F I C E R Derek James P UB L I SH E R & E D I TOR I A L D I R E C TOR Lisa Robertson-Dziedzic P R O D U C T I O N D I R E C T O R Diane Stevens-Gillan S E N I O R E D I T O R S Sean Chaffin


Reversible Royals & More Was reading“Once in a Lifetime”article in the March issue, and I’ve had two things happen in a casino I’d like to share. It’s been a few years now,but the first one was when me and a friend went to the change machine and I put in a $100 bill.Expecting to get five $20s back, I was shocked when I looked down and saw the first bill on the stack was a $100. I knew something was up, so I didn’t look around or at the camera, just told my buddy“lets go now,” so we walked away into the casino. I pulled the bills out of my pocket and had five $100 bills instead of five $20s. The second time, I sat down on a $5 Red White and Blue 7’s machine. I wasn’t looking and I just put a $100 bill in the machine.It was two coins so I hit the spin button and didn’t hit, but I looked at the credit meter and there were 118 credits instead of 18 like there should have been. I’m guessing the previous player left the credits on the machine. I had no idea how long they were there. I played down to the 100 credits and cashed out. Right or wrong, I kept the money both times. On another subject, I have a question about the progressive reversible royals ma chines. I just returned from Vegas and I no ticed quite a few of these games in mostly quarter denoms with monster payoffs for the R/R—I’m talking about 50 to 60 thousand dol lars. So, my question is: Are the odds of 1) drawing a rev. royal or 2) being dealt one much greater than the normal 40 thousand hands? I would imagine with the size of the payouts it has been a really long time before anyone hit one. —KimT. Via the Internet When such windfalls occur, please keep in mind the casino can take steps to recover its money. In many states, steps include crimi nal prosecution.No lectures, just an alert. As far as Reversible Royals go, there are 120 ways to order a royal flush.Only two of them qualify for the reversible jackpot. The royal cards must be on screen in the order 10-J-Q-K-A or A-K-Q-J-10. If no strategy adjustments are made to account for card position on the initial deal, a game that yields a royal once per 40,000 hands would yield a reversible royal once per 2.4 million hands. Odds on royals and reversible royals vary with odds and strategy, but Michael

Shackelford offers a guide at wizardo . He calculates that if adjustments were made, you’d see a reversible royal about once per 1.9 million hands. Multiplay Video Poker RNG I enjoy your magazine very much, especially letters from readers! My question relates to 100- or 50-play video poker.Are there 100 or 50 individual RNGs running or not? Many times when dealt 2 pair there are no full houses,which seems very unlikely and I’ve be come skeptical! —Mary Via the Internet To the best of our information, a single ran dom number is used, but with up to 100 sep arate draws. If you’re playing 50 hands and hold a pair of 9s, a pair of 5s and discard a 10, the RNG selects a number that corre sponds to one of the other 47 cards for hand No.1, selects a number from that full 47-card set for hand No. 2, and so on. The odds are exactly the same if 50 sep arate RNGs are used to select numbers cor responding to cards in 47-card sets.On each hand, you have a 4 in 47 chance of com pleting a full house. In an average draw, you’d see a frac tion more than four full houses in a 50-hand play, but you are an underdog for a full house in each individual hand. Frequent draws with no full houses are normal.Those draws are balanced by times you drawmore than four full houses—sometimes many more—in your 50 hands. Earning Points If I’ve been playing slots the night before and I’ve lost most of my bankroll,say $2,500 or so, am I better off having breakfast and just going home or do I stay and just play a couple of hundred dollars more and then leave? Basi cally, what I’m asking is,will I be downgraded because I didn’t play much the next day? And if I decide to just leave, is it okay to use my comps and not play at all?

Karrie L. Zukowski C O P Y E D I T O R Lon Rozelle

Jack Clayton John Grochowski Steve Kieva Frank Legato Kara Miller Jack Clayton John Grochowski Steve Kieva Frank Legato Kara Miller

Patrick Roberts Frank Scoblete Jerry “Stickman” Stich Tim Wassberg Sharon Harris-Zlotnick Patrick Roberts Frank Scoblete Jerry “Stickman” Stich Tim Wassberg Sharon Harris-Zlotnick


