CBA Record July-August 2022
self as a skilled cross-examiner and case builder,” Boho said. “He did this while developing strong professional rela tionships with both allies and opposing counsel. Tim represents the top of our profession well, with vigor and decency.” Tomasik counts Clifford as a “great friend and mentor,” and calls his time at Clifford’s firm “an absolutely amaz ing career opportunity.” Tomasik recalls, “From day one at Clifford Law, although Bob put me on some of the biggest cases in the office, I also learned the impor tance of representing victims, underdogs, in smaller cases.” But while he credits a number of important career moments to his time at Clifford Law Offices, he always had the entrepreneurial itch. Entrepreneurial Moves In January 2013, Tomasik started talk ing with Dan Kotin and Shawn Kasser man, then both at Corboy & Demetrio, about starting a law firm. Together with Robert F. Geimer and Patrick J. Giese, they formed Tomasik, Kotin, Kasserman LLC in early 2013. At the time, Tomasik told the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin that he was looking forward to “starting [his] own firm with talented partners.” Indeed, the firm is now in its tenth year, and has built a reputation as one of the city’s premier personal injury firms. Tomasik’s own career has continued to develop as well, and he is now regarded as one of the most talented personal injury attor neys in the country. His practice includes not only personal injury litigation, but complex premises liability, aviation liti gation, trucking litigation, medical negli gence, medical liability, hospital liability, and mass disasters. He has tried over 100 jury and bench trials to verdict and has successfully recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients. Jonathan B. Amarilio recently worked with Tomasik on behalf of a plaintiff who had been sexually assaulted by a rideshare driver in a case that went to the Illinois Supreme Court before set tling out of court. Amarilio, Co-Chair of Taft’s appellate group and former Chair of the CBA Young Lawyers’ Section,
assisted in handling the appellate issues in the case. “Tim proved himself to be equal to his reputation as one of the premier plain tiff ’s personal injury lawyers anywhere. He was a zealous and dedicated advocate.” Tomasik has a well earned reputation for fairness as well as effec tive advocacy. “Tim is a formidable advocate; he’s a tenacious trial lawyer, but respon sible and respectable,” says Judge Lyons. “He’s always polite and professional to his opponents, and he understands how courtrooms work. He’s the consummate pro fessional – having him “Triple Threat Lawyer”
Timat the2019CBA/ISBA Illinois SupremeCourt Dinner with 2021-22 CBA President Maryam Ahmad.
he and Petrek are friends to this day. “Even though he and Clifford cleaned my clock, he was really fun to have a case with. I think the world of him.”
appear before me is always a pleasure.” Amarilio’s and Judge Lyons’ comments are echoed by many, even those who have found themselves on the other side from Tomasik. William J. Rogers, a partner at Swanson Martin & Bell LLP, describes Tomasik as a “triple threat lawyer.” “He’s an experienced trial lawyer in civil and criminal cases; he is professional in dealing with judges, jurors, and opposing counsel; and he’s ethical. Some people are only a couple of those, but Tim is all three.” Frank Petrek, also a partner at Swan son Martin & Bell LLP, agrees. In recall ing a case the two tried against each other 20 years ago, Petrek stated, “Tim prepared the case, and we were all over the country, literally – Tim’s preparation really put that case together. He was also a gentleman. It was one of the first big civil cases he worked on. I immediately had a lot of respect for him.” Toma sik’s client went on to win a $13 mil lion verdict against Petrek’s client, but
Serving His Profession, His Community, & His Family
Tomasik is fond of saying, “if you want something done, give it to a busy person.” He uses the phrase primarily as a com pliment to other people, but it clearly applies to him. Tomasik’s community involvement is both broad and deep. He’s a champion of bar organizations and the legal profession. He has served in CBA leadership for a number of years, per haps most notably as Chair of the Judi cial Evaluation Committee and then as Treasurer and now as incoming President. He has also held leadership roles in a number of other associations. Tomasik is the Immediate Past President of the Illi nois Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates, a national association of trial lawyers and judges. Rogers succeeded
26 July/August 2022
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