CBA Record
February - March 2015
Municipal Civil Juries in a Nutshell
Are You Always a Lawyer?
Staying Current on Compliance
Competitive fees for referring attorneys
One of the top trial records in Illinois
Success rate of almost 98% of cases at trial
Record high verdicts and settlements in Cook, DuPage and Will Counties
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Congratulate Sean P. Driscoll
on being named Partner at the Firm
Robert A. Clifford, Founder and Senior Partner
Sean P. Driscoll, Partner
Sean P. Driscoll has been named a partner at Clifford Law Offices, a nationally renown personal injury and wrongful death law firm in Chicago. Driscoll has been an associate at the firm for nine years, since he graduated from DePaul University College of Law. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Dayton where he graduated cum laude. Driscoll has worked on many complex and high–profile cases at the firm, including second chairing a trial with partner Kevin Durkin in obtaining a record $16 million verdict on behalf of the families of two teenagers who were killed when trapped in a grain bin, the highest verdict in Mt. Carroll County in Illinois history. The previous record was less than $250,000. Sean also was part of a team of lawyers that worked on a case that settled for $11.4 million on behalf of a worker who suffered a fractured pelvis and significant internal injuries at a railroad yard. His legal work ranges from medical malpractice cases to premises liability, explosion cases to vehicular accident tragedies. His wide-ranging trial experience led to his being named one of Chicago’s Top 40 Under 40 Attorneys in 2011 by the Law Bulletin Publishing Company. Robert A. Clifford, founder and senior partner, and the entire firm congratulate Sean Driscoll on this well-deserved achievement.
February/March2015 • Volume 29, Number 2
6 President’s Page
The NewYoung Lawyers Section
INSIDE THIS ISSUE 24 Daley Center Municipal Civil Juries in a Nutshell By Judge Joseph D. Panarese
The CBA Record (ISSN 0892-1822) is published seven times annually (January, February/March, April/May, July/August, September, October, November) for $10 per year by the Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, Illinois 60604- 3997, 312/554-2000, membersare$25peryear.PeriodicalspostagepaidatChicago, Illinois.POSTMASTER:Sendaddresschangesto CBARecord ,c/o the Chicago Bar Association,321SouthPlymouthCourt,Chicago, Illinois60604. Copyright2015bytheChicagoBarAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Reproductioninwholeorinpartwithoutpermissionisprohibited. Theopinionsandpositionsstatedinsignedmaterialarethoseof theauthorsandnotbythefactofpublicationnecessarilythose oftheAssociationoritsmembers.Allmanuscriptsarecarefully consideredbytheEditorialBoard.Allletterstotheeditorsare subjecttoediting.Publicationofadvertisementsisnottobe deemedanendorsementofanyproductorserviceadvertised unlessotherwisestated. 10 CBANews 18 Chicago Bar Foundation Report 20 Murphy’s Law 40 Legal Ethics By John Levin 41 Ethics Extra By Michael P. Sandusky 42 LPMT Bits & Bytes By Catherine Sanders Reach 44 A Person of Interest Getting to Know… Stephen Patton By Shannon Burke 46 Summary Judgments Daniel A. Cotter reviews Lincoln’s Counsel: Lessons fromAmerica’sMost Persuasive Speaker
Special YLS Issue: The New Young Lawyers Section
27 This Ain’t Your Father’s Oldsmobile By Paul J. Ochmanek, Jr. 28 Are You Always a Lawyer? Illinois Supreme Court Says Maybe Not, But the Exception is Limited By Trisha M. Rich and Colin P. Smith 32 Navigating Student Externship Programs in Chicago By Natalie Wolfe 36 New YLS Initiative: Suits for Success By Helena L. Trachtenberg 38 YLS Legal & Regulatory Compliance Committee: Staying Current on Compliance By Brian Ashfar 38 YLS Social Committee: Expanding Contacts, Forming Bonds By Jonathan Mraunac
On the Cover This month’s cover art is courtesy of PhotoDisc.
MunicipalCivilJuries inaNutshell
AreYouAlways aLawyer?