N AT I O N A L S A L E S D I R E C T O R Karrie L. Zukowski A C C O U N T I N G M A N A G E R Jocelyn James C I R C U L AT I O N M A R K E T I N G D I R E C T O R Maureen Robertson C I R C U L AT I O N D I R E C T O R Jessica Taylor C U S T OM E R S E R V I C E CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-969-0711 O F F I C E S ATLANTIC CITY: 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 (609) 484-8866 • Fax (609) 645-1661 LAS VEGAS: 1137 S. Rancho Drive, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89102-2259 (702) 736-8886 • Fax (702) 736-8889 Casino Player (ISSN 0001-8152) Casino Player is published twelve times a year, one issue per month, by Casino Player Publishing, LLC. 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 BASIC SUBSCRIPTIONS Basic subscription prices do not include shipping & handling. Subscriptions: one year (12 issues) $24; two years (24 issues) $37; three years (36 issues) $53. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Casino Player, 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7, Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 Periodicals postage paid at Galloway, NJ, and at additional mailing offices. © 2022 Casino Player Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication can be reproduced without expressed written permission of the Publisher. Casino Player magazine is a publication of Casino Player Publishing, LLC owned by Casino Player Media (CPM). Not responsible for typographical errors. READER’S ADVISORY: Readers are recommended to make ap propriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before sending monies, incurring expense, entering into any binding commit ment, or wagering any sum in relation to an adver tisement, ar ti cle, column or other feature published in Casino Player. Casino Player shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage in curred or suffered as a result of his/her accepting, offering to ac cept, or following an invitation, advice, or other recommendation contained in any adver tisement, ar ticle, column, or feature pub lished in Casino Player . The views and opinions expressed by the writers and columnists of this magazine are not necessarily representative of the views of its management and employees. BET WITH YOUR HEAD, NOT OVER IT! PROBLEM GAMBLING? CALL 800-552-4700 Samantha Cooper I T D I R E C T O R Robert Walden

—Anonymous Via the Internet

Some player rewards programs do have an average spend per day component. It is pos sible betting a small amount one day after a large amount the previous day could affect

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cashed out with on any given day, which doesn’t require official reporting. The U.S.Congress is, in fact, considering raising that reporting threshold. A bill was introduced in the House in March that would raise the reporting threshold to $5,000. Its sponsors note that with inflation, the $1,200 established in 1977 would easily be more than $5,000 today. Last we looked, the bill was still in the HouseWays & Means Committee. Bingo Program With Electronic Bingo, can the jackpot game be pre-programmed so that the jackpot will not be won until they choose for it to be won? —Shirley G. Via the Internet John Grochowski responds: Electronic bingo numbers are drawn randomly and the operator has no control over when the win ning patterns will appear. That applies regardless of whether you're talking about traditional-style bingo on electronic cards, or Class II slot machines where the game is really electronic bingo but the screen displays a slot-style interface. Regardless of the style of game, more than one person has to be playing. Bingo games are not banked by the house.Winners are paid from a pool of wagers made by all players on the system. On each machine, bingo numbers are delivered by a central server that is linked to all machines. But the house has no control over which numbers are drawn and delivered.

of things:How much do full houses pay, and is there an extra jackpot if you draw a designated kicker to go with the aces? In 10-7-5 Double Bonus Poker, where full houses pay 10-for-1, your average return for a five-coin bet is 50.57 coins if you hold three aces, compared to a flat 50-coin payoff if you hold the full house. If you drop to a 9-6-5 or 9-6-4 pay table —all too common nowadays—the average return for holding three aces dips slightly to 50.26 coins, but the reward for standing pat drops to 45 coins. This no longer is in the realm of close calls. Make the game 9-6 Double Double Bonus, and the 2,000-coin bonanza for four aces plus a low kicker takes the average return when holding A-A-A to 63.58 coins, and that towers over the 45-coin full house return. It’s understood that some players would rather take the sure full-house payoff than risk dropping to three of a kind, but the occasional big pay more than makes up for numerous shortfalls.I have drawn the fourth ace after breaking up a full house, including one particularly memorable time when I was splitting play with my dad. He was happy to go along with the decision, and even happier to divide the big payout. Taxing Question A month ago I hit two jackpots within two weeks of each other at Jake’s 58 Casino, Long Island,NY.One was for $1,599.86, for which I was given aW-2G statement.A week later I hit another jackpot on a different machine for $1,925. I was given the cash but no tax form. When I questioned the cashier she stated that one was not issued.Do I still have to claim this jackpot with no tax form?Also, I recently read about the amount of the $1,200-and-up tax threshold being raised to $5,000 and up. Do you know when this will happen? —Joanne Coddington Bayville,NY First, the casino violated federal law in not issuing a W-2G for the second jackpot. The Internal Revenue Service requires issuance of aW-2G form for any slot jackpot of $1,200 or more. As to whether you still have to claim it, all we can say is that the IRS officially considers all gambling winnings income. However, with noW-2G, there is no record of the income. It’s the same as the $200 you

your rewards.

