Burrell Seeds 2018 Catalog
Super Sugar Snap 30P 66 Days | Top quality edible pod peas. Very good plant vigor. Excellent pea and pod flavor. Plump pods with 7 peas each. Strong plants are 24” tall (55” if trained on stakes) and tolerant to Powdery Mildew and Top Yellows. Heavy yields of 2 1/2” to 3” pods. Thicker than Sugar Snap. Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1/2 Lb $7 50 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $5 80 | 5 Lb $5 20/lb | 25 Lb $5 00/lb | 50 Lb $4 90/lb 100 Lb $4 70/lb SNOW PEAS Oregon Sugar Pod II 41P
68 Days | A fine quality edible pod pea. Noted for sweet mild flavor. Plants 26” - 32” tall, pods 4” long. Light green and smooth. Averages 2 pods per node. Tolerance to Common Wilt Race 1, Pea Enation Mosaic Virus Powdery Mildew and Western Pea Streak Virus. Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1/2 Lb $6 90 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $4 70 | 5 Lb $4 50/lb | 25 Lb $4 20/lb 50 Lb $4 00 | 100 Lb $3 90/lb COWPEAS OR SOUTHERN PEAS It’s a Southern thing! Simmered with ham, onions and garlic, fresh cowpeas are a classic dish. Add some snaps (immature cowpea pods) and you have a hearty meal! Folks drive a long way to buy bushels of Creameyes, Blackeyes and Pinkeyes from our market. More like a bean than a pea, cowpeas can be dried to store. True connoisseurs prefer to freeze them.
Heirloom cowpea seeds should be planted when soil temperatures reach 60º to 65º. Direct seed 1” to 2” deep, 4” to 8” apart, in rows 2’ wide. Cow peas can tolerate some light shade so they are often planted next to our okra. Water thoroughly, then occasionally, as the weather requires. They will tolerate light drought, but produce better with some moisture. California Blackeye 8P 70 Days | Used fresh or dried. Resistant to Wilt, Nematodes and other pea diseases. Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1/2 Lb $6 20 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $4 90 | 5 Lb $4 70/lb | 25 Lb $4 50/lb | 50 Lb $4 20/lb 100 Lb $4 00/lb Top Pick Cream 19P 60 Days | Up-right bush type. Pods are produced at top of plant in a concentrated pattern. Pods are pale or silvery green pods when at green pea state. Good virus and disease tolerance. Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1/2 Lb $7 10 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $6 90 | 5 Lb $6 70/lb | 25 Lb $6 50/lb | 50 Lb $6 20/lb 100 Lb $6 00 Top Pick Pinkeye 43P
50 Days | Improved Pinkeye, upright bush type. Pods are clustered at top of plant for easy harvest. When ready to pick, pod is pale or light purple with a greenish pea. Plant height is 18” to 26” tall, depending on soil. Easy shelling. Good virus and disease tolerance. Free Ship - Pkt $2 25 | 1/2 Lb $7 10 Plus Shipping - 1 Lb $7 00 | 5 Lb $6 70/lb | 25 Lb $6 30/lb 50 Lb $6 00/lb | 100 Lb $5 80
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