California Baptist University
W orking as a student marketeer on the front lines of the Red Bull company, Chris Brown, senior aviation flight major, is responsible for putting liquid energy in the hands of tired customers. Brown was working for the Los Angeles Kings Ice Crew when he was approached by a woman who noticed he was drinking a Red Bull. Coinciden tally, the woman worked with the Red Bull compa ny. She suggested he would be a good candidate for the company as a college student with the personal ity they need. “I was intrigued by it because who wouldn’t want to work for a company like Red Bull? So, I applied and a couple of weeks later I got the job and have been there ever since,” Brown says. Brown and his team use the Red Bull Mini Coo per to travel anywhere in the Inland Empire, which extends from Riverside to Big Bear, to promote Red Bull products through mobile marketing. Because Red Bull sponsors many events, Brown has experi enced Coachella, Insomniac festivals, snowboarding events, and the Waste Management Open. “I have had a ton of opportunities to go to cool places with this company that I wouldn’t have with out it,” says Brown. While marketing might not be the typical job for an aviation major, Brown says his job is an opportu nity to make the most of his college life. “I like getting to explore new experiences that no one else gets. I will work in the aviation industry when the time comes but, until then, I want to experi JUST Wingin g IT
Chris Brown uses job at Red Bull to travel the nation
ence other jobs and other fields because I know I will be flying for the rest of my life,” Brown says. As Brown continues to work with the Red Bull company, his opportunities have given him experienc es to not just see the company as a job, but as a chance to help live his life to the fullest.
WORDS Anyssa Gonzalez
PHOTOS Alex Iannone
DESIGN Eunice Hahn
69 Chris Brown
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