CBA Record November-December 2022

Wise lawyers speak because they have something to say; foolish lawyers because they have to say something. —Plato Such is the nature of the judge, that howsoever they may acknowledge many others to be more witty, or more elo quent, or more learned; yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves. —Thomas Hobbes The law is forever in a state of change, forever becoming. —Simone de Beauvoir We agreed that ease in learning, a good memory, courage, and high-mindedness belong to the nature of the good judge. —Plato Try not to become a lawyer of success, but rather try to become a lawyer of value. —Albert Einstein The true measure of a lawyer is how they treat a witness who can do absolute harm to their case. —Samuel Johnson It is by doing pro bono that lawyers become good. —Jean-Jacques Rousseau If two lawyers agree on everything, you want to be sure that one of them is the judge. —Lyndon B. Johnson No matter how absurd, some lawyer has said it. —Cicero Lawyers who think they know the law are a great annoyance to the judge who does. —Isaac Asimov Facts and law, facts and law, Go together like cole and slaw, This I tell ya, lawyer, Ya can’t have one without the other. —Sammy Cahn

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on law, in which hardly anyone (except lawyers and judges) knows anything about it. —Carl Sagan It is difficult to get a lawyer to under stand something when their hourly income depends on not understanding it. —Upton Sinclair To jaw-jaw is always better than to sue-sue. —Winston Churchill Let us be thankful for clients. But for them the legal profession could not succeed. —Tammy Wynette A lawyer’s talent is 50% what they’ve got and 50% what the adversary thinks they’ve got. —Sophia Loren Discovery expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. —C. Northcote Parkinson A judge’s hardest task is not to do right, but to know what is right. —Lyndon Baines Johnson There is no more miserable a judge than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision. —William James A bad brief is as much a labor to write as a good one; it comes as sincerely from the lawyer’s soul. —Aldous Huxley If A is a successful oral argument, then A equals x plus y plus z. The judge is x, y is the law, and z is knowing when to keep your mouth shut. —Albert Einstein Roll over, Blackmun, and tell Scalia the news. —Chuck Berry —Mark Twain Stand by your client.

CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION L e a r n . C h i c a g o b a r . o r g N e e d t o g e t g o i n g o n y o u r M C L E R e q u i r e m e n t s ? W e ' v e g o t o v e r 2 5 0 + o n l i n e s e m i n a r s i n c l u d i n g h a r d t o f i n d P r o f e s s i o n a l R e s p o n s i b i l i t y . Available Titles Include: Lonely Lawyers: The Well-Being Impacts of Isolationism in the Legal Profession Practice Basics: State Court Motions to Dismiss Taking and Defending Depositions in State and Federal Court Understanding Financial Misstatements Increasing Impact Through Diversity Russia and Ukraine: Perspectives and Export Controls Updates Litigating High Stakes Damages Cases Annual State and Local Tax Update One-and-Done: 6-Hour Professional Responsibility Overview Business Development and Marketing for Litigators

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