CBA Record July-August 2020
PRESIDENT’S PAGE BY MARYAM AHMAD Recommit to the CBA: Make Your Corner of the World a Better Place
The Chicago Bar Association
President Maryam Ahmad
Lawyers were instrumental in drafting the United States Constitution. They guided the nation through internal civil conflict, navigated the country through wars and international conflicts, established voting rights and anti-discrimination laws, and have consistently led the way in times of strife. And yet, the legacy of 1619 and Jim Crow laws have resulted in disparate edu- cational systems, inadequate healthcare, unequal economic opportunities, and unequal treatment by the police and court systems for years. Now in 2020, we are fighting the Covid-19 pandemic and the plague of racism that disproportionately kill black and brown people. The collec- tive impact of these systemic failings leaves some of us unable to breathe. Our nation’s failure to develop the talents of a large swathe of its residents undermines our national moral author- ity, destroys communities, and denies our country of precious talent needed to con- tinue to compete globally. How can we, in the legal community, remedy injustice if we are too reticent to call it out, particularly when it is apparent? How can we uphold
First Vice President E. Lynn Grayson
Second Vice President Timothy S. Tomasik Secretary John C. Sciaccotta Treasurer Timothy S. Tomasik Executive Director Terrence M. Murphy
L aw is my second career. I worked in higher education administration and taught for 14 years before attending law school. Having spent years watching lawyers, without being one, I observed that lawyers could do anything. The lawyers I observed were powerful and respected individuals. They possessed a special level of knowledge that was extremely valuable to people in crisis. Lawyers are achievers. Many significant advances in human rights were attained through the intervention of lawyers.
Assistant Executive Director Elizabeth A. McMeen Immediate Past President Jesse H. Ruiz
BOARD OF MANAGERS Jonathan B. Amarilio
Hon. Charles S. Beach II Alexis Crawford Douglas Charles P. Golbert Kathryn C. Liss Michael R. Lufrano Hon. Clare Elizabeth McWilliams
Juan Morado, Jr. Lauren S. Novak Hon. Nichole C. Patton Brandon Peck Ashley Rafael Trisha Rich Antonio M. Romanucci Ajay N. Shah
LAP is Here for You The Lawyers’ Assistance Program is a not-for-profit organization that helps Illinois lawyers, judges, law students, and their families concerned about alco- hol abuse, drug dependency, or stress related issues like anxiety, burnout, depression, andmany others. Services (many now virtual) include individual and group therapy, assessments, education, peer sup- port, and intervention. Learnmore at
Hon. Maria Valdez Adam M. Zebelian
6 July/August 2020
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