StayingCurrent onCompliance
Amy Cook LLC Features Editor Justin Heather
The Quinlan Law Firm, LLC Summary Judgments Editor Pamela S. Menaker Clifford Law Offices YLS Journal Editors-in-Chief Jonathan B. Amarilio Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Geoff Burkhart American Bar Association
continued revisiting of the programs and services the YLS performs each year to ensure relevancy to the challenges facing law students and young lawyers, as well as the general public. A few of those programs are outlined below. Suits for Success Paul and the YLS implemented this public service project designed to benefit students at Christo Rey High School. The YLS solicited donations of new or gently used suits, arranged for the dry cleaning of the suits (at no charge), and then invited the students to The Chicago Bar Association for resume reviews by lawyers. After the resume reviews, each participant was able to choose one of the suits. Through the hard work of Paul and his leadership team, they collected and distributed an amazing 400 suits! This project will benefit many and prepare them for job interviews and college interviews. Future of the Profession It is no secret that law students graduating in recent years have seen a decline in the availability of decent paying jobs, while at the same time experiencing increased average student loan burdens and tough times. Young lawyers are the future of our profession and the YLS and CBA are doing everything we can to help address this crisis in the profession. This year, Paul agreed to continue the work that Mary Curry began in her bar year. During the Future of the Law Week in February 2015, the YLS hosted a number of events to address issues such as innova- tive pricing techniques, expert systems and knowledge management, and practicing differently. The week ended with a Future of the Law Expo.
Carolyn D. Amadon Shannon R. Burke American Bar Association Anne Ellis Proactive Worldwide, Inc. Clifford Gately Heyl Royster Angela Harkless The Harkless Law Firm Jasmine Villaflor Hernandez Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Michele M. Jochner Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP Ruth J. Kaufman Stacey R. Laskin Illinois Attorney General’s Office John Levin Bonnie McGrath Law Office of Bonnie McGrath Clare McMahon Law Office of Clare McMahon Peter V. Mierzwa Law Bulletin Publishing Company Kathleen Dillon Narko Northwestern University School of Law Adam J. Sheppard Sheppard Law Firm, PC
“I was young, not dumb Just wishing to be blinded By you, brand new And we were pilgrims on our way.” – U2, “The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)” “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” –John Maxwell T his edition of the CBA Record is the Annual YLS Issue. In 2016, The Young Lawyers Section will celebrate 45 years of existence. Created to address the needs and interests of newly admitted attorneys, it has enjoyed national prominence, including recognition by the American Bar Association for best com- prehensive programming as well as various service projects. This year is no exception. I have the privilege of serving you this year alongside the YLS Chair and a very close friend of mine, Paul Ochmanek. Paul has continued the tradition of excel- lence and has implemented programs that are amazing and reflect his passion and dedication to the bar and community. The theme of this year’s YLS edition, “The New Young Lawyers Section,” reflects a
Rosemary Simota Thompson U.S. Department of Justice William A. Zolla II The ZOLLaw Group, Ltd.
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The Chicago Bar Association
PLYMOUTH PERSPECTIVES CBA President Daniel A. Cotter blogs at throughout the bar year. Follow Dan’s blog to hear his perspective and keep abreast of what’s happening at the CBA.
OFFICERS President Daniel A. Cotter
Shadow Program When Paul was in law school, he contacted me. He asked if he could visit my office and shadow me for a day. I agreed and we met for the day. Paul credits that day of watch- ing me do my work for his decision not to practice in the field of insurance law. Paul is now launching the Shadow Program to allow other law students exposure to vari- ous fields and types of practice to be able to make similar informed decisions. Paul describes the program: “The program’s purpose was to expose law students to the actual practice of law by creating opportu- nities to observe (“shadow”) actual lawyers. The law students would obtain valuable experience watch- ing lawyers throughout a variety of practice areas. The program extended to all areas of practice and well beyond Cook County, as lawyers and students throughout Illinois are
permitted to participate.” Law students should visit the link,, to review shadow opportunities. Lawyers should also visit the link to submit shadow opportuni- ties. This program can be successful if all of you provide such opportunities. As former YLS Chair and as CBA Presi- dent, I am proud to say that while the tra- dition of the YLS continues, the new YLS is continuing to do amazing things, in no small part due to the leadership of current Chair, Paul Ochmanek. I am fortunate as President to have Paul in that position. He is a friend, a mentee, and an exceptional leader and Chair. Visit the Young Lawyers’ page at to find out the numerous other new programs and initiatives Paul and his Executive Council have completed or have planned for the remainder of this bar year. The YLS has long been “pilgrims” and the pilgrimage is in fantastic hands this year.
