CBA Record September 2017
The CBA is your local spot for MCLE
A ll CBA and YLS committees will begin meeting in September. Enclosed in this issue of the CBA Record is a booklet listing our new com- mittee chairs and vice-chairs, along with standardmeeting dates.Weekly commit- tee speakers, topics andMCLE credit avail- ability will be sent to all members via the weekly CBA eBulletin, which is emailed every Thursday. This information can also be found at eBulletin or under Committees, Meeting Notices. Members may attend any meet- ing that interests them (i.e., you do not have to be on the committee roster to New Chair/Vice-Chair Directory We need your email address! By providing us your email address, you will: –Receive the CBA eBulletin every Thurs- day containing a list of the following week’s committee meetings and speak- ers noting free MCLE credit, upcoming seminars, networking events and impor- tant news about the Association. –Receive timely notices of your commit- tee meetings, topics and speakers. –Cut down on the amount of mail and Resources for New Lawyers J ust getting started in the practice of law in Chicago? The CBA offers many resources and programs to help new lawyers. See our comprehensive list and links including MCLE requirements, start up law firm boot camp, career services, The CBA Needs Your Email Address
attend the meeting). As a reminder, you can receive free Illinois MCLE credit by attending committeemeet- ings that qualify. Most practice area com- mittee meetings do qualify for about one hour of credit. You may attend in person or can viewselect committee presentations via Webcast at To join a committee, call 312/554-2134 or sign-up at tees. Newmembers are always welcome. You and your firm will benefit from the knowledge, experience and business contacts you will gain. faxes the CBA sends which helps lower these expenses and saves trees! To notify us of your email address, call 312/554-2135 or send an email to including your name, phone, email address and CBA member number. Please note that the CBA does not provide or sell member email addresses to outside entities nor will we bombard you with unnecessary emails. Thank you!
Register for a Seminar Today 312/554-2056
Is This Your Last Issue? It could be if your membership dues have not yet been paid or you have outstanding charges more than 90 days. Cancellation notices were sent to all members who failed to submit payments by August 31. If you received a cancellation notice, we want you back! Please take a moment to renew now. Don’t miss out on: free CLE seminars –enough to fulfill your MCLE require- ments, live and webcast options; free MCLE credit through noon hour committee meetings-attend live or via webcast; free online MCLE credit tracker: unlimited CLE of your choice only $150 now through May 2018: new lawpracticemanagement and technology software training, web resources and low cost office consulting; free practice area email updates: networking and business development opportunities; free solo/small firm resource portal; career resources; member discounts and more. Plus, your membership helps strengthen the CBA’s efforts to improve the administration of justice in Illinois and provide legal services to the disadvantaged. Renew your membership now by mail, online at or by phone 312/554-2020. Reduced dues are available for unemployed members and those with financial hardships. For more information regarding dues and other Associa- tion charges, call 312/554-2020.
mentoring programs, seminars for new lawyers, practice area pointer videos, volunteer opportunities and more. For more information, go to www.
Save 15% on On-demand Legal Research and Writing Services W ith more than four decades of success providing expert level research, case-specific now offers discounted services to CBA members–on your terms, your schedule and your budget.
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