CBA Record Sept-Oct 2019

Lifting to Lend-A-Hand to Youth By Lynn S. Kopon, CBA Editorial Board

The Chicago Bar Association


President Jesse H. Ruiz

First Vice President Maryam Ahmad

Second Vice President E. Lynn Grayson

Secretary Ray J. Koenig III

Treasurer Timothy S. Tomasik Executive Director Terrence M. Murphy

O nce again, Daniel A. Cotter, Ch i c a go Ba r As s o c i a t i on President 2014-2015, lifted weights to raise funds for the CBA’s Lawyers-Lend-A-Hand to Youth program. This summer, Dan competed in the weightlifting competition APF/AAPF Chicago Summer Bash “16.” It’s not the first time he has made this effort, or even the second or third: this year’s competition marked the 12th time Dan has competed to raise money for the program. Donations this year were based on price per pound lifted or a flat amount. The result? Dan lifted 319.7 pounds and raised over $12,000 in much needed funding for this impactful program. He also took first place in his division! Daniel Cotter is well-known in the Chicago legal community. He is an attorney at Howard & Howard and concentrates his practice in corporate law and litigation including insurance law, complex business disputes, employment law, corporate governance, cybersecurity, and privacy law. In addition to his service as CBA President, he was on the Board of Managers for a number of years as well as the Board of Directors of the Chicago Bar Foundation.

Dan recently wrote a critically acclaimed book, The Chief Justices: The Seventeen Men of the Center Seat, Their Courts, andTheir Times, 2019 (reviewed in the July-August issue of The Record). The book examines the position of Chief Justice and explores the Court under each of its 17 chiefs. What is it about Lawyers Lend-A- Hand to Youth (LLAH) that compels Dan to do the heavy lifting?The program’s mission statement is to channel the Chicago legal community’s resources to support mentoring and tutoring programs that help at-risk youth. This mission is served through one-to-one tutoring at the CBA for students from the Englewood community and by financial grants to other one-to-one tutoring and mentoring programs in Cook County, Illinois. LLAH was created and is supported by the CBA and the CBF in dedication to the lasting memory and generosity of Abraham Lincoln Marovitz. LLAH became a direct service organization in 2016 with the launch of Lend-A-Hand Tutoring at the CBA. Tutoring sessions are held at the CBA on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Assistance Executive Director Elizabeth A. McMeen Immediate Past President Steven M. Elrod BOARD OF MANAGERS Jonathan B. Amarilio Octavio Duran Sharon L. Eiseman Nina Fain Charles P. Golbert Hon. LaShonda A. Hunt Hon. Diane Joan Larsen Hon. Lori E. Lightfoot Kathryn C. Liss Michael R. Lufrano Lauren S. Novak Hon. Nichole C. Patton Trisha M. Rich Federico M. Rodriguez Ajay N. Shah

Adam J. Sheppard Adam M. Zebelian

10 September/October 2019

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