However, rewards programs have be come increasingly sophisticated in use of modern analytics. Spikes and drops in daily wagering are not unusual, and the best programs will pick up on your patterns. As always, a caution: Protect your bankroll. If you have limits going into a casino visit, stick to them and don’t feel like you have to bet extra for the sake of comps. Take and enjoy the rewards you get, but don’t overbet and risk losses outside your comfort zone. Welcome Screens I play IGT Double Double Bonus Poker and the following situation has happened to me several times.After selecting my game from the home screen, I start playing my poker hands and select what cards to hold. Every once in a while,after pressing a hold button, the display goes back to the home screen.I tap the double double bonus icon and the screen displays my game. Problem is, it says “game over” and I’ve lost my hand and wager without ever making a play. Anybody ever have this happen to them? Or, am I doing something wrong? —Alan B. Massillon,OH John Grochowski responds: I’ve not encountered this, nor have I heard of it being a widespread problem. But since it’s hap pened to you more than once, be ready to report any incident. As soon as the game returns to the welcome screen while you’re mid-play, call an attendant and let them know what’s happening. The time for the casino to check on a problem is while it’s happening.Whether your bet is refunded, or the operator finds some other way to satisfy you, and whether the casino then has the software checked will depend on individual casino policy, but they can’t make things right if they don’t know there’s a problem. Holding Aces Everything I’ve read about video poker says that in games that pay 800 or more on four aces, you should break up an aces-up full house to hold the aces alone. Is that true in all of those games? How close a call is it?

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS? WE WANT TO KNOW! E-MAIL US! or write to: Letters to the Editor 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, New Jersey 08205

—Anonymous Via the Internet

The closeness of the call depends on a couple

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Wynn Las Vegas unveiled its luxury guest accommodations across Wynn Las Vegas and Wynn Tower Suites in June. The project is the largest and most extensive design evolution ever made to the tower’s 2,674 guest rooms, suites, elevator lobbies and resort tower corridors.

W ynn Las Vegas, the largest Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star resort in the world, unveils details of a new room con cept that will transform its luxury guest accommodations across Wynn Las Vegas and Wynn Tower Suites. Currently under construction and scheduled to be completed this month, the proj ect is the largest and most extensive design evolution ever made to the tower’s 2,674 guest rooms,suites,elevator lobbies and resort tower corridors.At its heart, the new guest-room design intends to give travelers a sense of escapism that feels instantly comfortable and familiar. Rooted in a polychromatic palette of soft hues, layers of pattern and texture abound.Each room is highlighted by wood accent walls, a range of functional and atmospheric illumination, luxurious textiles and linens, and accents of natural stone, decora tive metal and original artwork. WYNN LAS VEGAS ROLLS OUT NEW LUXURY ACCOMMODATIONS

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Resorts World Las Vegas Unveils 26 Life-Sized Baby Elephant Statues R esortsWorld Las Vegas, in partner ship with Elephant Parade, recently debuted 26 decorated elephant statues as they kick off their efforts to raise funds and awareness for elephant welfare and conservation projects.The parade took overThe District as a herd of life-sized baby elephant statues were unveiled, each being personally designed by various celebrity, retail and business partners. Elephant Parade, the world’s largest touring public elephant art exposition that raises awareness of and support for elephants, carries a strong conservation message to highlight the plight of wild elephants. Elephant Parade has toured around the world, and this stop at ResortsWorld Las Vegas will mark the first-ever display in the city.This exciting installation will be at the Strip’s newest resort through Labor Day week end, then will be auctioned off to benefit elephant welfare programs.

Artist renderings of Red Hawk Casino’s new hotel lobby (top) and guest rooms.

