Casino Player August 2022

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In The Spotlight World Series of Poker Recap Princess Diana: A Tribute Exhibition to debut in Las Vegas Aerosmith Are Back with Las Vegas Residency Aerosmith: Deuces Are Wild Billy Idol to return to The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan

6 Publisher’s Message Against All Odds: How to avoid repeated mistakes in the casinos by Lisa Robertson-Dziedzic 8 Players Talk You asked—we answered! 10 The Buzz Our coast-to-coast roundup of gaming’s hottest news 18 Strip Search Cut Above: Any way you slice it, there’s a whole lot of steak in Las Vegas by Steve Kieva 20 Scobe Speaks Soothsayer: Winning opportunities when playing craps by Frank Scoblete 44 Playing in the Spotlight Entertainment listings from casinos nationwide

52 Slot Payout Percentages State-by-state breakdown of slot machine payouts 57 Winners Lucky jackpot hits from casinos across the country 58 Player of the Month Espen Jorstad chalks up World Series of Poker main event title

Expert Advice Is It The Same? Video poker questions for players

new to online gambling The truth about winning back-to-back jackpots

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Seneca Gaming Corporation celebrates winning pair of anniversaries 32 BETTING THE FAVORITE Everything sports wagering by Sean Chaffin 40 SPORTS BETTING 101 A beginner’s guide to getting in on the action 42 DOWNTOWN DELUXE


Plaza EO dishes on casino’s big plans for Downtown Las Vegas by Sean Chaffin

Sweetgrass Golf Course at Island Resort & Casino


PLAYING POKER 26 Score Board:

PLAYING THE MACHINES 22 Influencer on the Reels: One of the first “slot influencers” gets his own

WSOP concludes with huge numbers, some big-name winners by Sean Chaffin

slot machine by Frank Legato

PLAYING TABLES 24 Blackjack Shockers: Long shots happen more than you think 25 Hot Tables: Table games are paying out big at casinos nationwide


Vacation, day trip, or night out, there’s no wrong way to MotorCity. With world-class gaming, dining, and entertainment — plus a luxurious hotel and spa — MotorCity Casino Hotel has all the ingredients for a great escape. Get in on all the action at our FanDuel Sportsbook, or see a show at Sound Board, our state-of-the-art theater. The hardest part is deciding what to do first. Book your stay today at

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Against All Odds How to avoid repeated mistakes in the casinos

A few weeks ago, I was invited to the opening of Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. For those of you who are planning to visit the seaside gaming mecca this summer, this exhibit is a must-see for everyone.The show is running at the property for a limited time through August 28 and offers guests a unique sensory spectacular that literally immerses you right into 300 of Van Gogh’s iconic paintings. It truly is a delight to see something so different come to the city—a little culture mixed with modern technology projected in a serene setting.The cura tors did a beautiful job making the experience so grand and it was a ter rific way to spend an hour or so meandering through this master’s works. A night out at a casino for me also means a great dinner at a fine restaurant (hopefully one I haven’t tried before) and of course, a little gambling on the casino floor.Fairly new to the property is the Sandpiper Coastal Bar & Grill,which opened at Hard Rock this past October and has been receiving rave reviews ever since. After the exhibit we headed over to the Sandpiper and were pleasantly surprised at this wonderful small plate, big-flavor restaurant. In true tapas-style fashion, the eclectic sea sonal menu is designed for sharing and features coastal favorites like local clams and oysters,diver scallops, fried flounder,tenderloin sliders,savory flat breads and the best whipped feta dip you’ll ever have. Refreshing craft cocktails and local brews are also there for the taking. Fresh ingre dients and gorgeous plating in an atmosphere that is bright and inviting all made for a memorable meal. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect evening,or so I thought.My good fortune changed the moment I entered the casino floor later that night,and I sadly admit that I broke every gambling rule known to us.Yes, I’m guilty for not having a plan and sticking with it. Instead of waiting for my favorite Double Double Bonus Poker machine to become available, I hastily jumped from game to game until all my money was gone, and in record time no less. Being in the business for as long as I have been, you’d think I’d know better. I do. But like many of us, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of the casino experience. And I know I’m not alone. I think that one time or another,most of us have gotten a little crazy when vis iting a casino and have made the same repeated mistakes. There are several common blunders that players make when they visit casinos and although most of us are familiar with them, sometimes it helps to see them in print and serve as helpful reminders. Not Having a Plan Many players go to the casino with a pocket full of money and jump from game to game until all their money is gone. I have yet to find any one who can honestly say that losing all their money during a casino visit was an enjoyable experience.You can have a much better time if you just spend a few minutes to make a plan for your next casino visit.

