CBA Record January 2019
The CBA is your local spot for MCLE
Free MCLE Credit Tracker
A s a CBAmember benefit, ourMCLE Credit Tracker automatically com- piles credits earned at accredited seminars and committee meetings pro- duced by the CBA and the CBA Young Lawyers Section. Special features include: –CBA Certificates - Print certificates for CBA seminars and committeemeetings. –Credit Summary and Reports - View all credits currently stored in the system for your account. –Non-CBAMCLE - Input credits earned at non-CBA sponsored programs. Credits earned at CBA committee meetings and seminars are automatically Dues Assistance Available R educed dues are available for unemployed members and those with financial hardships. Call 312/554-2131 or see the dues hardship application format For dues installment plan, call 312/554-2020.
entered into the MCLE Credit Tracker. Credits for attendance at CBA committee meetings are generally postedwithin two weeks of the meeting. Credits for atten- dance at seminars are posted by the 15th day of the followingmonth (For example: credits earned at aMarch 3rd seminar will be posted by April 15th). TheMCLE Credit Tracker is located at www.chicagobar. org, under the Education tab. If you need assistance regarding your CBA MCLE credits, please email For general information onMCLE require- ments and rules, please visit the MCLE board website at
Register for a Seminar Today 312/554-2056
Enhance Your Resume, Expand Your Contacts, Make New Friends B y gettingmore involved in the CBA, you can raise your profile in Chicago’s legal community andmeet other lawyers whose paths you may have never crossed. Even a small time commitment can reap big rewards. These are just a few examples of speaking, networking, leadership and other opportunities available through your CBA mem- bership. –Speak at a seminar, committee meeting or community event –Write an article for the CBA Record –Become a legislative liaison –Evaluate judges through the CBA's Judicial Evaluation Committee –Volunteer for a pro bono project –Help out at a YLS community out- reach project –Do something in the CBA Symphony, sing in the CBA Chorus, perform in Christmas Spirits (the CBAholiday show), or help produce a legal cable TV show For more information on these opportunities or to learn how to become more involved in the CBA, contact CBA Membership Director Karen Stanton at 312/554-2131 or
If you do not wish to renew for this mem- bership period, please call 312/554-2135 or email to resign your membership and avoid reinstate- ment fees in the future.
Web Highlight: Save Money on CBA Member Discount Programs S ave on Lexis, client credit card pro- cessing, virtual office receptionists, student loan rates, car rentals, UPS, discount providers. These programs have been negotiated to offer you savings and special offers as a value-added benefit of your CBAmembership. Make the most of your membership investment and check out these savings. magazine subscriptions, legal software and more. Visit, Resources, Member Discounts/Savings for more information and links to our
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