California Baptist University 2022
A thletes away from hom e
F For many athletes, the consensus is that balancing school, practices and games especially road games can be difficult. To be a student and an athlete, many work to perform well not just on the field, but in their academics. These athletic students travel to compete, and their academic life as a student is just as important while on the road. Malia Cerdon, freshman kinesiology major and soccer player, understands the importance of priority when it comes to balancing her education and soccer. “I am blessed to play DI soccer at the collegiate level and experience traveling to different states. Although it could be hard to manage school and soccer it has taught me to prioritize what is important when it comes to my education,” Cerdon says. Not only are athletes expected to implement responsibilities to their classes, but they are advised by their coaches to balance academic priorities even when they are away for tournaments.
Morgan Witz, freshman biology major, also explains how she implements priority of her classes and homework while traveling for games. “Traveling for games can be really tiring, but it definitely has its rewards. It can be difficult to find time for homework between plane and bus rides. However, I’m extremely grateful to be able to see parts of the country I typically wouldn’t be able to without sports,” Witz says. While traveling to compete can be enjoyable, the players also reach beyond the competitive league — they compete to excel in their academics, understanding that their education is just as important as their sport. “Being a student-athlete was such a blessing. The opportunity to travel around the nation playing the sport I love with my brothers is a dream come true. Some of my favorite memories come from when I was able to bond with the team on the East Coast,” says Zach Lowery, graduate exercise science major.
rls volleyball team pray game. At CBU, student together before every game.
girls volleyball team pray At CBU, student athletes ether before every game.
ON THE ROAD Chance Hunter junior kinesiology sports management is on the road for an away game in Texas .
WORDS Aiden Hobson
PHOTO Elijah Hickman
DESIGN Kia Harlan Courtney Taylor
Traveling to Compete
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