Poor Money Management The true essence of money management really comes down to bankroll management.This is how you handle your money in the casino to make sure you have enough to last for the duration of your visit.Money man agement systems will not change the odds of any game, but a good sys temwill help you control the amount of money that you put at risk.Once you plan how much money you want to risk, divide your bankroll into playing sessions to stretch your money so it lasts for your entire visit. Playing Too Long The longer you play,the more you are exposing your money to the house edge. Playing marathon gaming sessions is a sure way to lose money. Some players will play the slot machines for five or more hours at a time. Plan to take specified breaks during your playing sessions. Getting Greedy The downfall of most gamblers is when they get greedy.You win a little and you want more, so you start making higher bets (and probably play ing faster, too). Before you know it, you’ve given back all of your win nings. If you want to leave a winner you need to lock up a small profit when you win to avoid giving it all back.When you get ahead, put aside your initial money you started with, along with a portion of your win nings. Then play with the remainder of your profits. Not Using a Players Card Everyone can earn comps that include rooms, food, shows and freeplay. Earning comps is a way of getting something extra for your casino dol lar. However, you can’t get them if you don’t use your card. Chasing Losses Nobody likes to lose when they play.Many times after a loss a player will feel the need to try and“get their money back.”They start playing higher denomination machines or betting big sums of money at the tables in hopes of making it back with one big score.This usually does not work and it just causes bigger losses. Most players will make one or two mistakes from time to time;how ever, it’s a good idea to review this list before your next trip to the casino. Just remember to keep it fun! The number one rule of gaming is never to bet more than you can afford to lose.You should always look at gam bling as a form of entertainment and the money you use for gambling as the price of your entertainment. Cheers to good health, good luck and winning days! Lisa Robertson-Dziedzic

Publisher & Editorial Director

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Casino Player America’s Premier Gaming Magazine print • mobile • online VOLUME 33 • ISSUE 3 P R E S I D ENT & CH I E F E X E CU T I V E OF F I C E R Derek James P UB L I SH E R & E D I TOR I A L D I R E C TOR Lisa Robertson-Dziedzic P R O D U C T I O N D I R E C T O R Diane Stevens-Gillan S E N I O R E D I T O R S Sean Chaffin


Taxable Slot Jackpots I love the information provided by Strictly Slots and Casino Player magazines. I have several issues regarding Congress possibly raising the taxable threshold to $5,000. My wife and I play the $2.00 Double Dou ble Poker machines, which means our current hand-paid jackpots for 4Aces (with or without a kicker), 4 deuces, threes or fours with a kicker will not mandate a W-2G. Does that mean that the $1,600 or $4,000 jackpots will be credited directly into my machine? If so, the “floor workers” who normally would receive tips for hand pays would lose that benefit.Also,some machines currently only allow a maximum amount of credits before they eject a ticket.Another interesting feature of having a large amount of money in the machine as opposed to the hand pay being in your pocket, would now require a lot of discipline not to keep playing with your winnings! The new feature makes for some interest ing features but not receiving those W-2Gs makes it easier on the pocketbook! Your thoughts…… —Ange B. Somerset,NJ An increase in the tax reporting requirement to $5,000 would mean jackpots of up to that amount COULD be credited directly to your machine. It doesn’t necessarily mean they WOULD. It would be easy enough to adjust soft ware to put larger jackpots on your credit meter. However, changes in the way jackpots are paid would have to be approved by state gaming boards.There likely would be a period of different regulations in different states. In addition to tax reporting requirements, there’s an anti-money laundering aspect to how much money is allowed on a credit meter. That’s where your question about automatic ticket printouts comes in. Many casinos set $3,000 as a minimum to report large transactions in order not to run afoul of money laundering operations. So any win on a slot or video poker machine that would push the meter over $3,000 is printed as a ticket instead.If that remains in effect, then you’d often see jackpots printed out or paid by hand instead of going on the meters. Certainly, a decrease in hand-pays would decrease tipping situations for slot personnel. You also are likely correct that putting large amounts of money on the meters would increase impulse wagering with money that otherwise wouldn’t be put to risk. As always, it must be said that even though a jackpot doesn’t trigger a tax form

before the player can get paid, the IRS still considers the money taxable income.Reporting is up to you. Table Games vs. Slots I read the Letters to the Editor department every month. My question is, mostly all of your letters are about slot machines.Is this because you don’t get any questions about other games or are the slot machine questions just more interesting? —Art Via the Internet Because the casino floor makes up 70 percent slots, we get more questions relating to slot machines than table games; however, we try to publish as many questions and answers from readers each month as we can. If you have a particular question in mind, ask away and we will do our best to find the best correct answer to it. In fact, a question regarding the house edge in roulette was sent in recently.See below. Leftover Machine Credits We have received many thought-provoking tips from your publications; sensible advice that has enhanced our time at the casinos.While in the casino,we often see random cash tickets of a few cents or more set upon machines or in the area around the machines that previous players have left behind, rather than bothering to cash out such small amounts. Is it legal to pick those tickets up and use in a machine you choose to play?What about find ing credit balances or promotional credits left in a machine? —Dave Via the Internet Quick response—no. If the ticket is just hang ing around on top of a machine or lying on the floor, it is the same as if it were a chip on the floor. It belongs to the casino. It is consid ered the casino’s money. Credits left in a machine are a hazy issue. The casinos think those credits belong to them, and they do, but casinos have rarely (or never) arrested anyone for playing them.We do not want to give you advice to do something illegal so you have to go your own way in these mat ters. Roulette House Edge In a past article, I think you made a major mistake when it comes to roulette.The house edge on theAmerican wheel is 5.26 percent and it stays at 5.26 percent no matter what bets you make (except the multiple monster of 1, 2, 3, 0 and 00), be they inside bets which are directly on a number, or outside bets on even-money

Karrie L. Zukowski C O P Y E D I T O R Lon Rozelle

Jack Clayton John Grochowski Steve Kieva Frank Legato Kara Miller Jack Clayton John Grochowski Steve Kieva Frank Legato Kara Miller

