CBA Record January-February 2022

gapore in Chicago. In a conversation with Circuit Court Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr., Minow encouraged lawyers to prioritize their constitutional knowledge and reflect on what true equality under the law and the pursuit of happiness means to them. “We have a country that promotes the idea that everyone is equal under the law, and we must ensure this idea is strong,” Minow said. Minow went on to say that legal pro- fessionals should always act to uphold the constitutional right of free speech, while maintaining a balance with the public interest and using caution not to exploit heightened divisions among the public. As the country moves forward from the pandemic shutdowns of 2020 and 2021, lawyers should aim to lead the way by prioritizing public good and devotion to the values of our Constitution. Many thanks to members of the CBA Edito- rial Board for interviewing and collecting the words of wisdom and photos for this article, including Dan Berkowitz, Anthony Fata, Judge Jasmine Hernandez, Lynn Kopon, John Levin, and Judge E. KennethWright, Jr. If you have a life lesson from your legal career that you would like to share, please feel free to contact our Editor-in-Chief, Justice Michael B. Hyman at CBARecord@

help others,” King said. “Use your degree not only to assist your clients but also to assist the community in which you live and work to make it a better place for all.” Among his many professional accom- plishments, Joseph L. Stone is a past CBA president, founding director of the Business Law Clinic at the Loyola Uni- versity School of Law and Of Counsel at Seyfarth Shaw. Stone is the first lawyer in his family, and he said he has never regret- ted one moment of it. Stone has seen many changes and developments in the practice of law, but his advice remains consistent, “Do something good, as everyone has an opportunity to lend a hand in some capac- ity.” Stone has served on the boards of Cook County Court Watchers, the Legal Clinic for the Disabled, the Youth Justice Institute, the International Academy of Dispute Resolution, Family Care of Illi- nois, the American ORT Federation and Jewish Community Centers of Chicago. For young attorneys, Stone recom- mends joining bar associations and attending community service events. “If we can all work together to do something good, then our profession will continue to evolve and grow so we can better serve the public,” he said. Take Charge of Your Career Professor Ronald Domksy’s key piece of advice is to “be aware of opportuni- ties that arise when you aren’t looking for them.” His career path was not planned and instead relied on serendipity. Domsky pursued his J.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School with the intention of concentrating in public accounting. While he built his expertise in tax litigation, income taxation and estate planning, Domsky taught “Part- Time Accounting for Lawyers” at the John Marshall School of Law. One evening after class, Domsky and the Dean left the build- ing together, and the Dean mentioned a full-time professorship opportunity that had just opened. The rest, as they say, is history. From that moment until his retire- ment in 2018, Domsky served as Profes- sor (Emeritus of Law) at what is now the University of Illinois Chicago Law School. Domsky pointed out that the most suc- cessful lawyers are not always the brightest, but rather those who are good at develop- ing contacts and seizing opportunities. “Think outside the box,” he said. “Be aware

of opportunities, and make your own luck.” He recommended that all attorneys, especially newer attorneys, seek out oppor- tunities to be active in bar associations, civic and/or religious organizations. As for bar associations, Judge Bauer called the CBA “invaluable.” “If I was just starting out, I would join the CBA just as soon as I got my degree. It’s a great aid and a great place to meet other lawyers beyond those in your office and your adversaries,” he said. Pay Attention to the Law Stanley B. Block currently serves as an arbitrator in commercial matters primar- ily through the American Arbitration Association. He is a former shareholder at Vedder Price, where he practiced corporate, business and commercial law. “Through 58 years of practice, I can confidently say there is no ‘perfect contract,’” Block said. “Considering this lesson, it is crucial to pay attention to the dispute resolution provi- sions that no one cares about or wants to discuss. I believe that arbitration is more efficient than litigation but similar to litiga- tion in important ways. By presenting your client with a range of possible outcomes in monetary terms, the client begins to understand the rationale for settlement.” Newton Minow is senior counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, former Chairman of the FCC andHonorary Consul General of Sin-


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