R ed Hawk Casino in Placerville, CA, celebrated the“topping off”of the hotel construction with a special ceremony on June 17.The“topping off”of a construction project high lights when the top floor of the project has the final piece of steel placed. Construction on the interior of the hotel will continue,with an anticipated opening later this year. The hotel and amusement center project is the first major expansion of Red Hawk Casino since its opening in 2008.The nearly 120,000-square-foot hotel will feature five stories, with 150 deluxe guest rooms, including 25 suites.Guests will also enjoy a stunning outdoor terrace with a pool and fitness center. The construction of the amusement center, a simultaneous 85,000-square-foot project located on the casino level,will soon become a guest favorite.This center will be a destina tion for the entire family,with the only multi-level, indoor electric go-kart track in California, designed by 360 Karting. In addition to karting, Red Hawk guests can also experience the 18-lane state-of-the-art interactive bowling alley. For those special occasions, the bowling alley features a private four-lane bowling experience with a variety of catering op tions. Guests looking for the next level of entertainment will experience it all with roaming virtual reality gaming rooms, arcade, golf simulation bays and an all-new sports bar that will include bar-top video slots, and numerous television screens set to broadcast an entire array of sports,with an immense 28-foot television for highlighted events. “We are beyond excited to offer our casino guests and visitors to El Dorado County a new, first-class resort experience, along with thrilling entertainment and activities,”says Bryan deLugo, Red Hawk Casino president and CEO. Red Hawk Casino offers guests more than 2,000 exciting slots, all the most popular table games and five award-winning restaurants. Topping Off at Red Hawk Casino

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O nTuesday,May 3, Lumière Place Casino & Hotel in St. Louis, MO, officially transitioned into the legendary Horseshoe brand with a ribbon cut ting ceremony. Caesars Entertainment Regional President Bill Reeg, Horseshoe St. Louis SVP & GM Brian Marsh and CEO of Greater St.Louis,Inc.Jason Hall gave remarks prior to the group walking over to the newly constructed Horseshoe St. Louis entrance sign where the ribbon cutting took place. “We’re thrilled to officially become Horseshoe St. Louis,”said Brian Marsh,SVP & GM of Horseshoe St.Louis. “We’ve received nothing but positive feedback for the brand and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome our guests to the legendary Horseshoe.”

tination entertainment that all great downtowns have in common.We look forward to a long partnership with Horseshoe.” The transformation into the legendary Horseshoe includes a ren ovated exterior with Horseshoe signage,a new look for the casino floor, including updated carpeting and lighting, and new slot options.A new Starbucks will join the stellar restaurant line-up later in the year.In keep ing with Horseshoe’s classic sophistication, the design team incorpo rated a handcrafted feeling with tooled leather,dramatic colors and the brand’s signature gold horseshoe iconography. For more information,visit

Following the ribbon cutting, the group went inside to enjoy cel ebratory cake,pastries,pizza and pasta fromThe Slice Pizzeria and Pasta, and a reception at Cinder House at the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis, located on the Horseshoe St. Louis complex. “Horseshoe’s investment not only means a new look for this an chor riverfront institution, it also means more jobs for our metro and more activity on Laclede’s Landing,” said Jason Hall, CEO of Greater St. Louis, Inc.“Rebranding as Horseshoe signals a commitment to our city, to our north riverfront, and to our efforts to promote the type of des


reimagined casino floor and more. In keeping with Horseshoe’s classic sophistication, the design team will incorporate a handcrafted feeling with tooled leather,dramatic colors and the brand’s signature gold horse shoe iconography. “Isle Casino Hotel Black Hawk is the premier choice for gaming, dining and nightlife and the transformation into the iconic Horseshoe brand will only enhance the experience for our guests,”said Isle Casino Hotel Black Hawk SVP and General Manager Norris Hamilton.“We could n’t be more excited to bring this legendary brand to Colorado and con tinue to offer unparalleled and elevated experiences.” Isle Casino Hotel’s fine dining experience,Roxy Restaurant and Bar, will be joined by Brew Brothers later in the year. In partnership with Caesars Sportsbook, Brew Brothers will offer a new, immersive way to catch a game. Started by the Carano family in 1995, Brew Brothers has been named Best Brewpub in America by Nightclub & Bar magazine and its Horseshoe Blackhawk location will feature local Colorado brews and an extensive food menu. Over the next several months, guests will begin to see changes around the property, with the complete transformation to Horseshoe expected this fall.