Fidelity Life Association First Vice President Patricia Brown Holmes Schiff Hardin LLP Second Vice President Daniel M. Kotin Tomasik Kotin Kasserman, LLC Secretary Dan L. Boho Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP Treasurer Steven M. Elrod Holland & Knight LLP Executive Director Terrence M. Murphy Assistant Executive Director Elizabeth A. McMeen BOARD OF MANAGERS Karina Ayala-Bermejo
Thomas F. Boleky J. Timothy Eaton James R. FortCamp
E. Lynn Grayson Justin L. Heather Erin E. Kelly Natacha D. McClain Hon. Thomas R. Mulroy John G. O’Brien Paul J. Ochmanek, Jr. Hon. Joseph D. Panarese Jane S. Park Justice Jesse G. Reyes Meredith E. Ritchie Jesse H. Ruiz Devlin J. Schoop David J. Scriven-Young Hon. Amy J. St. Eve John T. Theis
The Chicago Bar Association, The Cook County Bar Association, and the Black Women Lawyers’ Association of Greater Chicago invite you to a gala dinner celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights & Voting Rights Acts Thursday, April 30, 2015 l The Standard Club, Chicago For pricing and reservations, contact Tamra Drees at 312/554-2057 or
Your Mutual Your Money This year, Illinois lawyers + law firms got back $ 1.7Million Efficient operations, careful risk selection & successful investment management have allowed ISBA Mutual to return $ 16.4 Million in premiums since 2000.
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Chicago Tribune’s Mary Schmich Keynotes 26th Annual Kogan Media Awards
offer. We are proud to support journalists who vigorously cover lawyers, police, the courts and our justice system. We depend upon their hard- hitting coverage of critical public affairs issues.” “We are also happy to support journalism students through the Kogan Awards scholarships. The money we provide to students study- ing journalism or related subjects helps assure another generation of great reporters,” he said. About the Keynote Speaker Mary Theresa Schmich was born in Savannah, Ga., the oldest of eight children, and spent her childhood in Geor- gia. She attended high school in Phoenix then earned a B.A. at Pomona College in
for 25 years, until 2010. She plays piano and mandolin and teaches yoga. She and Eric Zorn host the annual “Songs of Good Cheer” singalong at the Old Town School of Folk Music. She won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for “Commentary.” About the Herman Kogan Media Awards The Kogan awards are presented to journal- ists who cover topics related to the law, the courts, or the administration of justice. The top award in each category carries a $1000 prize in the form of a scholarship presented to the journalism or English program at the college or university of the winner’s choice. The Kogan Award Competition, estab- lished in 1989, celebrates the career of Herman Kogan, whose career spanned more than 50 years and included experi- ence as a reporter, feature and editorial writer, editor, author, historian, biographer, literary critic, radio host and television executive. Ti cket s to the Kogan Award Luncheon are $60. To reserve your space, call 312/554-2013 or e-mail Awards will be presented to journalists in the categories of print, broadcast and online reporting.
By Linda Heacox CBA Public Affairs Director P ulitizer Prize winning columnist Mary Schmich will keynote the 26 th annual Herman Kogan Media Awards luncheon on Wednesday, May 6, at Maggiano’s restaurant, 516 N. Clark Street, Chicago. Dennis Culloton, Chair of the Kogan Awards Committee of the Chicago Bar Association (CBA), said, “For more than a quarter century, the CBA has been hon- oring the best Chicago journalism has to
Claremont, Calif. After working in college admissions for three years and spending a year and a half in France, she attended journalism school at Stanford. She has worked as a reporter at the PeninsulaTimes Tribune in Palo Alto, Calif., at the Orlando Sentinel and, since 1985, at the ChicagoTribune . She spent five years as a Tribune national correspondent based in Atlanta. She has written a column for the Chicago Tribune since 1992, except for the year she spent at Harvard on a Nieman fellowship for journalists. She wrote the “Brenda Starr” comic strip
2015 Vanguard Awards Thursday, April 2, 2015 11:30 a.m. reception • 12:00 p.m. lunch Standard Club • 320 S. Plymouth Court • Grand Ballroom The Asian American Bar Association of Chicago The Chicago Bar Association The Cook County Bar Association The Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois The Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago The Puerto Rican Bar Association Together will honor the individuals and institutions who have made the law and legal profession more accessible to and reflective of the community at-large. Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago Honoree Hon. Sharon Johnson Coleman, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois Chicago Bar Association Honoree Virginia Martinez , Illinois Latino Family Commission Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois Honoree Anne Shaw, Shaw Legal Services Asian American Bar Association of Chicago Honoree Justice John O. Steele, Ret. Illinois Appellate Court Cook County Bar Association Honoree Hon. Mary Jane Theis , Illinois Supreme Court Puerto Rican Bar Association Honoree 2015 Honorees: Jim Bennett , Midwest Regional Director, Lambda Legal
$65 per person $650 for table of 10
For reservations, contact Tamra Drees at 312-554-2057 or
