CBA Record September-October 2023


YLS Wins 3 Awards from the ABA’s Young Lawyers Division By Ann Glynn, CBA Public Affairs Director

recognized for the Diversity Week pro gram they hosted in April, which was a series of events aimed at exploring the ways diversity impacts the legal profession and provides lawyers and law firms with tools to make the field more diverse. The @theBar Blog was honored in the Newsletter category. Recognized for pro moting the goals and objectives of the YLS, the CBA’s @theBar Blog promotes the YLS’s dedication to professional develop ment, ethical practice, service to the pro fession, and the well-being of members. The YLS also earned a Comprehensive award recognizing its broad range of pro gramming in the 2022-2023 bar year, as determined from a comprehensive evalua tion of all programs. The ABA YLD has recognized numer ous YLS programs in years past, includ ing the Law Student Mentoring Program, the CBA Law & Debate Club, the Work ing Women’s Legal Summit, the Lawyers Lend a Hand to Youth program, the CBA @theBar Podcast, the Law Committee’s Times Up on Workplace Harassment program, a four-week course on repre senting Spanish speaking clients, and the YLS Racial Justice Commission’s public presentation “Preparing for Protest.” The YLS strives to provide meaning ful opportunities for professional growth, community service, and networking to its approximately 7,000 members, who include attorneys in their first 10 years of practice and law students. The YLS offers 25 committees, including substantive practice areas and public service offerings, implements member and public service projects, and hosts numerous seminars and networking events. For further information, contact the Young Lawyers Section at 312‐554‐2070 or yls@

YLS First Vice Chair Kenneth Matuszewski, Goldberg Segalla, and Project Officer Aleksan dra Petrovic, Damisch & Damisch, in Denver at the ABA Annual Meeting, where the CBA YLS was recognized with awards for Diversity, Newsletter, and Comprehensive programming.

T he Young Lawyers Section recently received three awards from the American Bar Association at their Annual Meeting in Denver. The ABA’s Young Lawyers Division presents annual Awards of Achievement to recognize local, state, and national YLD affiliates

across the country for their contributions to the public and the betterment of the legal profession. The YLS earned 2023 ABA Awards of Achievement in catego ries for Diversity, Newsletter, and Com prehensive. In the Diversity category, the YLS was

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