CBA Record


The CBA is your local spot for MCLE

Attention Law Student Members I t’s time to renew your membership. Most law student memberships are valid through December 2015 unless you recently joined or prepaid dues for your entire law school term. Be sure to check your membership card for your expiration date. For only $12 a year, there is no better way to jump-start your legal career. Law student membership offers you many ways to learn about the actual practice of law through free seminars, networking events, practice area committeemeetings, career resources, and more. Learn what they don’t teach you in law school! Questions regarding renewals–call Alliance for Women’s Mentoring Circles D esigned to benefit women of all ages and in all stages of profes- sional development because junior members learn from those with more experience, and mid-level and senior attorneys gain an invaluable opportunity to hone management skills, build relationships and develop referral networks.

Kayla Bryan at 312/554-2135 or email Important Note to Law School Gradu- ates: If you have already been sworn in, please call or email Kayla Bryan, or note this on your statement and return it via fax 312/554-2054 or mail. And be sure to take advantage of our free one year membership offer for new admittees. If you did not receive a letter outlining this offer, call 312/554-2133 or sign up online at Unfortunately, your law studentmember- ship will not automatically transfer to a regular membership nor can you convert this online. which allows each group to tailor solu- tions and strategies for their members. Circle discussions might touch on, for example, the balancing act of a new mother, the decision to change practice areas or a firm’s promotional practices. They meet at least four times a year but some meet as often as once a month . If you are interested in becoming a member of aMentoringCircle, you should be aware of the time commitment.We ask that you only sign up if you are willing to commit to attending regularly, and stay- ing in touchwith your Circle. The benefits of the Circles can only be achieved if each member of a Circle is dedicated tomaking it a success. For more information on any of the above, visit ing or call 312/554-2052.

Register for a Seminar Today 312/554-2056

One Year Free Membership and CLE for New Admittees On November 5, approximately 2,000 new attorneys were admitted to practice law in the State of Illinois. CBA representatives were on hand to congratulate and welcome the new admittees who took their oath in the First District. To help introduce the new admittees to the legal profession, the CBAoffers a one year complimentary member- ship which includes the 6 hour Basic Skills Course and the additional 9 hours of Illinois Illinois MCLECredit required within their first year. Addi- tional benefits include participation in free noon hour committee meet- ings and webcasts, one-on-one career counseling resources, net- working events, legal publications, leadership and pro bono opportuni- ties to enhance resumes and much more. If you know a new lawyer who has not yet activated his or her complimentary membership, please encourage them to do so by calling the CBA’s Membership Department at 312/554-2133. To each of the new lawyers, the CBA sends its heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a successful career in the law.

Under the traditional rubric of mentor- ing, experienced practitioners give and junior apprentices take. But in the AFW’s Circles, each member is both a mentee and a mentor. Each Circle is made up of 6 to 8 practitioners of varying levels of experience, and from different practice areas. The Circles allowwomen to discuss many of the same issues at the heart of the AFW’s mission: professional develop- ment, networking, and work-life balance. The Circles offer a smaller, private forum,

16 NOVEMBER 2015

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