CBA Record September-October 2024

PRESIDENT’S PAGE BY JOHN C. SCIACCOTTA Make Pro Bono Service Part of Your Legacy

The Chicago Bar Association

President John C. Sciaccotta

First Vice President Kathryn C. Liss

Domestic violence is a very personal issue for me . During my experience with WINGS, I have observed firsthand how WINGS assists mothers and children who have been dislocated, mistreated, and abused due to domestic violence. Moth ers and their children often must flee their residences due to dangers of domestic vio lence. Orders of protection and other legal means are used to prevent the perpetrators from continuing their dangerous behav iors. But much more needs to be done in this area. We as lawyers have a unique opportunity to make a difference and to help women and children when their lives are in turmoil. To raise awareness, the CBA and WINGS, along with the ISBA, WBAI, DCBA, DAWL, and Flash, are co-hosting and co-sponsoring the 2024 Domestic Violence Summit (with CLE credit) at the Union League Club of Chicago on October 29, 2024. The keynote speaker will be Denise Brown (the late Nicole Brown Simpson’s sister). This all-day sym posium will highlight the issues involved in domestic violence; suggest changes and reforms (including possible new leg islation); identify the signs of domestic violence; and include real-life discussions with people who have suffered through its nightmare. This event will be open to the entire Chicagoland community. We hope that you and your friends and colleagues will attend. The CBA and CBF recently hosted the annual Pro Bono & Public Service Awards luncheon. This is always one of my favor ite events, because it highlights the out standing lawyer contributions relating to pro bono services. As CBA President, I

Second Vice President Judge Nichole C. Patton

Treasurer Jonathan B. Amarilio

Secretary Trisha Rich

Immediate Past President Ray J. Koenig III

Executive Director Beth McMeen

BOARD OF MANAGERS Daniel J. Berkowitz Tracy Brammeier Maggie Mendenhall Casey Erin Clifford Nishá N. Dotson John C. Ellis Josie M. Gough Brian Haussmann Judge Kenya A. Jenkins-Wright Michael Kozlowski Francine D. Lynch Justice Margaret Stanton McBride Kenneth A. Matuszewski Peter McNamara John Mitchell Sari Montgomery

F or the annual pro bono issue of the CBA Record , I would like to discuss the importance of pro bono legal services and to highlight how you can pro vide great benefits to others, and experi ence personal and professional fulfillment for yourself, by engaging in pro bono endeavors. I also wish to share informa tion about the WINGS organization and the vital services it provides to combat the horrors of domestic violence. Pro bono service is the greatest gift any of us can provide to less fortunate indi viduals and organizations that are in real need of legal assistance. I have been fortu nate to serve on the Board of Directors for many years and as the pro bono general counsel of WINGS, the largest domestic violence service provider in Illinois (www. WINGS’ mission is to provide housing, integrated services, education, and advocacy to end the hor rors of domestic violence.

Eirene N. Salvi Brendon Stark Justice Rena Marie Van Tine Judge Andrea R. Wood

6 September/October 2024

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