CBA Record


Bettering Others and Yourself Through Pro Bono By Christopher Elmore The first time I saw [him], he pointed a gun at me. The next time I saw [him], I witnessed him murder someone outside the bar where I worked. In the 2 months after I saw [him] commit murder, [he] kidnapped me and raped me on three different occasions. M y pro bono client came to the United States seeking refuge, but quickly found herself and her daughter detained in a detention facility in south- ernTexas. Thanks to the help of volunteer attorneys, she and her child were able to pass through the initial asylum screen- ing process and bond out of detention. Upon release, they were placed in removal (deportation) proceedings to seek asylum in an adversarial setting. Despite my client being a single mother with no criminal history, the government appealed the bond. I took over her case to handle the bond appeal and present her asylum case in immigration court. We won both cases. Now my client and her child live safely in the United States. The possibility that she would still be in this country without the aid of volun- teer legal representation is slim to none. Although not monetary in nature, there is a reward for pro bono work in knowing Just getting started in the practice of law in Chicago?The CBA offersmany resources and programs to help new lawyers. Find outmore aboutMCLE, start-up boot camp, career &mentoring services, practice area pointer videos, and volunteer opportu- nities. All under the YLS tab at www. RESOURCES FOR NEW LAWYERS

Justice: An Evening of Stories and Community The impact of pro bono work on both attorneys and clients alike is evident in these incredible stories. For pro bono and legal aid attorneys, learning to tell your clients’compelling stories is essential to advocating not only for your specific client but for greater access to justice in our community. Join us on Tuesday, October 25 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Revolution Brewpub to get to know your fellow justice-minded colleagues and enjoy listening to stories of justice shared by volunteers from the audience. Interested in telling a story? Come preparedwith a five-minute story related to the theme (justice) to share with attendees from the Chicago legal community. Those who volunteer to tell stories will be entered in a prize raffle. Storytellers and listeners alike are encouraged to attend! More details and registration can be found at

My pro bono work means so much to me because of the opportunity it affords to provide real, tangible benefit to those who need it most. More importantly, however, I think it helps to give voice, agency, and even pride to some people who are aching to be heard, to be active, and to be able to hold their heads high in the face of

at-times debilitating adversity. It is an honor to be able to do that kind of work.

Christopher Wilson Associate Winston & Strawn LLP

The Chicago Bar Association & The Chicago Bar Foundation 2016 Pro Bono Week Oct 24-28


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