CBA Record
The CBA is your local spot for MCLE
Is This Your Last Issue? I t could be if your membership dues have not yet been paid or you have outstanding charges more than 90 days. In accordance with the Associa- tion’s By-Laws, cancellation notices were sent to all members who failed to submit payments by August 31. If you received a cancellation notice, we want you back! Please take a moment to renew now. Here’s just a sample of what you will miss if you do not renew: Free CLE semi- nars–enough to fulfill your MCLE require- ments, live and webcast options, free Illinois MCLE credit through noon hour committee meetings–attend live or via webcast, free online MCLE credit tracker, unlimited CLE of your choice only $150 now through May 2017, new law practice management and technology software training, web resources, and low cost office consulting, free practice-area email I t’s that time of year again…all CBA and YLS committees begin meeting this month. Enclosed in this issue of the CBA Record is a booklet listing our new committee chairs and vice-chairs, along with standard meeting dates. Weekly committee speakers, topics and MCLE credit availability are sent to all members via the weekly CBA Ebulletin which is emailed everyThursday. This information canalsobe committees. Members may attend any meeting that interests them (ie you do not have to be on the committee roster to attend the meeting). New Chair/Vice-Chair Directory
updates, networking and business devel- opment opportunities, free solo/small firm resource portal, career resources, member discounts, and more. Plus, your membership helps strengthen the CBA’s efforts to improve the administration of justice in Illinois andprovide legal services to the disadvantaged. Renewyourmembershipnow tomain- tain your savings and benefits. Renew by mail, online at or by phone 312/554-2020. Reduced dues are available for unemployed members and those with financial hardships. For more information regarding dues and other Association charges, call 312/554-2020. To the many members who have already renewed: Thank You! We look forward to serving you in the coming bar year. As a reminder, you can receive free Illi- nois MCLE credit by attending committee meetings that qualify. Most practice area committee meetings do qualify and offer about one hour of credit. You may attend in person or can view select committee presentations via webcast at www.chica- To join a committee, call 312/554-2134 or sign-up at mittees. New members are always wel- come. You and your firmwill benefit from the knowledge, experience and business contacts you will gain.
Register for a Seminar Today 312/554-2056
Solo/Small Firm Lawyers: Managing the Mindset and Mechanics Thursday, October 27, 4:00-5:00 p.m. CBA Headquarters, 321 S. Plymouth Court., Chicago, IL Presentedby theCBACareer Assistance Program MCLE: 1 IL-PR MCLE Credit, subject to approval We know a legal career is a mara- thon, not a sprint. Making yourself known in order to sell your services presents more challenges, for many small firm and solo practitioners, than does running an actual mara- thon. Come discuss the hurdles and breakthroughs in establishing your name and reputation-in person, in print, and now, too, on social media- and how to deal resiliently with the inevitable stress and missteps along the way. Kathy Morris of Under Advisement, Ltd., the featured legal career coun- selor of the CBA Career Advance- ment Program, will provide food for thought and field your questions. Please come prepared to participate actively in this career-enhancing session. Register and learn more at www.
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