CBA Record March-April 2022

be viewed as a business imperative, criti cal to a lawyer’s success. CBA member Ken Levinson recently shared some insights from profes sional development coach James Clear that reinforced my life experiences. He emphasizes that being thoughtful, respectful, and kind have meaningful business implications. Clear’s quote reminds me of the importance of having a positive attitude and treating everyone with respect and kindness: “Being pleas ant and having a good attitude is a simple way to become luckier. Opportunities come through people, and people are more likely to bring opportunities to people they like. It’s hard to win if your attitude adds friction to every interper

sonal experience.” I had the privilege of interviewing Judge Sophia Hall as part of the CBA’s Women’s Interview Archive Project ear lier this year.When asked what advice she would give young lawyers about success in law, she said they should fi nd their passion and learn what will make them happy, because happy people are viewed as successful. Th is statement instantly resonated with me, and I immediately realized she was correct—happy lawyers are successful lawyers. We all have natural skills, talents, and charms that collec tively I refer to as blessings. Th ose bless ings, individual and unique to each of us, are the key to fi nding what motivates us and what makes us happy, and ultimately

provides the path to success in law. Without a doubt, you need to be smart, responsible, and politically savvy to be successful in law or business. As lawyers, we must master the critical legal skills taught in law school -- but there are personal and professional traits that make a big di ff erence too. As to success in law, I know there is a place for all of us in the legal community where our blessings will be valued, and our individual contribu tions rewarded. Most importantly, I know in my heart that a happy and healthy lawyer is a suc cessful lawyer. Th is is the best advice I can share with Joe.

Most Fit Lawyer Competition Save the Date! Thursday, May 19, 2022 | Chicago Athletic Association Lawyer competitors showcasing their athletic agility and fi tness! All proceeds bene fi t the Edward J. Lewis Lawyers in the Classroom Program! See for details.

INTRODUCING Robert C. O’Brien, U.S. Ambassador, Retired

MEDIATION FOR: + Business & commercial contracts + Class actions + Complex litigation + Employment + Securities



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