CBA Record Feb-March 2018



February/March2018 • Volume 32, Number 2

6 Editor's Briefcase

Create a Meaningful Life in the Law

SPECIAL YLS ISSUE: THE BENEFITS OF BELONGING 31 Returning on Your Investment in the YLS By Jonathan B. Amarilio

8 President’s Page

Keep the Judiciary Strong

12 CBANews 20 Chicago Bar Foundation Report


Cultivating Wellness in the Legal Profession By Christine P. Anderson

38 "Stage Right: The CBA Bar Show" By Mghnon Martin 41 Monthly YLS Socials Provide Casual, Valuable Networking Opportunities: Social Justice(s) By Daniel J. Berkowitz 42 Within Reach: Legal Community Strives to Crack Glass Ceiling By Katherine A. Welz

22 Murphy’s Law 28 InMemorium

JusticeWilliamCousins, Jr. and Judge Milton I. Shadur

46 Legal Ethics

The Impaired Lawyer–Our Individual Responsibility By John Levin

48 LPMT Bits & Bytes

Podcasts: The Radio of the Future Is Here Now By Catherine Sanders Reach

On the Cover This month's CBA Record cover celebrates the launch of @theBar, a new podcast from the Young Lawyers Section, in conjuction with Legal Talk Network. Pictured are some of our podcasters (left-right) Jack Sanker, Nykoel Kahn, Jonathan B. Amarilio, Mghnon Martin, and Alexander Memmen. Get the app and join the conversation at


SpecialYLSThemeIssue The Benefits of Belonging MakingaDifferenceintheWayYouPracticeLaw

The CBA Record (ISSN 0892-1822) is published seven times annually (January, February/March, April/May, July/August, September, October, November) for $10 per year by The Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois 60604- 3997, 312/554-2000, membersare$25peryear.PeriodicalspostagepaidatChicago, Illinois.POSTMASTER:Sendaddresschangesto CBARecord ,c/o Kayla Bryan, Chicago Bar Association,321SouthPlymouthCourt, Chicago,Illinois60604. Copyright2018byTheChicagoBarAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Reproductioninwholeorinpartwithoutpermissionisprohibited. Theopinionsandpositionsstatedinsignedmaterialarethoseof theauthorsandnotbythefactofpublicationnecessarilythose oftheAssociationoritsmembers.Allmanuscriptsarecarefully consideredbytheEditorialBoard.Allletterstotheeditorsare subjecttoediting.Publicationofadvertisementsisnottobe deemedanendorsementofanyproductorserviceadvertised unlessotherwisestated.

SpecialSupplement IncludedinthisIssue

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