I llinois Appellate Court Justice Shelvin Louise Marie Hall was named the 2015 Earl Burrus Dickerson Award honoree by The Chicago Bar Association. Justice Hall is currently Chair of the Illinois Appellate Court Executive Committee and is the first African American woman to serve in this capacity. Justice Hall was honored at the annual Dickerson luncheon on Tuesday, February 24 at The Standard Club, 320 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago. “We are very pleased to honor Justice Hall with this award,” said CBA President Daniel A. Cotter. “Her achievements as an attorney and her whole career on the bench have exemplified the same commitment to justice for all Illinois citizens that Earl Dick- erson demonstrated in his life and work.” The Dickerson award recognizes minor- ity lawyers and judges whose careers at the bar emulate the courage and dedication of the late Earl B. Dickerson. Justice Hall was elected from the 1st Appellate Dis- trict of Illinois in 2000 after having been assigned to the court in 1999 by the Illinois Supreme Court. Prior to her appointment and subsequent election to the Appellate bench she served as a judge in the Circuit Court of Cook County from 1991-1999. Raised on Chicago’s West side and May- wood, IL, a graduate of Proviso East High school, Hampton University, Hampton, Va., and Boston University School of Law, she began her legal career in private practice in Houston, Tex. In 1980, she went to Washington, DC, as Legislative Director to U.S. Congressman Mickey Leland from Texas’ 18th District. In 1982, she joined the Illinois Department of Human Rights and two years later was appointed its General Counsel. As a Circuit Court judge, she was assigned to the Domestic Relations and later the Law Divisions of the Court. Currently, By Linda Heacox CBA Public Affairs Director
About the Earl Burrus Dickerson Award The Dickerson award is given annually by the CBA to recognize minority lawyers and judges. The award honors the late Earl B. Dickerson, an outstanding lawyer and one of the first African-American members of the CBA, who’s life and professional career was devoted to the law and helping others gain equality and justice. Past recipients have included such prom- inent lawyers as Mayor HaroldWashington, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans of the Cook County Circuit Court and John H. Stroger, Jr., President, Cook County Board of Commissioners.
she serves on the Education and Execu- tive Committees of the Supreme Court’s Illinois Judicial Conference. She has also served as chairperson of the Judicial Coun- cil of the National Bar Association, the organization for the nation’s then 1,500 African-American judges. She is a former chair of the Illinois Judicial Council. Justice Hall and her sister, Justice L. Priscilla Hall of the New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division, are the nation’s first elected trial, and first Appellate African- American sister justices.
CBA TO HONOR JUDGE SHARON JOHNSON COLEMAN AT 2015 VANGUARD AWARDS The CBA is proud to co-host the 2015 Vanguard Awards Luncheon on Thursday, April 2, at The Standard Club with several local bar associations. This year’s luncheon honors lawyers, judges and institutions that have made the law and the legal profession more accessible to and reflective of the community we serve. The Hon. Sharon Johnson Coleman of the United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois, has been announced as the Association’s 2015 honoree. JimBennett, Midwest Regional Director, Lambda Legal, Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago Honoree; VirginiaMartinez, Illinois Latino Family Commission, Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois Honoree; Anne Shaw, Shaw Legal Services, Asian American Bar Association of Chicago Honoree; Justice John O. Steele, Ret., Illinois Appellate Court, Cook County Bar Association Honoree; and Hon. Mary Jane Theis, Illinois Supreme Court, Puerto Rican Bar Association Honoree. A reception for the honorees will begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by the luncheon in the Grand Ballroom. Tickets for the luncheon are $65 per person. For more information, contact Tamra Drees at 312-554-2057. See full list of honorees at The additional 2015 Honorees are:
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YLS PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY COMMITTEE HAPPENINGS Keeping Current By Emily Roschek, YLS Professional Responsibility Committeee Vice Chair T he YLS Professional Responsibility Committee makes it easier than ever to keep up with ethical trends and wellness, and civility. To that end, the YLS PR Committee meetings have extended beyond traditional ethics issues and have included such topics as “How the Practice of Law Is Like Major League Baseball” and “How to Get Your Case On the Front Page (or Off of It).”
The YLS Professional Responsbility Committee meets on the first Wednesdayof eachmonth. Formore information, gotowww.chicagobar. org/committees. CLE programming. We not only volunteer regularly with YLS charitable events and participate in YLS and CBA social events, we also schedule quarterly happy hours aptly named “PR at the Bar.” These are social nights of networking with attorneys who either practice in ethics or have an interest in this area. The last few have been done jointly with the YLS Fed Tax com- mittee. Why not join us for one of these events soon?
