CBA Record January 2019
The CBA Record’s
2018 Flash Fiction Creative Writing Contest
The results are in! The CBA Record is thrilled to publish the winning entries from its 2018 Flash Fiction Creative Writing Contest. Coinciding with the Write Across Chicago ini- tiative, 22 CBA members submitted entries to the competition, which was judged by members of the Record’s Editorial Board. The winning entry is The Poetry Garage , by Julie Justicz, who is with the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights. Second place goes to Frankie by Tom Sotos of Greenburg Traurig LLP. he third place reciepient is Quietly, by Daniel P. Lindsey of the Legal Assistance Foundation. We hope you enjoy these short fiction pieces as much as we did. Thanks to all the entrants, who demonstrated that many talented writers belong to the CBA. Due to the enthusiasm for the competition, the Editorial Board intends to repeat it in about a year.
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