H istoric casino brand Horseshoe is coming to Black Hawk as Isle Casino Hotel Black Hawk begins transformation into the leg endary brand this summer.The property evolution is expected to continue into the fall and will remain open throughout the transition. The transformation into the legendary Horseshoe will include a renovated exterior with Horseshoe signage, newly refreshed rooms, a

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Summer Swing Rocky Gap Casino Resort offers a great gaming and golf getaway


R ocky Gap Casino Resort, a AAA Four Diamond Hotel nestled in the Appalachian Mountains in Flintstone,MD,offers an award-winning golf course, lux urious amenities, a variety of restaurants for all occasions, spaciously distanced outdoor activities,and a high-energy casino experience—all set to the natural beauty of Rocky Gap State Park. Rocky Gap features Maryland’s only Jack Nicklaus Design Golf Course.The course is easily accessible from Exit 50 on I-68, but while playing you’ll feel like you’re a million miles away.The design takes advantage of the location among the undulating hills of the ageless Appalachian Mountains and the blue waters of the adja cent lake. Golfers of all skill levels are drawn to the challenges and uniqueness that this 18-hole mountain course pro vides. The front nine is carved from mountainous, tree lined terrain with numerous dramatic elevation changes, while the back nine is spread across expansive, gently rolling meadows.Five tee boxes per hole allow all players to adjust the level of challenge to their handicap. The course is a 7,000-yard, par 72, and also features a 50-spot

Home to Downtown Las Vegas’ only bingo room, the Plaza Hotel & Casino will hold its $160,000 Super Bingo tournament, July 31 throughAug. 2. Held in the Plaza’s updated ballroom, Super Bingo typically draws nearly 1,000 people from across the country and as far away as Hawaii and Canada for the oppor tunity to win big playing fun-filled games of bingo over two days,with a $50,000 super coverall both days,while socializing with like-minded bingo players. Bingo-only registration is $160 per person. For the July 31 – Aug. 2 event only, Nevada residents can register for just $80 per person.A registration request form is available online at https://www.plazahotel tion/. Hotel-and-bingo packages start at $300 for a four-night stay (Sunday through Wednesday) with no resort fee. All Super Bingo players receive one 6 on paper pack for both days, two daubers, free drinks via an open bar at all sessions, boxed lunch both days, and $10 in free slot play after the first day’s session. The Plaza’s Bingo Room offers six daily bingo sessions at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., and is uniquely located two floors above the main casino.

Stay and play this summer and enjoy luxurious accommodations

and amazing lake views at Rocky Gap Casino Hotel.

driving range,two large putting greens,two chipping areas,practice bunker and club rentals. From now until Sept.1, you can take lessons from Rocky Gap Golf Professional Rick Flowers.A PGA member and head golf professional,Rick has been a Class“A”member of the Professional Golf Association since 1994. He spent 1997 to 2001 teaching the game of golf to a nationwide audience as a member of the world’s largest golf instruction academy, the John Jacobs Golf School—home to four of the “Top 50” Golf Magazine instructors during that time. And for a limited time,when you buy one round of golf, you get one free! Other upcoming events at Rocky Gap include Jay Stevens, July 21; Andy Beningo, August 4;and Felicia Gillespie,August 11.Plus,amazing promotions like the Progressive Hole In One that runs through Nov.Achieve a hole in one on hole #6 and win $1,000 in free slot play.Top prize increases each month by $1,000 to a max of $5,000 if it is not won. Also, for the month of July,play your favorite slots on Fridays for a chance to win $100 gas gift cards, with one lucky player winning gas for a year. For more information, visit

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Carlos Santana Extends House of Blues Residency Legendary guitarist Carlos Santana, along with the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, announced that An Intimate

Evening with Santana: Greatest Hits Live will continue to keep crowds rockin’ and rollin’ throughout the year. Featuring unparalleled

dynamic energy, the Santana residency is a must-see concert experience for locals and fans from around the world who travel to feel the love and groove along side the award-winning artist. The recently added dates are Sept. 14, 16–18, 21, 23–25; Nov. 2, 4–6, 9, 11–13.


Laugh throughout the season with these comedy icons W ith several comedy clubs in the destination—plus residencies from the biggest names in stand-up— there’s always time for a laugh in Las Vegas. From

legends who have been taking the stage for decades to contemporary acts with blockbuster movies and hit TV shows on their résumé, here are the entertainers who will have visitors in stitches this season.

Kathleen Madigan

Ron White

Jim Gaffigan

John Lovitz

Kathleen Madigan at The MirageTheater, The Mirage Hotel & Casino, Aug. 5. Chico Bean at The Mirage Theater, The Mirage Hotel & Casino, Aug. 6. Jim Jeffries at The Mirage Theater, The Mirage Hotel & Casino, Aug. 12 & 13.

Celeste Barber at TheVenetian Theatre, TheVenetian Resort Las Vegas, Aug 13. Ron White at The Mirage Theater, The Mirage Hotel & Casino, Aug. 19 & 20.