Patrick Roberts Frank Scoblete Jerry “Stickman” Stich Tim Wassberg Sharon Harris-Zlotnick Patrick Roberts Frank Scoblete Jerry “Stickman” Stich Tim Wassberg Sharon Harris-Zlotnick


N AT I O N A L S A L E S D I R E C T O R Karrie L. Zukowski A C C O U N T I N G M A N A G E R Jocelyn James C I R C U L AT I O N M A R K E T I N G D I R E C T O R Maureen Robertson C I R C U L AT I O N D I R E C T O R Jessica Taylor C U S T OM E R S E R V I C E CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-969-0711 O F F I C E S ATLANTIC CITY: 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 (609) 484-8866 • Fax (609) 645-1661 LAS VEGAS: 1137 S. Rancho Drive, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89102-2259 (702) 736-8886 • Fax (702) 736-8889 Casino Player (ISSN 0001-8152) Casino Player is published twelve times a year, one issue per month, by Casino Player Publishing, LLC. 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 BASIC SUBSCRIPTIONS Basic subscription prices do not include shipping & handling. Subscriptions: one year (12 issues) $24; two years (24 issues) $37; three years (36 issues) $53. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Casino Player, 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7, Galloway, NJ 08205-4123 Periodicals postage paid at Galloway, NJ, and at additional mailing offices. © 2022 Casino Player Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication can be reproduced without expressed written permission of the Publisher. Casino Player magazine is a publication of Casino Player Publishing, LLC owned by Casino Player Media (CPM). Not responsible for typographical errors. READER’S ADVISORY: Readers are recommended to make ap propriate inquiries and take appropriate advice before sending monies, incurring expense, entering into any binding commit ment, or wagering any sum in relation to an adver tisement, ar ti cle, column or other feature published in Casino Player. Casino Player shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage in curred or suffered as a result of his/her accepting, offering to ac cept, or following an invitation, advice, or other recommendation contained in any adver tisement, ar ticle, column, or feature pub lished in Casino Player . The views and opinions expressed by the writers and columnists of this magazine are not necessarily representative of the views of its management and employees. BET WITH YOUR HEAD, NOT OVER IT! PROBLEM GAMBLING? CALL 800-552-4700 Samantha Cooper I T D I R E C T O R Robert Walden

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40% after three hours. That means your chances of busting are about equal to or more likely than winning a point on 4/10.So if you want to gamble two ways, then bring only ten bets to the table. In contrast, 30 bets ($1,650) drops your chances of busting in an hour to less than 2%, and over three hours the risk of busting is about 7% to 12%, depending on the points. My personal favorite is 45 to 50 bets which drops the risk of ruin to less than 1% in most cases. Toting around two or three large may seem like a lot for $55 bets, but you don’t have to buy in for the full amount. Just have it ready. It feels great knowing that you have a 99%+ chance of leaving the table on your own schedule with money in your pocket.That’s me. The optimal amount for you depends mostly on your temperament and how you like to play the game. Video Poker or Slot? Could you please settle a question my friends and I have: Is Spin Poker a true video poker machine or is it a slot machine? Some of us believe that since it has a pay table, it follows the rules of video poker that the cards are “dealt” from a 52-card deck, even on the re-deal. Others believe that since the cards are spinning, it’s just a random slot that doesn’t follow the rules of the pay table.Who is right? Thank you! —Michael D. Chicago, IL Spin Poker is a video poker game. The cards are randomly dealt from an initial, virtual 52 card deck. The “spinning” cards are just for show.You should use the same playing trategy for Spin Poker as you would for a traditional video poker game.

from its own 52-card deck.When you hit the deal button, five randomly selected cards appear on the bottom hand from deck #1. The cards you hold on the bottom hand also appear in the same position in the other nine hands.When you hit the draw button, the com puter will randomly deal you the replacement cards in the bottom hand from deck #1, the replacement cards for hand #2 are randomly dealt from deck #2, and so forth for the remaining eight hands. Therefore, it’s impos sible to get five deuces in one hand. Optimal Bankroll If a person is going to play craps at a $5 table and take 10x odds, what bankroll would you recommend the person has at the start of the session? —Rich Via the Internet The optimal size of your craps bankroll depends on the desired length of your session. The calculation also includes the number of simultaneous bets you make, and the degree to which you want to minimize your “risk of ruin.” Let’s say you bet $5 on the pass or come and take 10x odds (which is $55 net).A player who bets on the pass line often follows with two come bets.Tables usually plow through 90 to 120 rolls per hour.About 1/3 of the bets are resolved on the first roll at the $5 minimum. Another 16% to 20% of bets are resolved on the second roll (depending on the point), and this includes odds. About 50% of bets require three or more rolls to be resolved. The practical result is that three rolls might put you ahead or behind by only $5, or three rolls might win you $210 if you roll three consecutive 10s.Maybe you seven-out on the third roll and lose $110 (but win $5 for a net loss of $105). Or perhaps three rolls just leaves you with $165 on the table waiting for decisions. In other words, craps is a very volatile game. And even the volatility can be volatile because you may see a dozen rolls that have no effect on your waiting points. So calculations for risk of ruin are less precise for craps than they would be for a game such as blackjack where the most likely outcome of three $55 decisions would be a net win or loss of $55. Considering all of this, if you keep three base bets working and you see 90 big deci sions per hour, then a bankroll of 10 big bets or $550 has about 22% to 27% chance of evaporating in an hour, depending on the points, and that probability pushes up to near

