CBA Record November-December 2023

opportunities our career gives us to make a difference in people’s lives, uphold jus tice, and advocate for our clients. I am extremely fortunate to have enjoyed a career in a practice and with colleagues at Clark Hill whom I enjoy and respect. Education and Training: Becoming a lawyer requires a significant amount of education and training. We are thank ful for the knowledge and skills we have earned through our education and experi ence. Without the education and experi ence I gained at Michigan State University and DePaul University College of Law, I most certainly would not have had what I consider to be a successful career. Personal Growth: Our profession can be intellectually challenging, requir ing continuous learning and adaptation. Like many, I am grateful for the personal and professional growth that comes with facing these challenges. While our CLE requirements can feel onerous at times, they force us to take time to continue to learn and evolve.

Work-Life Balance: While our profes sion is demanding, many of us admirably find ways to achieve a work-life balance that suits our needs and priorities. We are very thankful for the flexibility and options available to us. Many lawyers, like me, are fortunate to have flexibility in their schedules, which has allowed me more time to be present with my husband and twin daughters. Financial Stability: We often enjoy financial stability and the potential for substantial income, which usually leads to a sense of gratitude for our economic well-being. It should go without saying that I, like many lawyers, have a much better financial situation than I would if I had gone into most other professions. Personal Accomplishments: Many of us feel grateful for our achievements, such as passing the bar exam, winning cases, and successfully representing clients. These accomplishments are rightfully also a source of personal pride. I am grate ful for the examples I just provided, but

the most gratifying professional achieve ment has been my opportunity to serve as President of this bar association and serve our fantastic community of lawyers and judges. The benefits of gratitude go far beyond just feeling good about where we are. Ide ally, gratitude can motivate us to drive change so others can benefit from what we appreciate. Let’s take our thanks and turn it into a positive force in the world, to counter the many challenges we see every day. Our gratitude can prompt the evo lution towards a more just legal system, to equal access to justice for all, and even drive society to move to true equality for everyone. As my cousin reminds me, be grateful. As I am reminded every day, I get to col laborate with lawyers and judges like you. And I am now taking that gratitude and putting action behind it by encouraging you to reflect and act to provide some thing that someone else can be grateful for in turn. Thank you.

The CBA, Chicago Public Library, and Evan ston Public Library provided an update on book bans for the September installment of the Law at the Library series. Over 60 people attended the event in-person at the Harold Washington Library, with an additional 450 watching online. A record ing of the discussion is available on CPL’s YouTube page. Pictured from left: CBA Board of Managers Member Maggie Men denhall Casey, Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, Cook County Circuit Court Judge Robert Harris, CBA President Ray J. Koenig III, and CPL Commissioner Christopher Brown.

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