Nikki Glaser at TheTheater, Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, Sept. 2.

Deon Cole at EncoreTheater, Wynn Las Vegas, Sept. 2.

John Lovitz at the Laugh Factory,Tropicana Las Vegas, July 28 – 31; Aug, 1 – 3. Tom Segura at The Mirage Theater, The Mirage Hotel & Casino, July 29 & 30.

George Lopez at The Mirage Theater, The Mirage Hotel & Casino, Sept. 2 & 3.

Jim Gaffigan at Encore Theater at Wynn Las Vegas, Aug. 26 & 27.

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S et on 17 acres,with the legendaryAtlantic City Boardwalk as its backdrop, this 4-million-square-foot property truly has it all— from a casino boasting 2,250 slots,120 table games and a sports book, to entertainment,one-of-a-kind award-winning amenities, and luxe accommodations. Hard Rock Atlantic City presents world-class entertainment at the 5,500-seat Hard Rock Live at EtessArena, the 1,300-seat SoundWaves,and “365 Live”stages,which offers entertainment seven days a week through out the year—an unparalleled commitment. Upcoming headliner shows include Maze featuring Frankie Beverly &The O’Jays on July 16,Sam Hunt on July 23,Chris Isaak on July 29,FrankieValli &The Four Seasons on July 30,Alicia Keys on August 6, Rod Stewart on August 19,Tom Segura on August 27, Bert Kreischer on Sept. 3 & 4, John Fogerty on Sept. 9, and Ringo Starr & His All Star Band on Sept. 24. Those looking to unwind can visit Rock Spa & Salon, which puts a musical twist on classic treatments.Rock Spa features 31 treatment rooms, which include 20 dedicated massage rooms, four facial rooms, two cou ples’ suites, three body treatment rooms, two Rhythm & Motion rooms, and a full-service salon, including manicures, pedicures, makeup, barber and hair services.Guests can choose from a variety of spa and salon serv ices and packages ideal for a single service or full-day escape. Touted as “More Zeppelin than Zen,” the brand’s signature Rhythm & Motion menu offers the world’s first fully immersive music-centric spa treatments that utilize amplified vibrations, pressures and patterns.This

groundbreaking experience takes guests on a rhythmic massage jour ney—bass vibrations ripple through the massage table as treble beats come from above, sending pulses through the body and leaving guests feeling energized and invigorated.Whether it’s a girlfriends’getaway,bridal party, or just a desire to Spa like a Rock Star, their private VIP spa suite is perfect for small groups. Along with an endless array of upscale amenities,the music-inspired property offers lavish guest rooms and suites,with stunning views of the city and the pristine Atlantic Ocean. Each of the hotel’s guest rooms and suites radiates a contemporary style, with guests enjoying high-speed, property-wide Wi-Fi; 24-hour in-room dining; towel and chair service at the indoor pool; and 24-hour access to Body Rock Fitness Center, featur ing state-of-the-art Technogym cardio and circuit training equipment. Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City also has one of the largest music memorabilia collections in the United States, featuring countless one-of-a-kind items from artists such as The Beatles,Elvis Presley,Madonna, KISS,Bruce Springsteen,Bon Jovi and many others.Highlights of the col lection include the handwritten lyrics to “Imagine” by John Lennon and Elvis’s personal 1963 Rolls-Royce Phantom. From signed music memora bilia to collectible musical instruments and everything in between, this is one of the largest music collections around. For more information or to book your stay at Hard Rock Hotel & CasinoAtlantic City,visit or call (609) 449-1000.

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Food for Thought Gaming ingredients for smart blackjack play By Frank Scoblete

T ake any food package or jar of food and you will invariably see on the back or side of it a list of the ingredients that food con tains.This is obviously an attempt to help you decide whether to eat that particular food. I check out the calories first.Has that helped me? I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might incriminate me. I think we should have the same thing for casino games.Why shouldn’t players know what they are getting into? Too many play the games and are not aware of exactly what they are doing.The more you know (hopefully) the less you will lose over time. The key to casino play is to try to keep your losses as small as pos sible. All casino gamblers know—or should know—that the house has an edge on every game and just about every bet at every game. If they don’t know this,then,well,they better learn it as fast as possible as such learning can be considered an exercise in self-preservation. So here is my first gaming ingredients column.We’ll tackle the most popular table game, blackjack, to see what exactly is in that con coction. Since the mid-1960s blackjack has taken the crown away from craps as the favored game.This has to do with two things: the arrival of the card-counting revolution and the arrival of more and more female players.Craps was and still is a male-dominated game.Sadly, few females flock to it.

