Casino Player December 2022
Casino Player America’s Premier Gaming Magazine print • mobile • online VOLUME 33 • ISSUE 7 P R E S I D ENT & CH I E F E X E CU T I V E OF F I C E R Derek James P UB L I S H E R & E D I TOR I A L D I R E C TOR Lisa Robertson-Dziedzic P R O D U C T I O N D I R E C T O R Diane Stevens-Gillan S E N I O R E D I T O R S Sean Chaffin
The Risk of Staying Too Long I usually do pretty well in the casino. My prob lem is, I never seem to leave a winner—or at least, not leaving with as much as I should. Here’s a recent example of what I’m talking about. Last week, I won a solid $3,565 jackpot thanks to a great hit on a video poker game— Ultimate X.I had been playing for about an hour and a half when I hit, and at that point I was down about $600.That win was a great shot in the arm, made even more thrilling because I was almost out of money for the night. Now I had a decision to make: do I leave ahead nearly $3,000, or do I keep playing, hoping to win more and have fun doing it?You can probably guess what happened. I decided to stay and play a little longer since I now had a sizable bankroll.Plus, this could be the start of a winning streak and I wanted to take the most advantage of it. That didn’t happen. I played video poker a little longer and got nothing. Lost $400. I decided to switch things up and went to try a few slots. I lost $200 on one machine, $300 on the next, and another $300 on the third. I went back to my video poker machine and dropped another $400.This sort of thing went on for a while. I’d hit a little bit, but eventually lose more and more. In the end I left a winner, but instead of being ahead about $3,000 I went home with just about a $900 profit. Was I wrong to continue playing? Should I have left immediately? I won for the night, but what I put back stings.And it’s not the first time it’s happened.What’s your advice? —M.D. West Palm Beach, FL
The short answer is that it is okay to play a little longer after winning. But what you did sounds more like an excited frenzy—the thought that you’re fat with cash and unstop pable. You need a more reasoned approach to playing and managing your money. Gambling’s tough. It’s risky.And by and large the house has a much, much better chance of being the winner in any encounter than you do. So when you’re ahead, especially by a decent amount, it’s not to be taken lightly or frivolously. Good advice for the circumstance you describe, as soon as you had the money in hand, put the bulk of it in your pocket—about 70 percent—never to be seen again while in the casino. (Some players will take half of the money and put the rest at risk, but a more conservative 70 percent is a better approach if you’d like to keep the bulk of your winnings.) So in this situation, you would be playing with 30 percent of $3,000, or $900. That amount of money affords you the freedom to continue playing while locking in a nice profit. If you win more, great. If not, you still leave the casino with more of those hard fought winnings instead of the stinging pain of regret. Bingo Program With electronic bingo,can the jackpot game be pre-programmed so that the jackpot will not be won until they choose for it to be won? —Shirley G. Via the Internet John Grochowski responds: Electronic bingo numbers are drawn randomly and the operator has no control over when the winning patterns will appear. That applies regardless of whether you’re talking about tra ditional-style bingo on electronic cards, or Class II slot machines where the game is really electronic bingo but the screen displays a slot style interface. Regardless of the style of game, more than one person has to be playing. Bingo games are not banked by the house.Winners are paid from a pool of wagers made by all players on the system.On each machine, bingo numbers are delivered by a central server that is linked to all machines.But the house has no control over which numbers are drawn and delivered.
Karrie L. Zukowski C O P Y E D I T O R Lon Rozelle
Jack Clayton John Grochowski Steve Kieva Frank Legato Kara Miller Jack Clayton John Grochowski Steve Kieva Frank Legato Kara Miller
Patrick Roberts Frank Scoblete Jerry “Stickman” Stich Tim Wassberg Sharon Harris-Zlotnick Patrick Roberts Frank Scoblete Jerry “Stickman” Stich Tim Wassberg Sharon Harris-Zlotnick
N AT I O N A L S A L E S D I R E C T O R Karrie L. Zukowski A C C O U N T I N G M A N A G E R Jocelyn James C I R C U L AT I O N M A R K E T I N G D I R E C T O R Maureen Robertson C I R C U L AT I O N D I R E C T O R Jessica Taylor C U S T OM E R S E R V I C E CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-969-0711 O F F I C E S ATLANTIC CITY: 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 (609) 484-8866 • Fax (609) 645-1661 LAS VEGAS: 1137 S. Rancho Drive, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89102-2259 (702) 736-8886 • Fax (702) 736-8889 Casino Player (ISSN 0001-8152) Casino Player is published twelve times a year, one issue per month, by Casino Player Publishing, LLC. 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 BASIC SUBSCRIPTIONS Basic subscription prices do not include shipping & handling. Subscriptions: one year (12 issues) $24; two years (24 issues) $37; three years (36 issues) $53. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Casino Player, 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7, Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 Periodicals postage paid at Galloway, NJ, and at additional mailing offices. © 2022 Casino Player Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication can be reproduced without expressed written permission of the Publisher. Casino Player magazine is a publication of Casino Player Publishing, LLC owned by Casino Player Media (CPM). Not responsible for typographical errors. READER’S ADVISORY: Readers are recommended to make ap propriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before sending monies, incurring expense, entering into any binding commit ment, or wagering any sum in relation to an adver tisement, ar ti cle, column or other feature published in Casino Player. Casino Player shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage in curred or suffered as a result of his/her accepting, offering to ac cept, or following an invitation, advice, or other recommendation contained in any adver tisement, ar ticle, column, or feature pub lished in Casino Player . The views and opinions expressed by the writers and columnists of this magazine are not necessarily representative of the views of its management and employees. BET WITH YOUR HEAD, NOT OVER IT! PROBLEM GAMBLING? CALL 800-552-4700 Samantha Cooper I T D I R E C T O R Robert Walden
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