propositions such as red/black, odd/even or high/low. So why do you insist that inside bets are not as good as outside even-money bets?That is a serious mistake in your reasoning. Frank Scoblete responds:You are right about the percentages of roulette. I never deny that. Inside bets will not be better than outside bets except in the case where even-money bets return half when a 0 or 00 hits.That gift from the casino is called“surrender” but most casinos do not offer that option to players. My reasoning for preferring outside even money bets has to do with the basic pattern of the game. If you are making outside even money bets, the back and forth can be relatively tight.You win 18 bets; lose 20 bets. When you bet the inside numbers, the losing streaks can be long, even though a hit or two brings in a lot of money. I prefer to play a game where I have a better chance of lasting than one where I need a hit to overcome a losing streak.Yes, it is true that if you hit a few numbers early, you can make a lot of money, but the long losing streaks dominate the inside game. In the end though, the house will take its 5.26 percent edge on you no matter which betting option you choose. Downtown vs. The Strip I love Las Vegas but not the Strip—too much walking.So, I prefer downtown and the smaller hotels and casinos. I am a longtime subscriber and enjoy your magazines. —Patricia N. SanAntonio,TX We agree—smaller properties often offer a friendlier atmosphere that the mega-resorts lack. And thank you, Patricia! It’s always nice to hear from a reader who appreciates our efforts! Multiplay Video Poker I play video poker,deuces wild,10 hands. If I’m playing 10 hands and the deck runs out midway and a new deck is started, who’s to say there couldn’t be five deuces dealt on one hand? Could you explain to me how the decks are dealt when you’re playing multiple hands? —Evey San Diego, CA The deck of cards doesn’t “run out” in video poker. After every hand, the 52-card virtual deck is reshuffled. In the case of playing a 10-hand video poker game, each hand is dealt

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS? WE WANT TO KNOW! E-MAIL US! or write to: Letters to the Editor 333 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 7 Galloway, New Jersey 08205

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Artist rendering of Dream Las Vegas, a 531-room lifestyle hotel and casino that is being developed on the south end of the famed Las Vegas Strip.


T he newest Las Vegas Strip resort is underway. Developed by Shopoff Realty Investments and Contour, in partnership with Dream Hotel Group, Dream Las Vegas will be a driving force in the ongoing revitalization and rejuvenation of the south end of the Las Vegas Strip. Set to open in late 2024,Dream Las Vegas will feature 531 highly appointed guest rooms and suites,and seven original dining and nightlife options, including a third-level resort pool and day club, two bar and lounge concepts on the gaming floor,a lobby bar,craft coffee café and gelateria on the street level,as well as a sport ing club, boutique nightclub, signature restaurant and 24-hour diner on the third floor. The lifestyle hotel will also offer 12,000 square feet of meeting and event space, including a 5,000-square-foot ballroom and 90-seat live entertainment theater, a 20,000-square-foot casino and gaming floor, a fitness center by TechnoGym and on-site parking. Casino and gaming operations will be led by Peninsula Pacific Entertainment.The 20-story luxury hotel tower will feature a diverse mix of dramatic venues distributed vertically throughout the composition roof decks and terraces of the hotel design.The undulating contemporary design will feature a lustrous glass and metal façade, boasting stylistic details such as radiused corners, spacious double-height terraces, oversized windows and a unique aero dynamic character influenced by its context.Dream LasVegas is located on LasVegas Blvd. across the street from Mandalay Bay Resort and Bali Hai Golf Club.

The groundbreaking ceremony of the $550 million, Dream Las Vegas took place on July 8. The new 531-room resort casino will anchor the revitalization of South Las Vegas Blvd. and is projected to open late 2024.

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SYCUAN CASINO RESORT OPENS NEWLY EXPANDED NON-SMOKING GAMING AREA S ycuan Casino Resort in El Cajon, CA, announced in early July that the property has recently expanded its non-smok ing gaming area. In this newly renovated space, 100 slot machines have been added to allow for a greater product mix and better variety of games for guests to play. Sycuan boasts one of the largest non-smoking gaming floors in Southern California.With this expansion, guests can now enjoy more than 460 casino games in a smoke-free environment. “We are excited to open this brand-new area to give our guests additional non-smoking gaming space,”said Rob Cinelli, general manager at Sycuan Casino Resort.“In this new space, we’ve added 100 slot machines as well as a full-service cocktail bar. Additionally,we have plans to open a new restaurant venue in the non-smoking space so our guests can enjoy even more amenities in a fully-enclosed smoke-free environment.” In addition, Sycuan’s newly expanded AAA Four Dia mond–rated property includes a 12-story hotel tower with over 300 guest rooms and 57 luxury suites.Guests can enjoy a wide range of onsite amenities including a variety of restaurants and bars from fast-casual to fine dining,meeting and event space, a full-service spa,fitness center and a state-of-the-art outdoor pool deck with two pools, a lazy river and swim-up bar. Sycuan also boasts an expansive casino floor with more than 2,300 slot machines and 54 table games in a variety of gaming options.

