CBA Record May-June 2023

Editor’s Briefcase We Are What We Choose to Become4
President’s Page Navigating the CBA Out of the Pandemic: Live and Back in Action6
CBA News8
Chicago Bar Foundation Report18
The Pulse20
INSIDE THIS ISSUE AI and Civil Small Claims Matters22
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Square-Cut Pizza Makes Chicagoland Go ‘Round24
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Women’s History Month: Lawyers by Trade Embrace Entrepreneurship with Passion28
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Women’s History Month: Going from Frazzled to Focused: Unexpected Approaches to Time Management29
YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION Tips for Deposing Reluctant Witnesses, Whether They are New or Experienced32
LPMT Bits & Bytes ChatGPT and the Future of AI36
History Will Judge The Future of Social Justice38
Practical Ethics The Only Constant is Change: A Look at ChatGPT40
Summary Judgments by Daniel A. Cotter The Constitution in Jeopardy: An Unprecedented Effort to Rewrite Our Fundamental Law and What We Can Do About It42
Levin & Perconti Attorneys At Law2
Morgan Stanley5
A Wholehearted Approach to Attorney Wellness Seminar12
Landex Research, Inc.12
The Moses, Bertha & Albert H. Wolf Fund13
Collaborative Divorce Illinois17
Moon, Schwartz & Madden19
Judges & General Counsel Seminar26
Nielsen Career Consulting26
CLE Advantage Plan27
The Chicago Bar Association Trial Academy Seminar35
How To...Exceed Client Expectations in a Virtual World Seminar36
The Chicago Bar Association Membership Exclusives!37
2023 Diversity Week Seminars39
CBA Continuing Legal Education41
CBA Insurance Agency43

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