Burrell Seeds 2018 Catalog
Midwest Mix 59FL Black-Eyed Susan, Butterfly Milkweed, Clasping Coneflower, Dwarf Evening Primrose, Grey-Headed Coneflower, Indian Blanket, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Lavender Hyssop, New England Aster, Ohio Spiderwort, Ox-Eye Sunflower, Pale Purple Coneflower, Plains Coreopsis, Prairie Aster, Prairie Coneflower, Prairie Ironweed, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Sweet Black-Eyed Susan, Thickspike Gayfeather and White Upland Aster Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1 Oz $5 90 | 1/4 Lb $13 70 | 1/2 Lb $23 70 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $34 20 Mountain Mix 60FL Annual Baby’s Breath, Black-Eyed Susan, Blanketflower, Blue Columbine, Blue Flax, California Poppy, Catchfly, Cornflower, Dwarf Godetia, Fleabane Daisy, Palmer Penstemon, Rocket Larkspur, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Shasta Daisy, Showy Goldeneye, Siberian Wallflower and Tussock Bellflower Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1 Oz $5 90 | 1/4 Lb $13 70 | 1/2 Lb $23 70 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $34 20 Shady Mix 61FL Annual Baby’s Breath, Baby Blue Eyes, Candytuft, Chinese Forget-Me-Not, Chinese Houses, Clarkia, Columbine, Corn Poppy, Forget-Me-Not, Johnny Jump-Up, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Monkeyflower, Purple Coneflower, Rocket Larkspur, Shasta Daisy, Spurred Snapdragon, Sweet William Pinks and Tussock Bellflower Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | Oz $5 90 | 1/4 Lb $13 70 | 1/2 Lb $23 70 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $34 20 Texas/Oklahoma Mix 62FL Annual Baby’s Breath, Annual Candytuft, Black-Eyed Susan, Clasping Coneflower, Corn Poppy, Cornflower, Dwarf Evening Primrose, Golden Wave Tickseed, Greenthread, Indian Blanket, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Lemon Mint, Prairie Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Red Phlox, Scarlet Sage, Showy Evening Primrose and Texas Bluebonnet, Sulphur Cosmos Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1 Oz $5 90 | 1/4 Lb $13 70 | 1/2 Lb $23 70 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $34 20 Xeriscape Eastern Mix 64FL Clasping Coneflower, Dwarf Evening Primrose, Goldenwave Tickseed, Indian Blanket, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Lavender Hyssop, Ohio Spiderwort, Pale Purple Coneflower, Partridge Pea, Perennial Lupine, Plains Coreopsis, Prairie Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Scarlet Sage and White Upland Aster Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1 Oz $8 40 | 1/4 Lb $20 90 | 1/2 Lb $35 80 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $57 70 Xeriscape Western Mix 63FL Arroyo Lupine, Bird’s Eyes, Blanketflower, Blazing Star, Blue Flax, California Bluebell, California Poppy, Deerhorn Clarkia, Desert Marigold, Greenthread, Munro’s Globemallow, Oregon Sunshine, Pale Evening Primrose, Palmer Penstemon, Prairie Aster, Prairie Coneflower, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Tidy Tips Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1 Oz $7 60 | 1/4 Lb $19 50 | 1/2 Lb $31 80 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $48 10
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