Casino Player December 2022
If you play craps at all, you know some days it’s just not happening. A cold table in craps is like Arctic cold, and I try to get my money out of that environment and into someplace warmer.
There are good blackjack games and, well, not so good blackjack games in casinos across the country. The same is true for video poker games. When it comes to casino gaming, the importance of knowing where to find favorable games and how to play your favorite games can’t be stressed enough. When it comes to blackjack, knowing the optimum strategy is of utmost importance but a good player must also have a bit of versatility. Casinos have different blackjack variants being played with varying numbers of decks of cards. Video poker, for instance, is a game that can have a positive expectation if the right com
bination of strategy, pay table and casino perks is present. It’s the player’s responsi bility to gain the knowledge necessary to know the proper play on each and every hand dealt—but we’ve also got to stay aware of finding positive games that can turn a play positive. Casino Player is looking for the Best Blackjack and the Best Video Poker games in America and we need your help! We are asking readers to vote for their favorite casinos to play blackjack and video poker. Simply fill out the simple survey online at or fill out the questionnaire below and mail it in—it’s quick and easy. Either way, we ask that you fill in your choices and return the survey no later than Jan. 5, 2023. One vote per person will be tabulated.
jump on craps, though I don’t like to be the shooter. I also play some penny slots, especially when my wife is with me.The game that we like lately is Batman—the 1960s Batman. I guess first impressions do make a difference.The first time I played, on my first spin, I got the bonus wheel, and it landed on Joker.That meant I got eight free spins,with special Joker wild symbols, and I had a spin where it was Jokers all the way across. It was fun, and it’s part of my list of things to do now, thoughThree Card Poker still comes first. Let me say upfront that I go to play blackjack. Period. I go in planning to play blackjack, and if I’m getting even semi-decent cards,I’ll play black jack and nothing else.I don’t expect to win every time. I do expect to get a decent run for my money. Sometimes I don’t get a decent run for my money, and when that happens, I think about a backup. If I’m moving off blackjack, it means my money is going fast and I want to slow it down. When I’m in a big casino with lots of games, I’ll usually slide over to Pai-Gow Poker. So many hands are pushes—with me winning either the five-card or two-card hand and the dealer win ning the other one—that my money lasts a long time and at least gives me a chance to regroup. If the casino doesn’t have Pai-Gow, then Three Card Poker—and I only play the ante bet. There’s a little strategy there,the house edge isn’t too high, and at least I have a change of pace. ´ ROB Blackjack
Best Casino to Play Blackjack Casino Name____________________________________City_________________
Casino With the Best Blackjack Dealers Casino Name____________________________________City_________________
Best Casino to Play Video Poker Casino Name____________________________________City_________________
Casino With the Best Video Poker Variety Casino Name____________________________________City_________________
Favorite Video Poker Game Casino Name____________________________________City_________________ VOTE ONLINE AT
or mail in the survey to: Casino Player Best Blackjack 333 E. JIMMIE LEEDS RD., SUITE 7, GALLOWAY, NJ 08205
Limit one survey per person/per email address. Full name, address and email address must be included for the survey to count. Survey must be received no later than Jan. 5, 2023.
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