CBA Record September-October 2024

understand their capabilities and limita tions. This includes verifying the accuracy of AI-generated outputs and cross checking critical information against traditional legal resources. Additionally, lawyers should stay informed about the latest developments in AI technology to continuously assess whether the tools they use remain reliable and secure. 2. Education and Training To meet the competence requirement, lawyers may need to pursue ongoing education and training related to AI. This could involve attending seminars, participating in CLE courses on tech nology, or collaborating with AI experts to better understand the tools being used. Staying informed about the ethical implications of AI will be crucial as the technology evolves. 3. Protocols for AI Us e Law firms may consider establishing internal protocols for the use of genera tive AI. These protocols could include guidelines for inputting client data, veri fying AI-generated content, and deter mining when AI tools should be used. By setting clear standards, firms can mitigate the risk of ethical breaches and ensure that AI is used responsibly.

and ensuring that their use of AI aligns with the profession’s standards. By adher ing to the guidance set forth in this opin ion, lawyers can harness the benefits of generative AI while upholding their ethi cal obligations, ultimately enhancing the quality of legal services they provide.

4. Client Communication Lawyers should be transparent with their clients about the use of AI in their legal matters. This includes discussing the benefits and risks associated with AI, as well as obtaining informed consent when necessary. Essential Framework ABA Formal Ethics Opinion 512 pro vides a timely and essential framework for the ethical use of generative AI in legal practice. As AI technology continues to advance, lawyers must remain vigilant in understanding the ethical implications

Trisha Rich is a commercial litigator and legal ethicist at Holland & Knight, the Secretary of the Chicago Bar Association, and the Past President of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers, the national bar association for legal ethicists.


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