issues. We regularly communicate with our members about upcoming committee meetings, networking events, joint events, and ethics seminars at the CBA and around Chicago. We publish monthly articles in the CBA Record covering our committee meetings. We also have a LinkedIn page where we frequently post ethics-related articles and information on upcoming meetings and events. The YLS PR Committee makes PR topics accessible, relevant, and enjoyable. Illinois Professional Responsibility credit isn’t just ethics anymore. It includes pro- fessionalism, diversity, mental health and
We also like to produce joint events. Our committee meeting on February 4 was held jointly with the YLS’s newest committee, Federal Taxation, on “Tax and Ethics.” We’re also jointly sponsoring a seminar with the YLS Health & Well- ness Committee to bring in Andy Clark on “Survey Says... How to Get What You Want Most...” The YLS PR Committee makes an effort to be reachable above and beyond
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CLE & MEMBER NEWS November 2013 New Admittees: Is This Your Last Issue? I t could be if your CBA membership dues have not yet been paid or if you have an outstanding balance that is 90 days past due. In accordance with the Association’s By-Laws, members who did not remit payment by February 28 th received a notice of termination of mem- bership. If you have not yet renewed your membership or brought your member- ship account up-to-date, please do sonow to maintain CBA savings and benefits. We don’t want to lose you!
The CBA is your local spot for MCLE
breakfast series on practice fundaments, judicial roundtables, practice pointer videos, complimentary cle programs and more. These savings alone can cover the cost of your membership dues. Renewalsmay bemade online at www., by phone 312/554-2020, by fax 312/554-2054, or bymail. Questions regarding dues and other charges-call 312/554-2020. Note: Members wishing to resign/cancel are requested to indi- cate so in writing stating their reason for resignation to avoid reinstatement fees in the future. Please send your resigna- tion request to or write a short note on your statement and return it. and shakers in various practice fields, network at YLS social events, tap into our career resources–all these can give you a competitive edge. Call 312/554-2135 if you have any questions regarding your membership renewal. Note: If you were a student member and were sworn-in last November, please let us know so we can change your status accordingly and make sure you take advantage of our free membership offer for new admittees.
Register for a Seminar Today 312/554-2056 Add Value to Your Membership Did you know the CBA recently launched the fol- lowing new services, benefits and savings for you? • PracticeareaemailupdatesfromLexology.www. • Leadership & Client Development Institute–low cost seminar series to help propel your legal career forward. • Freemonthly CLE seminars–attend live or access archived webcasts, enough to fulfill your MCLE requirements. • New job search/career assistance resources–free one on one speed counseling, interactive round table seminars, FAQs, search tips and other online articles. www/ • Start Your Own Law Firm Boot camp. www. • Solosmallfirmresourceportal.www.chicagobar. org/lpmt. • Alliance for Women Mentoring. 312/554-2132. • Hands-on Technology Training Center–for members and support staff, covers business and legal software sessions. techtraining. • Free breakfast and lunch judicial roundtables- offering tips and advice directly from the judges themselves. • Low cost practice management consulting. • Free, automatic personalizedMCLE credit tracker. • Volunteer/probono activities–many offer free legal training and hands on experience to enhance your resume. 312/554-8356. • Special programming for recent law school grads - free interactive job search seminars, career counseling, newadmittee to do list, court walk throughs, live breakfast series on practice fundamentals, online practice area pointers. 312/554-2131.
CBA membership is more valuable than ever. Special free programming for recent lawschool grads include interactive job search seminars, one on one career counseling, new admittee to do list, live
Update Your CBA Contact Information S tay connected with the CBA and your colleagues. Have you recently switched firms or moved? Changed your primary phone number or email address? Wish to connect with other CBA members through our Member to Member Business Referral Direc- tory? Take a moment now to update Attention Law Student Members H ave you received your new membership card valid through November 2015? If you have not yet paid your dues, please take amoment to do so now as your membership has officially expired. Your $12dues investmentwill go a long way toward advancing your legal career. Attend seminars for half-price, learn about the actual practice of law at free noon hour committee meetings, meet movers
your CBA member profile online. Go to www,, click on the orange Update Profile link, login with your member account number and password (your member account number followed by your last name), make your changes and hit submit. Questions? Call 312/554- 2135 or email
MEMBERSHIP EXCLUSIVES The Chicago Bar Association
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THE CHICAGO BAR ASSOCIATION Continuing Legal Education
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Perspectives from In-House IP Counsel April 7 • 3:00-6:00 p.m. Use of Technology at Trial April 9 • 12:00-2:10 p.m. The Changing Legal Landscape: Ethics and Regulation April 14 • 12:00-2:10 p.m. Consumer Bankruptcy Law April 14 • 3:00-6:00 p.m. Arbitrating Commercial Cases in Cook County April 15 • 3:00-6:00 p.m. Statute of Limitations on Debt Collection and More April 16 • 12:00-2:10 p.m. Alternative Dispute Resolution: Japan and the U.S. April 16 • 2:00-5:00 p.m. Pitfalls of International Contracts April 17 • 12:00-2:30 p.m. Navigating FOIA in a Sea of Change April 21 • 3:00-5:00 p.m. Understanding and Negotiating Cloud Contracts April 22 • 12:00-1:30 p.m. Litigating the Foreign Airline Crash April 23 • 12:00-2:10 p.m.