FanDuel Group Launches Live Dealer Studios in Michigan and Pennsylvania F anDuel Group is expanding its online casino offerings through the introduction of its first-ever FanDuel–branded live dealer studios in Michigan and Pennsylvania in partnership with Evolution. All of FanDuel’s live dealer games, including blackjack and roulette, will now be streamed for Michigan and Pennsylvania customers directly from FanDuel’s live dealer studios. Classic casino games will now be available online with an exciting FanDuel–branded live dealer element, giving FanDuel Casino players in Michigan and Pennsylvania an interac tive casino experience from their home.A dedicated live dealer studio of fers FanDuel the ability to offer players exclusive promotions, and with the addition of live updates with dynamic stats, the FanDuel Live Dealer Games will be attractive to both experienced and novice players.The user interface will guide players in what bets you can place and even show potential winnings for your bets. Playing FanDuel Live Dealer Games is a great opportunity to learn the game in a more controlled environment, and for the experienced player, the game offers a less crowded and more relaxed gaming experience. FanDuel Casino is available in four states in the United States. FanDuel Casino has a number of key features numbering hundreds of slots and table games including blackjack, roulette and popular slots like 88 Fortunes andWheel of Fortune. FanDuel Group operates FanDuel Casino in New Jersey, Pennsylva nia, Michigan andWest Virginia,while also operating the Stardust brand in New Jersey and Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut.

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Located on the 55th floor of The Palms Casino Resort, the very hip Ghostbar gives you breathtaking views of the Las Vegas Strip. Inside you’ll find an ultra-chic lounge bar, giving you a one-of-a-kind experience.

T he return of the beloved Ghostbar at Palms Casino Resort is official.The Las Vegas nightlife icon reopened its doors on Aug. 3. Originally debuting in 2001, this widely popular bar and lounge, perched high atop the 55th floor, quickly became one of the city’s most treasured nightspots, featuring the most spectacular and stunning views of the entire Las Vegas skyline.After a ghostly disap pearing act,Palms has not only brought the Ghostbar back,but it has also reimagined it as the city’s newest, elevated and most intimate Ultra Lounge experience.

Ghostbar Returns to Palms Casino Resort


I n celebration of its 25th anniversary, Silverton Casino Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, has announced it is undergoing a complete reimagining of its hotel offering, creating a new boutique hotel experience to anchor the resort. The remodeled hotel will feature 300 “rustic-luxe” guest rooms and suites including three distinct“design stories,”each with its own cu rated style, decor and spirit.The Cowboy Kitsch Collection features a quirky blend of rustic chic with modern accents;The Rustic Modern Collection features natural,aged and weathered furnishing with a sense of the outdoors; and the Livin’ Lodge Collection is inspired by the ele gant Rockies glam design and the legendary cattle baron homes found in theWest. “This is more than a room remodel,”said Silverton CEO Craig Cav ileer. “This was an opportunity to creatively reinvent our entire hotel operation in Las Vegas.While we are keeping aspects of our lodge theme that our guests have enjoyed over the years,our new rooms and suites will envelop our guests in a new spirit of rustic elegance, pro viding a unique Las Vegas hotel experience.”

To prepare for the renovation, the hotel and adjacent Sway pool deck will be out of service beginning earlyAugust and scheduled to re open in early 2023.The rest of the resort will remain open during the hotel and pool renovation.

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Hard Rock Sports Bar OPENS at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood

S eminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood in Hollywood,FL,opened the Hard Rock Sports Bar in July,expand ing the resort’s food and beverage op tions. Located adjacent to Hard Rock Live, Hard Rock Sports Bar provides 360 degrees of live sports action. An exten sion of the gaming floor, the sports bar also highlights a table games pit with 12 tables of live blackjack, and the 31-seat wrap-around bar features electronic table games including poker and more.Avail able only at Seminole Gaming properties, Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood is one of the only places to offer live table games action in Florida. Hard Rock Sports Bar serves ele vated classicAmerican cuisine, ideal for a

Artist rendering of the Hard Rock Sports Bar at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood.

night out to watch the big game or a quick stop before a Hard Rock Live show. Shareable plates include Grilled ChickenWings tossed in Buffalo or BBQ sauce, served with carrots, celery and ranch; and Nachos with Barba coa beef, beans, cheese sauce, guacamole, jalapeño, Pico de Gallo and sour cream.Other delectable options include Loaded Hot Dog with bacon,onion, pinto beans, tomatoes and jalapeño aioli on a toasted brioche roll; and the Dynasty Burger with lettuce, tomato and onion, choice of cheese on a brioche bun, served with a choice of curly fries, tater tots, potato chips or a side Caesar salad.Food service is offeredWednesday through Friday start

ing at 5 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday starting at noon. For more information, visit

RED ROCK CASINO RESORT & SPA ANNOUNCES CASINO-WIDE TRANSFORMATION R ed Rock Casino Resort and Spa,a luxury resort in the Summerlin neigh borhood of Las Vegas, announced major plans to elevate its dining scene, entertainment offerings and gaming experiences with all-new addi tions to the resort. New concepts, currently underway, include the famed Thai restaurant Lotus of Siam, an all-new Greek restaurant Naxos Taverna, and an Oyster Bar,all in partnership with Bua Food Group,as well as a stun ning cocktail lounge and adult-only pool,alongside a reimagined High Limit Slots room and a lively casino bar. Located on the north side of the resort, the new restaurants will be at the center of the action.Lotus of Siam,Naxos Taverna,Kallisto Oyster Bar and an all-new casino bar converge to create a dynamic addition to Red Rock’s restaurant row and further complement the resort’s culinary collection.

