CBA Record

today lawyers are looked at as “hired guns,” judges are not held in as high regard, and while jobs are not plentiful for law school graduates, law student debt, not to men- tion outsourcing is–and that these are new challenges that need new remedies from those committed to the legal profession. Murdock wondered what our legal landscape would look like 50 years from now–when some of those joining the CBA today come back to be honored for their half-century commitment. Each 50-year member in attendance was introduced at the luncheon, and asked to come up to the podium for a picture. A group photo was taken immediately after the celebration, as well. Hearing the backgrounds of the 50-year members was impressive, even enthralling, when listen- ing to what they’d committed themselves to during their years of membership. And one could only wonder what interesting ideas and endeavors would come forth from this sterling crowd in the future. As one honoree, Robert Karton, said about his 50 years as a member of the CBA, “There were so many possibilities to learn about and so many opportunities to give back.” For the 2015-16 bar year, mentee applications will be accepted for select mentoring groups until those groups reach capacity. The group mentoring programwill begin a newapplication cycle in the summer of 2016. ( Please note that the group mentoring program is not accredited for Illinois MCLE Credit. Attendance is for the benefit of the participant.) GROUP MENTORING Grous new lawyers (5 or less years) with more seasoned lawyers (8 or more years) to foster the exchange of ideas, promote professional networking and tackle career challenges during this year-long program. Mentoring groups will meet once per month to discuss a wide range of topics based on the CBA’s Group Mentoring Program Calendar.


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