Asset Protection Symposium April 24 • 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
April 27 • 3:00-6:00 p.m. The Value of Mentoring April 28 • 12:00-1:15 p.m.
To register, call 312-554-2056 or visit Programs are held at the CBA Building, 321 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, unless otherwise indicated above. Seminars are also Webcast live (as well as archived) at and West LegalEdcenter. Visit for more information. The CBA is an accredited continuing legal education provider in Illinois.
Chicago Bar Foundation Report
Striking a Blow Against Inequality by Increasing Access to Justice The 2015 Investing in Justice Campaign By Angelika Labno CBF Administrative & Communications Coordinator
A s the 9th annual CBF Investing in Justice Campaign kicks off this month and election seasons are heating up, seemingly everyone is talking about the problem of rising inequality in our society. While there are a variety of viewpoints on the causes and solutions for this problem, one thing we in the legal community all can agree upon is that it has no place in the justice system. That is a central theme for this year’s Campaign, which is being chaired by Brett Hart, Vice President and General Counsel at United Airlines, Inc. Once again, thousands of individual attorneys and legal professionals from throughout the legal community are coming together to make a collective impact through the Campaign to help ensure that justice is accessible for all, not The CBA again is one of the organizations on the leadership team for the Campaign, and we encourage all CBAmembers to contribute. If you would like to add your firm, company or orga- nization to the growing leadership team, or for more information about the Campaign, visit the CBFweb site
just for people who can afford to pay for necessary legal help. Over the past eight years, the Campaign has grown from the ambitious vision of a few dedicated indi- viduals to a broad-based effort that has now raised a total of more than $10 million for the cause. Last year, a record-breaking number of more than 4,300 individuals at 146 participating firms, companies and organizations (including the CBA) made it possible for tens of thousands of people
to obtain vital legal assistance that is often critical to their safety and independence. While we should take pride in the Cam- paign’s past success, the need to support our community is greater than ever, and we have proven that through the Campaign we can make a big impact in meeting this need. Three Core Principles There are three underlying premises for
has proved that we have the power to sig- nificantly expand the capacity of our pro bono and legal aid system when the legal community comes together as one around this issue. The Campaign is the one time you can support the entire pro bono and legal aid systemwith one contribution and make an impact that none of us could on our own. Specifically, donations to the Campaign: • Leverage significantly more money from government and other foundations • Benefit from the CBF’s rigorous grants process, which strategically allocates the Campaign funds to maximize impact and ensures accountability • Save hundreds of thousands of dollars in other social services by enabling people to resolve legal problems before they spin out of control The people receiving services made possible by the Campaign include the elderly, disabled, veterans and children; domestic violence victims; people at risk of losing their homes; immigrants fleeing persecution and abuse; and many other low-income and disadvantaged people in the Chicago area in need of legal assistance. All contributions qualify for the Illinois Supreme Court’s Pro Bono Reporting Rule and are tax-deductible. Invest in Justice Today Add your voice to the others making a dif- ference through this Campaign, and make a contribution today! The Chicago Bar Foundation is your foundation, where you come together with your colleagues in Chicago’s legal community tomake the justice system more fair and accessible for everyone. Find out more at www.chicagobarfoundation. org. JUSTICE STARTS WITH A SOLID FOUNDATION
Dear Colleague:
As we embark on the 2015 Investing in Justice Cam- paign, the importance of preserving access to the American dream and equal opportunity for all Ameri- cans is increasingly the subject of discussions amongst policymakers. While most would agree that inequality presents a serious problem for our country, there are a wide variety of viewpoints about the solutions where many of us respectfully disagree. There is one thing that we as a legal community all can agree on when it comes to inequality: that it has no place in the justice system. One of the most funda- mental principles of our country and our profession is that we all stand equal before the law and should have equal access to justice. We know, however, that can only happen when people have access to necessary le- gal help, whether you are a large international company like United or one of the millions of people who call the Chicago area home. Unfortunately, for more than half of the low-income and disadvantaged people in the Chicago area who need legal help at any given time, that help is not available due to a shortage of pro bono and legal aid resources. The good news is that through the Campaign, our legal community has proven repeatedly that we can do something about that when we join together in one ac- cord. The Campaign is your opportunity to join with your colleagues in the legal community to make a collective impact towards eliminating inequality in the justice system in a way none of us could do on our own. Together, we can make sure that many more people in our community will get the justice they deserve, not just what they can afford. In the process, we’ll be striking a blow against inequality while helping to build a more perfect justice system, making our community a fairer and better place for all.