Artist renderings of Red Rock Casion Resort & Spa’s new additions coming soon to the property.

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The Mayfair Supper Club Premieres New Show at Bellagio in Las Vegas

The Mayfair Supper Club, Bellagio’s landmark restaurant overlooking the resort’s famous Fountains, is debuting a captivating contemporary show with new songs, costumes, choreography and cast.

T he Mayfair Supper Club, Bellagio’s landmark restaurant overlooking the resort’s famous fountains, is debuting a captivating new show. In collabora tion with the team at No Ceilings Entertainment, Bellagio is introducing a creative new take on its multi-act production with new songs,characters,costumes, show-stopping dance routines and surprise moments that define The Mayfair experience,evolving from a swinging Prohibition-era jazz club to a late-night dance party.The Mayfair menu continues to delight guests with its array of culinary offer ings, including indulgent appetizers,quintessentialAmerican entrees and whimsical, showpiece-worthy desserts. The Mayfair Supper Club is open Sunday throughThursday from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 5 p.m.until 1 a.m.For reservations and more information, visit

“Terry Fator After Hours” to Take Over The Bar at Times Square at New York-New York

T Terry Fator is taking things late night with Terry Fator After Hours , a once-a-month performance featuring special guests at The Bar at Times Square at NewYork-NewYork Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. Held immediately following performances of his award-win ning show Terry Fator:Who’s the Dummy Now? the famed singer, come dian, ventriloquist and America’s Got Talent winner will partner up with other LasVegas entertainers to perform songs accompanied by the venue’s popular dueling piano players.This will be a rare opportunity to showcase Fator’s impressive vocals without his puppets. Fator and his special guests, who will be announced soon,will perform their favorite numbers as well as requests from the audience. Performances have been announced for Thursday,Aug. 18;Thursday, Sept. 22; andThursday,Nov. 17.

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Destination Michigan Experience the best in the Great Lakes State at FireKeepers Casino Hotel

F ireKeepers Casino is Michigan’s premier gaming destination, a leader in the hospitality industry with two Four Diamond rated 8-story resort-style hotel towers featuring 446 rooms and suites.Fire Keepers’ newest update includes a completely transformed Smoke ’n Fire restaurant, with a new menu worthy of the name Smoke ’n Fire. FireKeepers is committed to keeping the fun and excitement fresh,with a dazzling High Limit Slot andTable Games room,a completely redesigned signature Nibi Restaurant, and Lobby Bar with must-try daily Happy Hour specials. For big-time action, check out the hot slots or live table games, high-action live poker room,on-property sportsbook,an array of top restau rants, and a rocking Event Center with great live events. FireKeepers is a must-see destination that is rated among the top tier in U.S. tribal casinos. FireKeepers’online gaming platform includes a mobile app for guests to get their Vegas on, on the go! The platform includes the exciting slots and table games FireKeepers guests know and love, including 88 Fortunes, Quick Hits, Monopoly, Blackjack and Let it Ride. Plus, users will enjoy a wide array of wagering options on major sports, both American and international.The range of options includes football, basketball, hockey and baseball, along with NASCAR, boxing, MMA, soccer, championship golf, championship tennis and more! Plus, futures wagering on upcoming championships in major sports. Fire Keepers is currently offering new online gaming players a first deposit match up to $500 for the iCasino and a $500 first wager match for the

sportsbook. Deposits and withdrawals can be made directly from users’ devices or at the FireKeepers Casino Cashier. Dacey’s Sportsbook and Taphouse is Michigan’s most exciting place to wager and watch all the big games, seven days a week.A mas sive display with more than four big screens ensures you won’t miss a minute of the major sports action while placing your best bets and all your future wagering excitement. Lastly, enjoy a great meal from the popular Dacey’s menu or one of their many craft beers. Located near the Poker Room, Dacey’s has its own entrance for easy access and service. FireKeepers is an award-winning dining destination, featuring its signature restaurant, Nibi, a multi-year winner of the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence; other outlets have won multiple awards in the “Best of Dining” awards by Casino Player magazine.The newly reno vated Smoke ’n Fire restaurant is nestled just off the hotel lobby and steps from the casino. Smoke ’n Fire is the perfect spot for breakfast, lunch or dinner; expect a mouthwatering array of dining options in cluding new steak plates and classic BBQ favorites. FireKeepers Casino Hotel is home to all of the latest and greatest games!With over 2,900 of the hottest slots and 74 live-dealt table games, you’ll be celebrating one win after another.The gaming floor features 10 Mini Bac tables and several blackjack tables with creative side bets,as well as the newest technology in slots with games guests know and love.