Improper playing strategies: Based on your own logic or the advice of people who have no idea of what they are doing, seriously wrong methods predominate in some quarters of the blackjack com munity. House edges: 2 percent or more. Money equivalent: A loss of $2 or more per $100 wagered over time. Do not: Play more than one hand as this increases the money the house edge will grind away at. Do not: Increase bets in hot streaks as the house wins approximately 48 percent of the hands while the player wins approximately 44 per cent and approximately 8 percent are pushes; therefore, you are again giving the house edge more money to grind away at. Table selection: Only play at full or close to full tables as this re duces the total number of decisions the house edge can attack. Number of players: In general, the more players the fewer the hands an individual player will bet; fewer players will mean the more hands on which the player will wager. Bathroom breaks: Only when the game is in full swing, not dur ing a shuffle, as going to the bathroom in this way reduces the total number of hands a player plays and over time that will mean fewer losses. Good streaks: Can be short and strong for the player who makes the proper decisions based on basic strategy. Bad streaks: On premium hands where the player doubles down, splits pairs,doubles after splits,although these will help the player over all and should be played correctly,a losing streak on those hands can put the player in a deep hole that will be difficult to escape.

THE BLACKJACK FACTS Hands per hour: Between 60 and over 100

Proper playing method: Computer-derived basic strategy. House edges: Depending on game, about one-half percent. Money equivalent: An expected loss of 50 cents per $100 wagered over time.

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The key to casino play is to try to keep your losses as small as possible. All casino gamblers know— or should know—that the house has an edge on every game and just about every bet at every game. “

No perfection: No hand in blackjack, even a blackjack itself, is a per fect hand as blackjacks can tie with the dealer’s blackjack

EXTRA NOTES Avoid: Blackjack games where the payout for a blackjack is 6 to 5 as the house edge might more than double in such games. Rules count: The more liberal the rules at the game,the better it is for the player; the more restrictive the rules, the better it is for the casino. Giving advice: Even if a player asks you for advice, politely tell that player to ask the dealer. Even seemingly nice players might get angry if your advice fails them; best to remain silent. COMPS Almost all casino players who hand in a player’s card will get some kind of comps. • comps are not judgements of your character. • they are judgements based on what the house considers howmuch on average you will lose playing your way at your level of stakes over time. • the house wants to establish your theoretical loss and they will comp you based on that. • comps are not free stuff, they are based on your potential losses. • your casino rating is based on the“quality”of your potential losses.

I am guessing many of you can add to this ingredients list.Do so.As stated, the key to casino gaming is being able to keep your losses as low as possible. Enjoy your wins, too, and these will come more frequently if you play correctly.Maybe that goes without saying but I said it anyway. All the best in and out of the casinos! ´

Frank Scoblete’s website is books are available at, Barnes and Noble, Kindle, e-books, libraries and bookstores.








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The Payback Conundrum High returns are good, but enjoying the game is important

➤ by Frank Legato

F or more than three decades, Casino Player has been advising players to go for the“loosest slots”—meaning,the best gamble on the slot floor is the game with the highest payback per centage. This magazine, in fact, invented the term “loose slots,” when the early issues of the magazine—which debuted in 1988—began collect ing publicly reported statistics from casinos on what’s known as the slot “hold.” Slot hold is the amount of all wagers “won” by the casino—in other words, lost by players. Our early editors decided that players would be more interested in the converse of those statistics—the portion of wagers won by players. So they took those hold statistics and flip-flopped them, creating the payback charts you will still find at the back of this magazine.Now,play ers could see which casinos returned the most to gamblers in slot wins. Casinos wear the“loose slots”designation as a badge of honor, advertis ing in this magazine and even on billboards their recognition,via actual statistics, for offering high payback to players. This magazine has tried to boil those statistics down to individual slot choices. Sometimes, we flip-flop the numbers back the other way to show the “hold” of a particular game.Too many players sometimes misunderstand the concept of payback percentage as it pertains to an individual machine:“If this game has a 95 percent payback percentage, why did I lose? Shouldn’t I be winning on 9.5 out of every 10 spins?” Well, no.That 95 percent statistic is a theoretical number applied to all the spins on a given machine. It is created by an engineer manip ulating the number of winning symbols and losing symbols in the pro gram. Each symbol is given a number in the game program.Low-paying symbols and blanks get a lot of duplication—more numbers that corre spond to that result.The highest-paying symbols get very few numbers. That math determines the theoretical payback percentage,which is tested by simulating literally millions of spins. In reality, the number represents the percentage of all wagers,by all players,on a given game. That’s why it can be confusing to some players. It’s easier for players to understand the converse,casino hold, in the same terms that table-game players use:house advantage,or house edge. A 95 percent payback—also known as return to player,or RTP—means that game has a 5 percent house edge. For years, we’ve directed players to the traditional reel-spinning slot games if they wanted to play a game with a low house edge.We’ve told you to seek out high-denomination mechanical reel-spinners for the best payback percentages. A traditional reel-spinner in a denomina

