CBA Record January-February 2024


January/February 2024 • Volume 38, Number 1


Editor’s Briefcase The Over-Engaged Profession by Justice Michael B. Hyman President’s Page Promoting an Independent and Ethical Judiciary by Ray J. Koenig III




Impaired Impartiality: How to Ensure the Independence of Administrative Law Judges By Alan Rhine

8 CBA News 12 Chicago Bar


CBA 150th Anniversary Celebration: A Time of Unrest and Change, 1949-1974 By Trisha Rich Flash Fiction Contest Winner: The Heron By Tom Keevers

Foundation Report

14 The Pulse 32 Summary Judgments


Black History Month Reading Selections Curated by the DICE Committee Tips, Tricks, Gadgets & Apps for the New Year by Anne Haag Keep It Together: Clear Writing Follows Subject- Verb-Object Order by Kathleen Dillon Narko Training to Prevent Sexual Harassment: Beyond Diversity by Nina Fain


34 LPMT Bits & Bytes


A Great 2023, Plus New Beginnings By Martin D. Gould


Moore Money, Moore Problems: How the Supreme Court Could Set the Stage for a Wealth Tax By Robert J. Hove y Illinois Supreme Court Recognizes Exception to First-to-Breach Rule By J. Kopczyk

36 Nota Bene


38 History Will Judge

39 Review of Reviews 42 Practical Ethics

January/February 2024

Wire Transfer Errors: Red Flags to Avoid Discipline by Trisha Rich

The CBA Record (ISSN 0892-1822) is published six times annually (January/February, March/April, May/June, July/ August, September/October, November/December) for $10 per year by The Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois 60604-3997, 312/554-2000, Subscriptions for non-members are $25 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, Illinois. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CBA Record , c/o Membership, Chicago Bar Association, 321 South Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois 60604. Copyright 2024 by The Chicago Bar Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The opinions and positions stated in signed material are those of the authors and not by the fact of publication necessarily those of the Association or its members. All manuscripts are carefully considered by the Editorial Board. All letters to the editors are subject to editing. Publication of advertisements is not to be deemed an endorsement of any product or service advertised unless otherwise stated.

About the Cover: Rebecca Kaplan is a member of the CBA and

works in marketing. Thank you, Rebecca!


The Reviews of Review column has returned with short descriptions of law review articles of interest prepared by students from Northwestern Pritzker School of Law under the supervision of Meredith A. Geller, Director of the Writing Lab and Clinical Professor of Law.

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