CBA Record

GrowYour Practice and Enhance Your Career with CBA Membership

As your local bar association, the CBA offers you many ways to establish business and support net- works, learn from experts and keep up with trends affecting the legal profession—without incurring travel costs, extra section fees and steep registration prices. Your membership also helps shape the future of the legal profession by supporting the Association’s legislative initiatives, court administra- tion programs and public outreach services. Outstanding advantages of membership include: Enough free CLE to meet IL requirements; Unlimited CLE of your choice for only $150 per plan year–includes in-person, DVD and Webcast formats; free Illinois MCLE credit for committee meeting attendance in person or via committeeWebcasts; and free online MCLE credit tracker. Visit for more information on the CBA services and benefits listed below. A

COMMITTEES n Earn free Illinois MCLE via in-person and live webcast meetings. n Develop business and support networks n 57 substantive law, 37 service/special, 30 YLS committees to choose from. n Monthly noon meetings feature keynote speakers, discussions of important legal developments and current event summaries. Convenient luncheon service is also available. n Informative handouts, legislative updates and networking opportunities. n Committee home pages and listservs on our Web site. n No extra section fees or requirements to join. n Most committee presentations qualify for free Illinois MCLE credit. n Any member may attend any meeting. n Questions? 312/554-2134. SHARED LIBRARY FACILITIES n Occupies floors 6-10 in The John Marshall Law School East Building, 315 South Plymouth Court n Collection totals 380,000 volumes with extensive microform, video and audio tape holdings n Online card catalog system & full borrowing privileges n CBA core collection located on 7th Floor n Hours Mon. - Thurs., 8 am-11 pm; Fri., 8 am-8 pm; Sat. 9 am-8 pm, Sun. 9 am-10 pm; hours vary during inter-semester periods n 11 Full-Time Professional Staff; 9 Full-Time Support Staff

CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION n Enough free CLE to meet IL requirements n Over 150 new seminars presented each year n Live and archived seminar Webcasts n Basic through advanced instruction levels n Topics include bread-and-butter issues, recent changes in the law, ethics and business management n Excellent speakers, comprehensive written materials n Average price per program $80 member, $160 non-member n CLE Advantage Plan–unlimited in-person, Webcast, and DVD seminars of your choice for only $150 per plan year (some restrictions apply) n Most programs held at the CBA from 3-6 pm n Free online MCLE tracking system n DVD rentals available in CBA Bookstore n Questions? 312/554-2050 n CBA Record (included in membership dues) n CBA Report Page, every Monday in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin n CLE and YLS Seminar DVD’s n Practice Handbooks by ABA, IICLE, NITA, West, Lexis and more n YLS Real Estate Practice Handbook n All available in CBA Legal Bookstore (Open Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 4:30pm) n Member discounts on many items n Questions? 312/554-2130 PUBLICATIONS & RESOURCES n Attorneys Diary

Lots of Reasons to Renew!

n Special ID card required n Questions? 312/987-1413

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