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FireKeepers Casino Hotel is owned and operated by the Not tawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (NHBP).The mission of the NHBP is to provide leadership and development opportunities forTribal Members and serve as a model to other NativeAmericans in areas of self-government, self-reliance and self-empowerment. The Tribe’s goal is to provide its members the best in health care, educational opportunities,housing,a healthy environment and eco nomic opportunities as a sovereign Native American nation.There are over 1,400Tribal Members;many live in southwest Michigan in the Tribe’s seven-county service area that covers Allegan, Barry, Branch,Calhoun,Kalamazoo,Kent and Ottawa counties.TheTribe’s administrative office is located at the Pine Creek Indian Reserva tion in Athens Township; NHBP also maintains a satellite office in Grand Rapids to better serve Members. FireKeepers Casino Hotel is easy to find online, in the app store, or in person, located just off Interstate 94 at Exit 104 in Bat tle Creek,MI. It has been named Best Casino by audiences inWest ern Michigan and Northern Indiana, plus earned nine first-place awards in Strictly Slots magazine’s Best of Slots 2020 Native Mid west category, including Best Overall Casino. FireKeepers has also been named to Forbes ’ annual list of America’s Best Mid-Size Em ployers for 2021 and was recently designated a Best Casino toWork for by Casino Player magazine. To learn more about FireKeepers Casino Hotel, visit ´

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■ by Steve Kieva

Cut Above Any way you slice it, there’s a whole lot of steak in Las Vegas

T here is nothing quite like a good steakhouse. From the white tablecloths and warm am biance to the smell of a wood-fired grill to impeccable service, people crave a delicious cut of meat in these fine establishments.I love steak! Some would say I’m a Steakaholic! During my trips to Las Vegas I order steak (or Prime Rib) 70% of the time. This month, I am mentioning just a few of my favorite Las Vegas steakhouses.There’s not enough room in the magazine to list them all—no lie. Piero’s I’m starting with Piero’s as it is where I have had the best NY Strip Steak in Las Vegas. I’ve ordered the

Edge Steakhouse at Westgate.

steak twice and both times it was cooked to perfection and cut like but ter and bursting with flavor.The steak is grilled with olive oil and garlic. It’s been four years since my last visit and the original chef has retired. I’m hoping to make a return in the future to try the new chef’s version of this wonderful dish.

Hawthorn Grill at Rampart Casino

Featuring a perfect balance of crave-worthy steakhouse fare and American classics, alongside an extensive wine and cocktail program. Hawthorn Grill features a rich bar area, perfect for an after-work or pre-dinner drink; a large, yet cozy dining room easily accommodating a large family dinner or a romantic date;and an expansive outdoor patio with a vibrant waterfall surrounded by lush foliage. Entrées are highlighted by the generous 24-oz.Prime NY Strip loin with béarnaise sauce.Hawthorn also serves

One Steakhouse at Virgin Hotel & Casino Three generations,two brothers, one steakhouse. David Morton and Michael Morton’s One Steakhouse,previously known as MB Steak, captures the excite

One Steakhouse

up an 8-oz. Filet and a 16-oz. Prime Grilled Rib Eye.Terry the manager, along with his knowledgeable staff, will make your visit a truly memorable experience. (The meatballs are fantastic too.) Barry’s Downtown Prime at Circa Las Vegas Vintage glamour and hospitality meet modern innovation and design at Barry’s Downtown Prime. Barry’s Downtown Prime delivers the city’s finest steaks in a ’50s and ’60s-style interior.This is the ideal Las Vegas Steakhouse.Wet and Dry steaks are offered headed by “Barry’s Steak,” a 12-oz.Rib Cap steak.Another menu highlight is the 24-oz.Bone-In Rib Eye and the 44-oz. Double Rib Eye.All steaks are prepared over fruit wood and 900-degree coals. Going to Barry’s Downtown Prime is not just for dinner, it’s for the entire experience. STRIPSTEAK at Mandalay Bay STRIPSTEAK Las Vegas is the modernAmerican Steakhouse remixed, remade and reinvented with a unique blend of Japanese influence and the signature Chef Michael Mina flair.An evocative, inventive and highly curated menu offers guests the best premium steaks in Las Vegas.

ment of the much-anticipated new Virgin Hotels Las Vegas. One Steak house is a culmination of the brothers’ combined life experiences and training, from family meals to following in the footsteps of their father, legendary restaurateurArnie Morton.Executive Chef Patrick Munster pre pares all steak in a 1,200-degree oven. I’ve been to this restaurant three times and chose three different cuts of steak:Bone-In Filet,18-oz.Rib Eye and the 16-oz. NY Steak.The steaks are perfectly cooked with just the right char on them. One Steakhouse also serves a Double Porterhouse andTomahawk Steak. It’s easy to see why this restaurant is named One. Edge Steakhouse at Westgate Edge Steakhouse takes you to the cutting edge of perfection—American steakhouse favorites featuring top-quality wet- and dry-aged steaks and aWagyu Strip Steak.My favorite is the 20-oz. Bone-In Rib Eye.You can’t go wrong with any of the steaks at Edge. Guests can also indulge in a variety of prix fixe options as well as a five-course chef’s tasting dinner.Choose either the 10-oz.Filet,NY Strip or the Rib Eye as your main entrée.Edge Steakhouse also features a dou ble Wine Spectator Award–winning wine list.

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Charcoal Room at Palace Station.

Barry’s Downtown Prime at Circa Las Vegas.

