CBA Record May-June 2023
Thank you to our Project Officers, Brittany Kaplan and Aleks Petrovic, and all the Special Project Coordinators under their charge, who did the hard work of organizing all the new and recurring events this year. Nothing from Lunch with a Judge to the YLS Fundraiser hap pens without the hard work of securing speakers and sponsors or checking people in at the door. I appreciate how we were able to return to a full slate of original programming under your watch. To Kernisha Padilla, our intrepid Secre tary/Treasurer: thank you for giving some of the little time you have to keep us orga nized and make this enterprise better with
your presence. I am glad that you will be rejoining us soon in Chicago and will con tinue to be involved in YLS leadership. Thanks to all the editors of our pub lications: Ted Kontopoulos, Jake Berger, and Nikki Marcotte of the YLS Journal, and Brian Bentrup and Alexandra Morelli of the @thebar Blog. Sorry for never get ting you my Chair’s Column before you had to ask, but as a former editor myself, I can assure you that is a longstanding YLS Chair tradition. Thank you for col lecting and editing articles that benefit all our readers. Lawyers, for the most part, are professional writers, and we appreciate your commitment to being the epitome
of professionals among professionals. Finally, I want to thank all of you, our readers and members. This organization is only as good as the people who constitute it. I hope that my efforts, and the efforts of everyone I named above (apologies if I forgot to name anyone; just know my gratitude is greater than my memory), have made this organization better for you. That is the reason we do all of this. I consider my responsibility to all our members to extend beyond the confines of my year as Chair. If ever you need my help, please do not hesitate to ask
Young Lawyers Section Annual Meeting Reception
Join us on June 22 at 5:30 p.m. at the CBA Building for a reception to welcome Incoming YLS Chair Martin Gould and to celebrate Outgoing YLS Chair Daniel Berkowitz’s 2022-23 year of leadership. Special awards will be presented to out standing Section members. Tickets can be reserved at Pictured from Left: 2022-2023 Outgoing YLS Chair Daniel Berkowitz, Aronberg Goldgehn, and Incoming YLS Chair Martin Gould, Romanucci & Blandin LLC.
The YLS Business Law Transactions Committee hosted a Transactional Negotiation Competition for law students. Student teams honed their legal skills outside of the classroom and received valu able feedback from volunteer judges. Participating schools included Chicago-Kent College of Law, New York Law School, Notre Dame School of Law, St. Mary’s University School of Law, Texas Tech University School of Law, and UIC Law School Chi cago. Thank you to Gavin Phelps, Phelps LLC; John Romanucci, Galarnyk & Associates; Nadia Minor, UIC Law School; and Lindsey Avalos, UIC Law School, for planning the event on behalf of the committee. Winners from Notre Dame Law School are pic tured from left: Meg Bibby, Sudeep Kalkunte, and See Wan Park.
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