California Baptist University 2022
POINTING FINGERS (far left) Actors in the “Beauty and the Beast” ensemble sing the opening number of the musical, “Belle.” EYES WIDE (immediate left) Sophia Oliveri, senior theater major, and JayLee McClain, CBU alumna, play Mrs. Potts and the Wardrobe, respectively, in CBU’s production of “Beauty and the Beast.” DYNAMIC DUO (below) Isaiah Torres, senior film production major, and Justin Magana, senior theater major, play Lumiere and Cogsworth, respectively, in CBU’s production of “Beauty and the Beast.”
“Everyone is engaged.
Everyone’s loving that they’re there. So there’s a different energy definitely with this show.” -Scott Rydelski theater performance and comedic arts double major
WORDS Claire Grimes
PHOTOS Camille Grochowski
DESIGN Kassidy Blount
Beauty and the Beast Play
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