STRIPSTEAK is where the sun and sand meet sizzling satisfaction, offering the perfect dining experience after a day in the sun.Guests will also enjoy the seasonal, ever-evolving menu featuring locally sourced ingredients and global flavors,but the highlight of the menu is the steaks. What sets STRIPSTEAK apart from other Las Vegas steakhouses is they only serveAngus andWagyu cuts of meat. Silverado Steakhouse at South Point Following the tradition of Las Vegas’s fine dining steakhouses, the Silverado Steak House offers the charm and service that discerning patrons have come to expect. Hand-painted murals and vintage photo graphs line the walls above plush high-backed booths, providing an intimate meal in an elegant yet unpretentious setting. Silverado Steakhouse finished second in my Best of Las Vegas Din ing in 2019. If you’re looking for a culinary experience at a reasonable price, this is the place to go.The 24-oz.Tomahawk Rib Eye is under $70. It’s twice that price in most other steakhouses. They also offer two choices of Bone-In Rib Eye and two choices of Filet, all for under $55. This is a classic Las Vegas steakhouse and well worth making the trip to South Point (the video poker is not bad here either). Twin Creeks Steakhouse at Silverton Chef Jaimee Pepe is at the helm of Twin Creeks Steakhouse, which proudly serves 100% Certified BlackAngus beef.The difference is in the details at this award-winning steakhouse, with its unique brand of per sonal touches developed over nearly two decades of operation. The Prime-grade 16-oz. New York Strip is hand-cut in house and char-grilled on a Montague broiler,which the chef calls the“Cadillac of the kitchen.”The beef can be finished with a choice of eight sauces and toppings, including a unique coffee crust, brandy peppercorn, or the classic French demi-glace. At 40 ounces,the colossal Creekstone FarmsTomahawk serves two, filling the table with lobster mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus, black truffle butter,and two scratch-made sauces.The two other featured steaks are the 28-oz.BlackAngus Porterhouse and 22-oz.Cowboy Rib Eye.

Silverado Steakhouse at South Point.

T-Bones Chophouse at Red Rock A modernAmerican chophouse set among a setting as stunning as they come,the extensive steakhouse menu atT-Bones Chophouse features an array of USDA Prime dry- and wet-aged beef cuts, grass-fed bison and premiumWagyu.This fan-favorite chophouse has earned a number of impressive accolades, including anAward of Excellence from Wine Spec tator and the title of “Best Las Vegas Steakhouse.” Steaks served are either Prime,Wagyu,Mishima or the spectacular A5Wagyu, served as a NY Strip.T-Bones also serves a humongous 42-oz. Tomahawk Chop. Charcoal Room at Palace Station Last on my list is the Charcoal Room at Palace Station. Charcoal Room was number one on my Best of Las Vegas Dining for 2021. The Charcoal Room at Palace Station Hotel & Casino offers classic American steakhouse fare,serving a variety of specialty cuts and seafood. Steaks come in options of Filet Mignon,Prime Rib,Porterhouse,NY,Top Sirloin and Rib Eye. This is another reasonably priced gourmet steakhouse.All steaks are under $60, including a Prime N.Y.Strip and a wonderful Porterhouse. My suggestion would be the Bone-In Rib Eye. ´

Editor’s Note: If you have questions about what steakhouse to visit, I am at your beck and call. Feel free to email me at

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SOOTHSAYER Winning opportunities when playing craps By Frank Scoblete

SOOTHSAYER: You make bad bets. Every bet has a house attached to it…

CRAPS PLAYER: Not the odds bet; not the odds bet!

SOOTHSAYER: You can’t make odds bets unless you have a pass line, don’t pass, come or don’t come bet.All those bets have house edges; small ones but house edges nevertheless.You see, the odds bets ride on those other bets or they can’t be made.

CRAPS PLAYER: When I bet the pass line, I protect the bet with the any craps bet. I am saving money there.

SOOTHSAYER: No,you are actually costing yourself more money.Any craps wagers have somewhat high house edges.They don’t help save you any money. CRAPS PLAYER: I want to slam the casino when I am playing craps. I don’t just want small wins; I want to blast them.No small wins for me. I want to fill up a safe with my winnings. SOOTHSAYER: And how has that been working for you? Have you blasted the casinos enough to make you ahead of the game? Or do you lose most of your sessions and trips to the casinos?

SOOTHSAYER: Craps is a wonderful game.Full of excitement and ter ror, maybe in equal measure.It draws many men,mostly men as women don’t gravitate toward it for some reason,and these men do throw their money at Lady Luck hoping she will grant them their wishes. Some times she does and sometimes she doesn’t.

CRAPS PLAYER: I’ve had some big wins, at times.

SOOTHSAYER: You haven’t answered my question.

CRAPS PLAYER: Soothsayer means truth sayer, correct?

CRAPS PLAYER: I am not ahead but I have fun.That’s the whole pur pose of the game, isn’t it?


CRAPS PLAYER: And you are going to tell me the absolute truth about craps?

SOOTHSAYER: The best bets at craps—and I named most of them above—can give you many more winning opportunities than betting the house edge bets that are high. If you play in a contained way and make good bets you are giving yourself the best chance to turn the ta bles on the house. But the house will still have the edge over you. CRAPS PLAYER: Are you saying that I am stupid for betting the way I prefer to bet? Is it so bad to make some hardways bets? Throw in a high/low bet or two?What about the horn? I have even bet the Fire bet; so what? Big money can be made on those bets.That’s what I want, the big money. I want to fill up a safe of money!


CRAPS PLAYER: Right off the bat my friend,can I beat the game?That’s all I want to know.

SOOTHSAYER: No, you can’t beat the game, not at all. In fact, you in particular lose so much more money than you should because of the way you play.

CRAPS PLAYER: What does that mean?

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