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personal backup. Maybe you can get away with using the lower-cost personal services, but in general you want to use the business class service if you can afford it.One feature that the business class services typically pro- vide is centralized administration, which will allow you to be in control of backups happening on the various computers that everyone in your firm is using. You don’t want to have to rely on going around to each computer and physically checking to see if backups are occurring, or to tweak settings if that becomes necessary. And with the business class services you can even backup your local servers if you have that need. How Many Belts Go With Your Suspenders? In conclusion, this is really the ultimate question, even if it is worded colloqui- ally. You have a set of data on your com- puter and your computer network. You understand that you need at least one additional copy of the data, the proverbial data backup.It is our experience that this functions much better when done on auto- mated, online process rather than relying for an individual in a busy law firm to do it manually. But then what? Just making an image of your computer and save it This article is but a taste of what awaits you at the ABA TECHSHOW 2017, March 15-18 at the Hilton Chicago. As a member of The Chicago Bar Association, we want you to know that you can get a discount on the ABA TECHSHOW 2017. This discount only applies to registrants that qualify for the Standard registration. You can register online at and include this unique discount code: EP1704 to receive a discount. Reprintedwith Permission. 2015© by the American Bar Association. All rights reserved. This information or any or por- tion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval systemwithout the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
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See complete list of discounts at
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