Brett Hart
Chair | 2015 Investing in Justice Campaign
Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary | United Airlines, Inc.
the Campaign. First, while we all support a wide variety of worthy causes, ensuring that all people have equal access to the justice system is distinctly important to us as trustees of that system and our common cause as a legal community. Second, despite the dedicated efforts of the many outstanding pro bono and legal
aid attorneys in our community, more than half of the hundreds of thousands of low- income and disadvantaged Chicagoans in need of legal assistance each year are unable to get often critical help due to a shortage of pro bono and legal aid resources. Finally, while we all have important roles to play as individuals, the Campaign
Lawyers’ Association of Greater Chicago and other area bar associations are co- hosting the 50 th Anniversary Celebration of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts at a Gala Dinner on Thursday, April 30, 2015, in the Grand Ballroom at the Stan- dard Club. Dr. Otis Moss, Jr ., theologian, pastor, and civic leader, will be the keynote speaker at the dinner. Dr. Moss is well known for his leadership of America’s Civil Rights Movement and participated in the Selma, Alabama Civil Rights March with Dr. Martin Luther King. Moss was a close friend of Dr. King, served as regional direc- tor of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and is one of America’s most influential black ministers. In addition, we will also honor Mrs. Juanita Abernathy , wife of the late Dr. Ralph Abernathy at the dinner. Dr. Aber- nathy led the Southern Christian Leader- ship Conference after the assassination of Dr. King. The Civil Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 and outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Act also ended unequal applica- tion of voter registration and racial segre- gation in our nation’s schools. The Voting Rights Act, considered by many to be the most effective piece of civil rights legisla- tion ever enacted in the United States, was signed into law by President Johnson in 1965. President Johnson’s daughter Lynda Johnson Robb and her daughter Catherine Lewis Robb will be attending the Gala Dinner and will be recognized for their father’s leadership in the passage of both of these historic Acts. United States District Court Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman and Brenda A. Russell , Director of Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP, co-chair this special Chicago celebration. Table sponsors for the Gala Dinner are $2,500 for a table of ten and will receive special seating and recognition in the program. Individual tickets are $125 per person. For more information or to make reservations for the Gala Dinner, contact Tamra Drees at 312/554-2057 or
The Hon. Shelvin Louise Marie Hall of the Illinois Appellate Court (center) was honored with the 2015 Dickerson Award on Tuesday, February 24. The award recognizes minority lawyers and judges whose careers at the bar emulate the courage and dedication of the late Earl B. Dickerson in making the law the key to justice for all in our society. Pictured with Hall are (left) CBA President Daniel A. Cotter of Fidelity Life Insurance Association and (right) Judge E. Kenneth Wright, Jr. Photo by Bill Richert.
T he 2015 Vanguard Awards Lun- cheon will be held on Thursday, April 2, 2015, beginning with a reception at 11:30 a.m., followed by the luncheon at noon. The Vanguard Awards are co-hosted by the Asian American Bar Association; the Chicago Bar Association; Cook County Bar Association; Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois; Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago; and the Puerto Rican Bar Association. The luncheon celebrates diversity and honors lawyers, judges and community leaders whose leadership is making a difference in our city. This year’s honorees include: Anne Shaw from the Asian American Bar Association; U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman , The Chicago Bar Association; Illinois Appellate Court Justice John O. Steele (Ret.), Cook
County Bar Association; Virginia Marti- nez , Illinois Latino Family Commission, Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois; Jim Bennett , Midwest Regional Direc- tor, Lambda Legal, Lesbian & Gay Bar Association of Chicago; Illinois Supreme Court Justice Mary Jane Theis , Puerto Rican Bar Association. Join your colleagues from the bench and the bar in honoring these outstanding leaders. Tickets for the luncheon are $65 per person or $650 for a table of ten. For more information or to make reservations, contact CBA Events Coordinator Tamra Drees at 312/554- 2057 or 50 th Anniversary Gala Celebrating the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts The Chicago Bar Association, Cook County Bar Association, Black Women
