CBA Record September-October 2023

Judicial Evaluation Committee Seeks Investigators By Ann Glynn, CBA Public Affairs Director T he CBA’s Judicial Evaluation Com mittee is looking for members to serve in its Investigation Division.

Chicago. The comprehensive and diverse peer review process conducted by JEC investigators is critical to its mission of improving the Cook County Judiciary. The JEC is looking for savvy, driven, and inquisitive CBA Members to join in this mission to help research and investi gate judicial candidates and develop the CBA’s judicial recommendations. Being an investigator provides opportunities to learn about many different areas of the law and to expand personal and profes sional networks. All investigative work can be done over the phone or by email. “After serving on the JEC committee for over 10 years in various capacities, the

experience has been both rewarding and very interesting,” said Michelle Carey, Chair of the JEC. “It gives members the unique opportunity to make connections with our peers and our judiciary and to learn about all areas of law. Our work is very important to those who litigate in Cook County, and we look forward to welcoming new investigators to assist us with our investigations.” CBA Members with at least two years of practice experience are encouraged to apply. Applications are available for download at or send your questions to JEC Coordinator Angie Cruz at

The JEC is the CBA’s semi-autono mous committee that conducts evalua tions of candidates for judicial offices and sitting judges seeking retention within Cook County. As a public service, the CBA reports the findings of the JEC for all elections. The evaluations are designed to inform the public and the courts of the qualifications, independence, and integ rity of judicial candidates. The JEC’s work is an important part of the CBA’s legacy of improving the effec tiveness of the administration of justice in

Interested in learning more about Illinois’s judicial process? Watch the on demand version of “The Making of a Judge: How Candidates are Evaluated and How You Can Assist by Serving as a JEC Investigator” at (1 IL MCLE Credit). This seminar explains the process of becoming a JEC investigator, the time commitments involved, and the numerous benefits of participating in the JEC.

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