CBA Record April-May 2019
deemed nonessential. During this state, one tends to experience: decreased critical thinking; increased heart rate; increased blood sugar for quickly available, short- term energy; altered digestion such that all nutrients are diverted to fat storage; shallower breath, and depressed immune- system functionality. In the short term, in a scenario involving a real risk of physical danger, this can be a healthy biological response. All lawyers can relate to the tense, ner- vous feeling from an impending deadline or a pitch to be delivered to a potential client. That is nothing more than a less- severe fight-or-flight response. Many factors, including our learned behaviors, media, social media, and our general culture, have conditioned us to accept as normal a degree of the fight-or-flight response to these daily micro-stressors. There are two problems with this. First, it is deeply unhealthy to have stress chemi- cals constantly lingering in the blood- stream—they’re meant to power strenuous physical activity. When we do not quickly
burn them off through physical exertion, their build-up over time leads to: metabolic disorder; depression; digestive problems; heart disease; impaired sleep; weight gain; and impaired memory and concentration. Second, experiencing stress in this way makes us less productive. A major compo- nent the body shuts off during stress is criti- cal thinking. Constant micro-stress means constantly impaired thinking. When you are not mindful, you permit your body to react to this type of stress—the daily grind of everyday work and life—the same way you do to the bear chasing you through the woods. Experiencing stress in this way is remarkably detrimental to your health and productivity. Becoming a practicing meditator or even just a relatively mindful person begins with a decision to simply pay attention to the momentary character of life, rather than being led through it one discursive thought to the next. At first, even a minimal investment of three minutes per day can produce dramatic changes to your ability to experience life fully
YLS WALK FOR SURVIVORS TheYLSwill host awalk-a-thon on June 6 to sup- port domestic violence survivors. The walk will kick-off at Daley Plaza and end with a social at Joy District Chicago (112WHubbard St).Walkers are encouraged to register in advance and dress comfortably for the walk. Proceeds will be con- tributed to a local nonprofit agency dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence and creating a community free of abuse. For more information and register, visit www.chicagobar. org or call 312/554-2031. and deliberately. A diligent commitment to frequent examination of the mind is a journey from which every lawyer can derive value and improvement, personally and professionally. Jonathan Mraunac represents owners, general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and other participants in the construction industry at Ogletree Deakins in Chicago.
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