tion at or higher than dollars will typically have a house edge below 5 percent. If you want to go for the $2 or $5 denomination, you’re down to an edge of 2 percent or less in many cases—that’s on par with the top table games. This advice remains valid today, but today’s slot f loor is totally different than it was when the first issue of Casino Player came out in 1988.What has turned player choice on its ear has been the penny denomination. After slots stopped taking physical coins in the early 2000s, the multi-line video slot became the prominent game style. Because of the low denomination, a lot more volatility could be built into the programs—in other words, a lot more huge credit awards.

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At the same time, different game mechanics like hold-and spin, free games and frequent wheel spins became wildly popu lar with players.When it comes to payback percentage, though, this presents a double-edged sword.To pay for all those special features,the payback percentages in the penny denomination are the lowest on the slot floor. And because of the low denomination,maximum bets rose to hundreds of credits. Players now are faced with wagering the same $3 they did on that classic dollar reel-spinner for a game with a house edge typically over 10 percent, and often much higher. But even equipped with that knowledge, players flock to the penny games. Over the years, I’ve had trouble wrapping my brain around this fact.I still play the traditional games when I play slots.(I prefer video poker,actually.)Why,I have wondered,would anyone pick a game with a 12 percent house edge over one with a 5 percent house edge? The answer to that conundrum is that I’m a gambler. I play to beat the house, to win money. Fans of the penny games are a different breed of slot player.They choose the higher house edge because they love the features those games offer.They play to be entertained. If they win money, great—but the main point is they’ve had a great time playing the slot machine. And that’s a fine philosophy for playing. Thus,when readers nowadays ask me where to find the best slot games to play, my answer depends on one aspect:Why do you play slot machines? If you’re in it for the gamble,go for those simple three-reel, high-denomination games.Those give you the best overall shot to overcome the inherent house edge. But it’s OK to play for the sheer entertainment of the expe rience as well. Gamblers like me enjoy the contest against that house edge.And that’s the key—play what you enjoy. If you enjoy those hold-and-spin penny games with all the dazzling features,go for it. Even with the big house edge, you’ll enjoy the experience. In the end, that’s what it’s all about. ´ I play to beat the house, to win money. Fans of the penny games are a different breed of slot player. They choose the higher house edge because they love the features those games offer. They play to be entertained. If they win money, great— but the main point is they’ve had a great time playing the slot machine.

Dragon Link HD $1 Million In-House Progressive Slot Machine Debuts at Mohegan Sun M ohegan Sun in Uncasville, CT, is known in the casino

industry for cutting-edge tech nology, beautiful,state-of-the-art casinos, and a variety of the most popular machines, and is now home to the Northeast’s first $1 million in-house pro gressive—Dragon Link slot game. Located in the High Limit

Slot section, the new Dragon Link HD $1 million progressive jackpot allows for jackpots to be built up solely from action placed on the Dragon Link slots at Mohegan Sun. “We’re thrilled to roll out the Dragon Link in-house progressive games for our guests and to be the first destination in the Northeast to have them is also very exciting,”said Jeff Hamilton,president & GM of Mohegan Sun.“Mohegan Sun regularly has jackpots that exceed $1 million and these new Aristocrat games will certainly contribute to more.” The Dragon Link $1 million jackpot game has a $25 minimum bet and a $2,500 max bet. Aristocrat’s Dragon Link HD is one of the most popular slot games in the world.The title Dragon Link Happy & Prosperous was named Top Performing Premium Game and Top Performing Propri etary Branded Game in the recent EKG Slot Awards. Mohegan Sun is home to nearly 4,000 slot machines and nearly 300 table games across two unique casinos (Casino of the Earth and Casino of the Sky) and of fers various promotions throughout the year.

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