CBA Record

CBA Announces Support Of Illinois Rules Of Professional Conduct


Proposed Rule 8.4G–Additional Conduct Guidance For Attorneys

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The CBA’s Board of Managers announced its support for the American Bar Association’s Model Rule reserves

of Professional Conduct 8.4(g) which, if adopted by the Illinois Supreme Court, would add additional

the right to edit letters prior to publishing.

language specifically prohibiting discrimination and sexual harassment to Illinois’Code of Professional


Conduct for lawyers. While this conduct has always been prohibited by law, the ABA’s Model Rule

holds lawyers to a higher standard which is not dependent upon or limited by statutory or common

The CBA is pleased to introduce the second year

law claims. The CBA’s Board of Managers agreed with the ABA that it’s not necessary for a lawyer to

of CBANewsstand by Lexology, a daily email that

violate the law to run afoul of the Rules of Professional Conduct. The proposed new rule broadens the

provides valuable and free practical know-how.

applicability of enforcement for attorneys found to be guilty by the Illinois Supreme Courts Attorney

Learnmore at

Registration & Disciplinary Commission of discrimination and/or sexual harassment.

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CBA President Daniel Kotin testified in support of Model Rule 8.4(g) before the Illinois Supreme Court’s

Committee on Professional Responsibility on December 16. Mr. Kotin testified that“even though Illinois

has an existing rule prohibiting discrimination the proposed new rulemakes it clear that discriminatory

practices and sexual harassment must not be tolerated in any workplace setting including the legal

profession.” Kotin added that the CBA’s Board overwhelmingly voted to support the proposed new

rule because it is the right thing to do. He expressed concern about other organizations that voted not

to support the proposal because it gives the public the wrong impression and makes the entire legal

profession look bad. Kotin said:“How canwe as lawyers criticize others for harassing and discriminating

behavior but seemingly exempt ourselves from similar conduct?”


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