CBA Record February-March 2019
Important Dues Billing Reminders
The CBA has a free resource portal for solo small
–Annual Dues. In our ongoing effort to reduce administrative expenses and keep dues at
firmmembers. Access archived programs on firm
the current level, the CBA has an annual billing cycle.
marketing, start up tips, legal software demos,
–Dues Auto Pay. Spread your dues payments throughout the year by signing up for the
client development and more. Go to www.
Dues Auto Pay Plan which allows you to pay your dues automatically on a monthly, quar- or call 312/554-2070.
terly, semi-annual or annual basis at no extra cost via automatic credit/debit card charges.
–ReducedDues for Financial Hardships. Unemployed members and those with financial
hardships may request our reduced annual dues rate of $50.
LawPay provides attorneyswith a simple, secure,
–eStatement. Receive your CBA bills by email only and save time, postage and the envi-
and online way to accept credit cards in their
practice. CBAmemberswho signup for a LawPay
account will get their first 3months free.To learn
–Billing Statement. The CBA’s statement allows you to choose any or all of the above
more or to get started, visit or
options and add in your own level of contributions to the Bar Foundation/ Legal Aid Fund
call 866/376-0950.
and the CBA Building Fund.
in bar association activities, which are open to all members of the legal community, and the establishment of bar association mentoring programs to “… expand discus- sion of civility questions and increase col- legiality…,” both of which are focal points for me this year. Judge Aspen’s Report on Civility is as important today as it was when it was issued in 1992. We have placed Judge Aspen’s report on the CBA Homep- age,, and I encourage you to review and adhere to its timeless recommendations. Civility improves our profession and makes us better people and better lawyers. The 2019 Vanguard Awards Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, April 10, in the beautiful Grand Ballroom of the Stan- dard Club. Please join us at this reception honoring Judge Aspen and 14 other very deserving recipients. I am certain that you will be inspired and impressed!
If you have any questions regarding your dues statement, email
or call 312/554-2020. CBA membership is an important investment in your professional
and personal growth. We thank you for your support!
The Chicago Bar Association
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