CBA Record October 2018

CLE & MEMBER NEWS Free Committee Meeting Webcasts–Earn Free MCLE Credit Without Leaving Your Office or Home!

The CBA is your local spot for MCLE

D id you know you can earn free IL MCLE credit by attending CBA and YLS committee meetings in person? Now you can also do so without leaving your office or home through our live committee meeting webcasts. Over 120 committees meet on a monthly basis at the CBA during the noon hour and all committee meetings are free! Approximately 40 meetings/month are currently being webcast with more to come. Members may attend anymeeting they choose-you do not have to be on a committee roster to attend its meetings. Detailed committee speaker, topic, MCLE credit andwebcast information can found at under Commit- tees, Upcoming Meetings. It can also be found on the weekly eBulletin which is emailed every Thursday to all members who have given us their email address. If you are not receiving the ebulletin, please send your name and email address to or update your proile at Dues Assistance Available R educed dues are available for unemployed members and those with financial hardships. Call 312/554-2131 or see the dues hardship application format For dues installment plan, call 312/554-2020. T he Chicago Bar Association has partneredwithNational Purchasing Partners (NPP) to offer members discount pricing on a variety of products. This program is free with no obligation to purchase. A few offerings include Best

To view live committee meeting web- casts, go to, Com- mittees, UpcomingMeetings and click on the committee meeting webcast link to begin the meeting. You must access the meeting online by the start time in order to view the livemeeting. At themeeting’s completion, an attendance verification question will appear on your screen. The amount of Illinois MCLE credit available for a committee meeting is determined after the meeting based on the presenta- tion length (most meetings qualify for about 1 hour of credit). Your MCLE credit for attending the meeting will appear on our online MCLE Credit Tracker approxi- mately 10 business days after themeeting. Archived committee meetings webcasts can be accessed by visiting the Commit- tee Pages. Select the committee you are interested in and then click “Events” on their homepage to see all related commit- tee meetings and seminars. Please note, archived committee meeting webcasts are not eligible for MCLE Credit.

Register for a Seminar Today 312/554-2056

Enhance Your Resume, Expand Your Contacts, Make New Friends B y gettingmore involved in the CBA, you can raise your profile in Chicago’s legal community andmeet other lawyers whose paths you may have never crossed. Even a small time commitment can reap big rewards. These are just a few examples of speaking, networking, leadership and other opportunities available through your CBA mem- bership. –Speak at a seminar, committee meeting or community event –Write an article for the CBA Record –Become a legislative liaison –Evaluate judges through the CBA's Judicial Evaluation Committee –Volunteer for a pro bono project –Help out at a YLS community out- reach project –Do something in the CBA Symphony, sing in the CBA Chorus, perform in Christmas Spirits (the CBAholiday show), or help produce a legal cable TV show For more information on these opportunities or to learn how to become more involved in the CBA, contact Karen Stanton, CBA Mem- bership Director at 312/554-2131 or

Save on Best Buy, Verizon, Staples, Expedia and More through National Purchasing Partners

Buy, Expedia, Staples Advantage, PetFirst Pet Insurance, LifeLock and if eligible Verizon Wireless. Employee discounts available as well. To learnmore, visit www. or call 800-810-3909.

If you do not wish to renew for this mem- bership period, please call 312/554-2135 or email to resign your membership and avoid reinstate- ment fees in the future.

20 OCTOBER 2018

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