CBA Record

published a book entitled Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Con- stitution. Don’t miss this special program/ interview with Justice John Paul Stevens. Admission is free to CBA members; however, seating is limited. Please rsvp to Tamra Drees at 312/554-2057 or tdrees@ 8th Annual State/Federal Judges Seminar The CBA hosted the 8th Annual State/ Federal Judges Seminar on May 19. The seminar featured remarks from Chief Circuit Court of Cook County Judge Timothy C. Evans and Chief U.S. District Court Judge Ruben Castillo. Collins Fitz- patrick, Circuit Executive for the Seventh U.S. Circuit and Gretchen Van Dam, Circuit Librarian for the Seventh Circuit presented a security update focusing on the Judicial Privacy Act, the Internet and Court Staff. Also, Judge Kevin S. Burke, District Judge fromHennepin County, Minnesota, spoke on the topic of Enhancing Public Perception of the Courts. Congratulations Special thanks to U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman and to Brenda A. Russell for co-chairing the Association’s 50th Anniversary Celebra- tion of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts…Judge Robert J. Anderson succeeds Illinois Appellate Court Justice Michael B. Hyman as President of the Illinois Judges Association at the group’s annual meeting on June 5 at Loyola University School of Law. Judge Israel Desireto becomes IJA’s First Vice-President… Arlene Y. Coleman succeeds Celestia L. Mays as the new President of the Cook County Bar Associa- tion at CCBA’s 101 st Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Regency Chicago on June 12… The Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois holds its Annual Meeting at Jenner & Block on June 12…Illinois Supreme Court Justice Lloyd A. Karmeier received the Lawyers Assistance Programs Josephy R. Bartylak Award…Illinois Appellate Court Justice Michael B. Hyman and Circuit Court Judge Fredrenna M. Lyle were honored at the Don Hubert Gala sponsored by Hales Franciscan Alumni Association. Congratulations to Judge Jorge L.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO LAWYERS LEND-A-HAND TO YOUTH D uringhisyearasPresidentof the ChicagoBar Association, Thomas A. Demetrio had a

vision of the legal profession sharing the gift of hope with underserved youth. Two years later that vision became the “Lend-A-Hand Program,”which awarded $46,000in1995to Chicago-areamentor- ing programs. To date, Lawyers Lend-A- Hand to Youth has awarded over $1.5 million dollars to mentoring programs and positively impacted the lives of thousands of youth.

Lawyers Lend-A-Hand to Youth will celebrate 20 years at its Spring Awards Dinner on Thursday, May 28, 2015, at the Four Seasons Hotel. The Abraham Lincoln Marovitz Philanthropic Award will be presented to Kimball R. Anderson of Winston & Strawn LLP and Karen Gatsis Anderson (pictured above), a couple who personally and professionally personify Tom’s vision of sharing hope. The proceeds from the dinner will further Lawyers Lend-A-Hand’s mission of channeling the legal commu- nity’s resources to promote best practicementoring and tutoring programs in disadvantaged communities. Donations and sponsorship of the dinner will have a significant impact as Lawyers Lend-A-Hand supports mentoring programs with average budgets less than $75,000 a year, yet each and every program pairs youth with a one-on-one mentor for at least a school year or longer. Lawyers Lend-A-Hand’s work has had an impact over the years. However,Tom’s words in laying out a vision for the organization still ring all too true today: Throughout our lives, each of us has received a helping hand from at least one person who really cared. My own list is endless. I invite you to join [me and many others] in giving our inner-city youth an opportunity to become the best they can be.These children need our help. I sincerely hope that you will lend them your hand – and your heart. –Thomas A. Demetrio, CBA Record (January 1993) If you want to be a part of this celebratory evening for a worthy cause, tickets ($250 per person) can be purchased and donations made online at can alsomail a check to Lawyers Lend-A-Hand to Youth, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Suite 700, Chicago, Illinois 60604. Please feel free to contact us or Genita Robinson at Lawyers Lend-A-Hand, 312/554-2041 or, if you have any questions. The 2015 Host Committee for the dinner includes: Paula Hudson Holderman, Winston & Strawn LLP (C0- Chair); Sharon E. Jones (Co-Chair), Jones Diversity, Inc.; William F. Conlon, Sidley Austin LLP; Eva-Dina Delgado, Peoples Gas; Averil M. Edwards, United Airlines, Inc.; Katelyn D. Geoffrion, Corboy & Demetrio; Samuel Mendenhall,Winston & Strawn LLP; Brian T. Monico, BurkeWise Morrissey Kaveny; Kevin L. Morris, Kirkland & Ellis LLP; Stephen Patton, City of Chicago; Jeannie Romas, Illinois Sports Facilities Authority;Todd Smith, Power Rogers & Smith, P.C.; Sonya Olds Som, Major, Lindsey & Africa.


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