CBA Record
I am confident that as the Leadership Institute continues to thrive and its grow- ing alumni class begins to take leadership positions in Chicago’s law firms, this ini- tiative will be yet another example of The Chicago Bar Association developing and instituting a model program for other state and metropolitan bar associations around the country to follow. If you are interested in nominating an associate for a future class, or to simply learn more about the Institute and see the full curriculum, visit leadership. I am very proud to have been part of the CBA Executive Committee for the germination, initiation, and now the growth of the CBA Leadership Institute into what promises to be a long-standing and respected cornerstone of our orga- nization. With programs like this one, The Chicago Bar Association will remain relevant, vibrant and an integral part of our Chicago legal community.
time to interact with other members of their Institute class. Perhaps most encouraging was the universal interest of this class in staying involved in the program as Lead- ership Institute Alumni. They expressed a willingness to invest the time and energy needed to help expand and improve the program for future incoming classes. So, with one very successful year now in the books, we are ready to launch the 2017 Leadership Institute with a fresh crop of young associates carefully selected by our Leadership committee. We took the suggestion of last year’s class to heart when developing this year’s curriculum, which includes the following nine sub- stantive sessions: • The basic skills of effective leadership • What kind of leader are you? • Essential time management skills • How to effectively lead a team • Advanced public speaking and presenta- tion skills • Having difficult conversations • Overcoming unconscious bias • Advanced business development skills–
Part I • Advanced business development skills– Part II At the urging of last year’s class, we have now incorporated eight “cohort” sessions which will allow students to further dis- cuss what they have learned during these substantive sessions as well as to network with one another. Once again, our faculty will include leading lawyers and executives from the corporate, business, government and private sectors. Participants will receive substantial CLE credit, dinner at every evening session, and complimentary tickets to many premier CBA events throughout the year. I was very happy to see that most of the firms who sponsored participants in the 2016 Class nominated a second associate for the 2017 class. As the class size must remain small in order to provide the true benefits of the program, there will neces- sarily be more applicants than positions available. Nevertheless, any young lawyer who is not accepted in this year’s program should certainly reapply for next year’s class.
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