CBA Record September 2017

TheChicago BarAssociation

Court Calendar 2018





The Chicago Bar Association Attorney’s Court Calendar 2018

Organize your day with The Chicago Bar Association’s 2018 Attorney’s Court

and more. It also includes phone numbers and addresses for judicial

Calendar. Our quality leather- bound book is designed to help you keep track of appointments and makes it easy to track billable time in hourly increments. The ca l endar a l l ows you to

circuit courthouses/circuit clerks, other frequently called legal numbers, and CBA member information. The cos t o f t he 2018 Attorney’s Court Calendar is

You’ll always be on-time with the CBA Attorney’s Court Calendar!

include important information such as frequently called numbers, deadlines,

$22.50 for CBAmembers and $26.50 for nonmembers (includes Illinois sales tax).

2018 CBA Attorney’s Court Calendar

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I would like to order copies of the 2018 CBA Attorney’s Court Calendar. $22.50 CBA member/ $26.50 nonmember (includes Illinois Sales Tax. Shipping and Handling: Enclose $7.95 for the first copy and a $3.95 per each additional copy). Total Order: $ All orders must be prepaid and are non- refundable (also no credits available). Save on Shipping! Stop by the CBA Legal Bookstore and pick up your copy in person after October 9, 2017.



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Mail to: The Chicago Bar Association 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604 Order online at Fax to 312-554-2054 For more information: 312-554-2130 (CBA Legal Bookstore)

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