CBA Record September-October 2024

The weekend included celebratory and award dinners, a reception by incoming ABA President Bill Bay from St. Louis, as well as various caucuses and meetings. Work also focused on preparations for the meeting of the ABA House of Del egates, the Association’s policy-making body, which meets at ABA annual and midyear meetings. The House, in exis tence since 1936, consists of 589 mem bers. I serve as one of the 72 local bar association delegates, having served since 2015 for the CBA. Past CBA President Daniel Kotin is the other CBA delegate (the number of bar association delegates is based on our bar size). Among the highlights of the first day of the House’s activities was a naturalization ceremony administered by Chief Judge Virginia Kendall from the U.S. District Court of Northern Illinois for nearly two dozen new citizens. Numerous resolutions were considered, including one urging the adoption of the “Statement of Principles to Preserve, Protect, and Defend the Con stitution, the Rule of Law, and American Democracy.” President Smith gave a pow erful statement on why the House should pass the same. Other resolutions passed, including one that would prohibit questions for bar applicants mandating disclosure or docu mentation of the applicant’s history as a victim of domestic violence, dating vio lence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or stalking. In addition, a resolution was passed in support of efforts to get Con gress to implement the Equal Rights Amendment. Winston & Strawn partner Linda Coberly spoke to the House in sup port of passage of the resolution. Smith also gave her final remarks as president of the ABA. Highlights of her presidential year included a democracy summit, AI task force, the creation of the ABA’s first strategic plan, and a focus on the rule of law and democracy.

American Bar Association Meeting Returns to Chicago By Daniel Cotter

Every few years, thousands of lawyers descend on downtown Chicago, not to rock Lollapalooza, but to rock the ABA Annual Meeting. This year, attendees were greeted at registration with CBA Presi dent John Sciaccotta’s face on the cover of the CBA Record , with the special spread about things to do in Chicago during the meeting (see the July/August 2024 issue at if you missed it). Outgoing ABA President Mary Smith oversaw a flurry of activity leading up to the meeting kickoff on July 31. As a long time CBA member, Smith has served on the CBA Board of Managers and is a recipient of the CBA/CBF Justice John Paul Stevens Award. A host committee helped plan what Smith promised would be the “best annual meeting ever!” She may have delivered. The opening networking recep tion, with hundreds of attorneys and local and state judges in attendance, was fol lowed up with numerous CLE programs around the city, with many CBA mem bers presenting. The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism received the Judge William D. Missouri Award for leadership in promoting civil

ity, courtesy, and professionalism. Execu tive Director Erika Harold accepted the award on the Commission’s behalf. A key focus of the meeting was Smith’s Democracy Summit. It began with a lun cheon conversation with Ken Frazier of the American Law Institute and Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Pack ard, discussing threats to democracy and the role of lawyers. The luncheon also rec ognized Chicagoan Bill Kresse as an inau gural member of the Unsung Heroes of Democracy. Equip for Equality was also recognized. The Summit included an overview of the ABA Democracy Task Force and its work, followed by sessions on various topics, including democracy’s challenges and successes. Attendees received CLE through vari ous sections, forums, committees, and other ABA bodies. Among them were sessions sponsored by the National Con ference of Bar Presidents, which included keynotes from former Judge Paul Grimm on attacks on the judiciary and from Min ister of Justice to Poland Adam Bodnar on what happened in Poland with democracy and threats around the world.

Daniel A. Cotter is a member of Dickinson Wright, the 2024-25 President of the National Counsel of Bar Presidents, and a CBA Record Editorial Board member.

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