California Banker March/April 2023
2023 CBA Compensation & Benefits Benchmark Survey
pleased to hear from California Assembly Member Cottie Petrie-Norris, managing partner of Chrisman & Company (an executive search firm) Michele Gil, senior vice president and director of human resources at Citizens Business Bank Joyce Kwon, as well as our very own Melody Cuevas who interviewed Erica Lucia, District Director for California State Senator John New man on the importance of engaging with local elected officials. Inspired by the presentations from the Women in Bank ing Forum, a group of attendees created a book club to support the networking, growth, and development of women bankers across a variety of institutions. We are looking forward to the first book in May and planning a series of regional networking events throughout the year.
We hope that you will consider participating in the an nual CBA Compensation & Benefits Benchmark Survey conducted by Pearl Meyer. This important tool provides compensation comparisons to the prior year for 200 job titles ranging from entry-level to senior executive positions. The survey also includes comprehensive sal ary, incentive, and commission-compensation data, as well as human resources and benefits best practices. To participate in the survey, please reach out to Rhonda Snyder at We are grateful for your trust, membership, and sup port, and look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event.
CaliforniaBanker | March April 2023
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