CBA Record


This year’s theme focused on “Opening Opportunities.” I challenged all members of the bar to get involved in at least one new program or project. Helena Livitz led the Suits for Success Program by secur- ing a presenter, receiving and reviewing the Christo Rey High School students’ resumes, and locating mock interviewers. JonathanMraunac started the year off right with the first ever YLS Boat Cruise, and Jonathan continued to excite YLS mem- bers as our socials moved to new locations throughout the City. None of this would be possible without support from our gen- erous sponsors. Additionally, our special project coordinators were always ready to take on projects. Their efforts have touched many in the community in a short period of time. Thank you all for your time and energy. Our projects and socials would not have succeeded without you. Beyond the success of this year, many people have helped me over the past nine years, and all of them contributed to who I am today. However, there are two people who have remained constant over these years: Dan Cotter and Jenni Bertolino. Dan Cotter introduced me to the YLS when I was a 3L. I am not sure I would have joined the organization or become Chair without him. Dan has always been available and responsive to my questions, comments, and concerns. Thank you, Dan, for your mentorship and friendship over the years. Jenni has been a part of the YLS since I was a real estate committee chair. Presi- dents and Chairs have come and gone, but Jenni has always been there. She is a warm and passionate individual whom I have had the pleasure of working with and get- ting to know better in my work as Chair. She was always there offering me guidance and a shoulder to lean on. Jenni is truly an indispensable part of this organization. Unfortunately, she is departing after the CBA annual meeting. Rest assured, Jenni, you will be missed dearly by all! Thank you so very much for everything over the past nine years. I wish you and your family nothing but happiness and success.

CBA YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION Chair Paul J. Ochmanek, Jr. Paul Ochmanek Legal Office First Vice-Chair Matthew A. Passen Passen Law Group Second Vice-Chair Kathryn Carso Liss Law Offices of Jean Conde Member Service Manager Matthew T. Jenkins Corboy & Demetrio PC Public Service Manager Malcolm “Skip” Harsch American Bar Association Project Officer Gabriela C. Sapia Law Offices of Patrick Markey Secretary/Treasurer Vickie Argueta City of Chicago YLS Journal Co-Editors in Chief Jonathan B. Amarilio Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Geoffrey Burkhart American Bar Association Assistant Co-Editor Trisha Rich Holland & Knight LLP Brandon E. Peck Peck Bloom LLC Project Officer

Vielen Dank, Gracias, Dziekuje, Thank You By Paul J. Ochmanek, Jr. YLS Chair T his is my last article as Chair of the Young Lawyers Section. Typically, the Chair uses this article to thank everyone who contributed to the YLS throughout the year. This is my toughest article to write, as so many people have contributed during this past year. To begin, my executive board has been selfless with their support. Many, if not all, of my new initiatives would not have started, let alone been completed, without them. Specifically, all credit goes to Matt Passen for creating the Shadow Program web portal. (I urge you to participate if you have not yet done so.) I wish Matt the best next year as Chair. Katie Liss and Brandon Peck secured key presenters for our spring seminar on legal issues in the LGBT com- munity. Jonathan Amarilio, Matt Jenkins and Trisha Rich were instrumental in the success of the Suits for Success program. Jonathan Amarilio and Geoff Burkhart worked tirelessly to ensure my articles were delivered on time and edited properly. Malcolm “Skip” Harsch and Gabby Sapia oversaw all of the YLS’s 30 special projects. Thank you all very much for assisting the YLS this year!

YLS Administrative Director Jennifer Bertolino

continued on page 47

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