CBA Record September-October 2023

Edward J. Lewis II Pro Bono Service Award

Edward J. Lewis II Pro Bono Service Award 2023 Steven Blonder 2022 Shelisa M. Thomas

Steven Blonder has been dedicated to pro bono and community service work since his graduation from the University of Chicago Law School, using his expertise to consistently take on challenging pro bono cases for some of Chicago’s most vulnerable community members. As a Principal and Management Com mittee Member at Much Shelist P.C., Blonder leads the firm’s social responsi bility initiative, Much Community, and encourages his colleagues to support nonprofit groups, dedicate time to pro bono work, and volunteer for important causes outside of the office. During his legal career, he has advocated for survi vors of sexual abuse, victims of housing discrimination, people with disabilities, immigrants, and many others. As one of his colleagues described, “Steve stands tall as an advocate for the voiceless.” Whitney Siehl is a litigator at Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro, LLP, where she handles class action lawsuits with a particu lar focus on sexual assault and harassment. She has already participated in multi ple groundbreaking cases and is a leader in the organized bar and in her community. Notably, she has represented survivors in the high-profile sexual abuse and harass ment lawsuits against Harvey Weinstein and USC gynecologist Dr. Tyndall, secur ing sizable settlements for her clients in both. Though still early in her career, she has made strides in highlighting sexual misconduct and gender discrimination as important issues in our profession and justice system while inspiring countless others to get involved in this work. Maurice Weigle Exceptional Young Lawyer Award

2009 Steven B. Bashaw 2008 Robert E. Deignan 2007 Ellen E. Douglass 2006 Harold C. Hirshman 2005 David P. Berten 2004 Richard F. Johnson 2003 Roger Pascal 2002 Howard Rosenblum 2001 Daniel R. Sanders Lawrence C. Marshall Alan L. Goldman 2000 Rosa Maria Macneil

2021 Andrew W. Vail 2020 Ken Schmetterer 2019 Steven F. Pflaum 2018 Linda T. Coberly 2017 Kathleen Robson Gordon Salvador J. Lopez 2016 Lawrence A. Wojcik 2015 Gabriel A. Fuentes 2014 Jill M. Metz 2013 Colby Anne Kingsbury 2012 John Grossbart Stephen D. Libowsky Donna M. Welch 2011 Erin McCloskey Maus 2010 Frederick H. Cohen

Professor Ralph Ruebner Professor Mark Wojcik Lisa Carroll

1999 Royal F. Berg

Maurice Weigle Exceptional Young Lawyer Award* 2023 Whitney Siehl 2022 Patrick Yingling 2021 Sarah Grady 2020 Yasamin N. Kaye 2019 David Pi 2011 Jordan M. Heinz 2010 Todd A. Solomon 2009 Andrew W. Vail 2008 Grace Y. Poe

2007Justin Lee Heather 2006 Steven V. Hunter 2005 Steven A. Block 2004 Catherine M. Burkhardt 2003 Andrew Worseck 2002 Christine Farrell 2001 Melissa Rabel 2000 Jayme Levin-Muriel

2018 Anna M. Lozoya 2017 Trisha M. Rich 2016 Andrew F. Merrick 2015 Shauna R. Prewitt 2014 Brian K. Jones 2013 James R. Irving 2012 Elizabeth P. Lewis

*The Weigle Award began in 1968. This list reflects the honorees at this luncheon. A full list of past honorees can be found on the CBF website.

Exelon Outstanding Corporate Counsel Award 2023 Melvin Flowers 2022 Chantal Kazay 2021 Theresa Duckett 2020 Jane Mansell 2019 Sherene Awad Jodrey

2011 Sandra J. Wall 2010 Mary Anne Smith 2009 Kal Gibron 2008 Minauti Mehta 2007 Randall S. Rapp 2006 Laura L. Hois

Exelon Outstanding Corporate Counsel Award

2018 Dolores Ayala 2017 Gary Wachtel 2016 Eric Carlson 2015 Claire Battle 2014 Mary Jo Quinn 2013 Angela B. Frye 2012 Steven S. Fus

2005 Daniel A. Cotter 2004 Steven M. Cook 2003 Sujata Dayal and Tejal Vakharia 2002 Pauline Levy 2001 Mary Ann O’Connor 2000 Daniel J. Harper

Melvin Flowers has been a dedicated leader and advocate for pro bono work throughout his legal career across varied cases and communities. Currently Accen ture’s Global Legal Lead for Strategic Ini tiatives as part of the Global Data Privacy

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