CBA Record November-December 2022

YOUNG L AWYERS S EC T I ON : BU I LD I NG BR I DGE S and support systems in creative (and per haps previously unknown) ways. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, shutting down, and turning to excuses, bouncing back and pushing forward reflects an admirable ability to work through adversity. As just one example, this helps build client advo cacy skills for when challenges inevitably arise in your field of practice. Admittedly, finding a healthy bal ance in the face of stress and adversity is tough. Adopting and building these habits is especially tough as you grow and learn new roles and skillsets. Cultivating the ability to bounce back is vital to your short-term and long-term success as a young lawyer. Kernisha Padilla is a conflicts attorney in the Office of the General Counsel at Latham & Watkins LLP whose work centers around pro fessional responsibility, ethics, and compliance.

NEW CBA TV Check out the latest CBA TV programwhich examines the current slate of anti-transgender legislation, employment protections for transgender and gender expansive employees post Bostock and HB 2542 and the Illinois Name Change Modernization Act. View it on the CBA’s YouTube Channel at

Actuarial Pension Valuations • All Illinois Public Retirement Plans • Private Plans • Military and Federal (CSRS/FERS) • Non-Qualified Plans • Survivor Benefits • QILDRO Income Stream Estimates

John C. Madden (925) 258-7100


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