Rodgers & Hammerstein “Something Wonderful” Concert at Chicago’s Orchestra Hall/Symphony Center Don’t miss the “Something Wonderful” concert at Chicago’s Orchestra Hall/Sym- phony Center on Sunday, April 26, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. If you enjoy music, you’ll love the “Something Wonderful” concert featuring the best of Rodgers and Ham- merstein. The Chicago Bar Association’s Symphony Orchestra, led by nationally acclaimed maestro David Katz and CBA Choral Director Rebecca Patterson, will be joined by the Elgin Chorus and its Master Chorale Director Andrew Lewis in performing the musical triumphs of Rodgers &Hammerstein. The “Something Wonderful” concert will also feature award- winning soloists of “The American Prize in Voice.” Your family, friends and clients will enjoy this special evening of music and song. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit Herman Kogan Media Awards Luncheon The 2015 Herman Kogan Media Awards Luncheon will be held onWednesday, May 6, at Maggiano’s Restaurant and Banquets, 111 West Grand Avenue, Chicago. A reception for this year’s honorees will begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by the luncheon and award presentations at 12:00 noon. Pulitizer Prize-winning journalist for the Chicago Tribune Mary Theresa Schmich will be the keynote speaker. Schmich attended journalism school at Stanford and worked as a reporter at the Peninsula Times Tribune in Palo Alto, California, and at the Orlando Sentinel before coming to the Chicago Tribune in 1985. Schmich also wrote the “Brenda Starr” comic strip column for 25 years. Tickets are $60 per person or $600 for a table of ten. For more information or to make reservations contact, Karen Highley at khighley@ CBA Annual Meeting The Association’s 142 nd Annual Business Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 25, 2015, in the Grand Ballroom at The Standard Club. CBA President Daniel A. Cotter passes the Ceremonial Lincoln Gavel to incoming President Patricia
Brown Holmes . Holmes is a member of Schiff Hardin’s Executive Committee and chairs the firm’s Diversity Committee. She is a former federal, state and local prosecutor and a former state court judge whose practice includes: corporate internal investigations; criminal internal investiga- tions; representation of high-profile indi- viduals and corporations; and trial work in the state and federal courts. Holmes has received numerous awards and is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. The new slate of CBA officers and board members will be introduced at the Annual Meeting along with President Cotter’s year-end business report. A reception for President Cotter, incoming President Patri- cia Brown Holmes and the new officers and board members will begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by the luncheon at noon. For more information or to make reserva- tions, contact Tamra Drees 312/554-2057 or Congratulations Kevin J. Conway, Cooney & Conway was honored by Lawyers-Lend-A-Hand to Youth for his generous grant for the new Launch U program…Best wishes to U.S. District Court Judge John F. Grady on his retirement from the Federal Bench… Michael D. Monico will receive St. Ignatius High School’s 2015 Award of Excellence in the Field of Law…Hon. Edward M. Burke will receive the Celtic Legal Society’s Lifetime Service Award and Circuit Court of Cook County Judge John P. Kirby will receive the Celt of the Year Award…the Center for Disability and Elder Law (CDEL) presented the follow- ing awards at its Winter Awards Benefit: McDonald’s Corporation received the Corporate Partner of the Year Award; Hon. Edward M. Burke received the Impact Award; Hon. Richard J. Elrod (posthu- mously) received the Founders Award; and the law firm of Locke Lord Edwards received the Volunteer Law Firm of the Year Award. Former Governor James R. Thompson announced his retirement as Senior Chair- man of Winston & Strawn, which will take effect on January 31, 2016…Chief Circuit
Court of Cook County Judge Timothy C. Evans has named Leonard Dixon as the new director of the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center. Kendra Reinshagen, Executive Director of Metropolitan Family Services’ Legal Aid Society, is retiring and Karina Ayala-Bermejo , General Counsel and Executive Vice President of Metro- politan Family Services’ Legal Aid Society, will replace Kendra as the Society’s next leader…House Republican Leader Jim Durkin was the featured speaker at the City Club of Chicago…Illinois Supreme Court Justice Lloyd R. Karmeier will receive the Lawyers’ Assistance Program’s Bartylak Award at the group’s annual dinner meeting in Springfield on Friday, April 17. Darryl Bradford , Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Exelon Corpora- tion, will receive CARPLS’ Golden Gavel Award on May 12… Marci A. Eisenstein is the new Managing Partner and the first woman named to lead Schiff Hardin LLP… Fredric D. Tannenbaum , manag- ing partner at Gould & Ratner LLP, was named to the board of directors of the America-Israel Chamber of Commerce … Michael J. Zink is the new President of the Advocates Society… Avanti D. Bakane , an associate at Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, is the new President of the Indian-American Bar Association… CBA Past President Victor P. Henderson is representing the Jackie Robinson Little League Baseball Team...Illinois Appellate Court Justice Shelvin Marie Louise Hall received the 2015 Earl Burrus Dickerson Award… Steven A.Weiss , Schopf &Weiss, To learn more about the LRS, contact Brenda Ott, Director of the Lawyer Referral Service, at 312/554-2071 or, or visit and click on Services, Lawyer Referral Service. YOUR REFERRAL NETWORK If your office receives an inquiry about a legal issue you simply do not handle or your client has a special need beyond your practice area, don’t fret! Simply refer the caller or client to the CBA’s Lawyer Referral Service (LRS).
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