Bridge City ISD Winter-Spring 2023-24



John Van Huis


Van Huis Carrying on the Bridge City Brand

\\ By Matthew Ogle

“This will be another year of Bridge City baseball,” he said. “We’re going to have a lot of young guys that people won’t necessarily be looking for right at the start. They’re going to step up. I hope to lead by example and go all state for my final year in the program. Of course, a deep playoff run would be nice too. It’s going to be a really great year for us.” As one might expect, the Cardinals’ captain will thrive on more than just the love of the game when he takes to the field this Spring. “Bridge City has a somewhat small community feel so everyone knows one another and rallies around each other,” Van Huis said. “Baseball is kind of the brand of Bridge City, so every Friday night it’s always packed. That kind of support is awesome to see as a player and it helps to fire us up.” The Cards finished second in a tough district a year ago (9-3) before reaching the second round of the postseason. Could this be the year that Van Huis and company turn that up a notch?

“It’s a Division-I school, so it’s big-boy baseball. I’ve always wanted to compete at the highest level possible,” said Van Huis. “It’s a beautiful campus right on the water on top of that, which is always a plus. It will be a good stepping-stone of where I want to be.” I hope to lead by example and go all state for my final year in the program.

BASEBALL IS ARGUABLY THE LIFEBLOOD OF BRIDGE CITY. Therefore, it goes without saying that the competitors within the program come from a

special kind of stock. Enter John Van Huis.

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The senior centerfielder for the Cardinals is a Bridge City-lifer, crafting his game since day one to become one of the undisputed leaders of the program. “I started at an early age, playing t-ball,” he said. “It was supposed to just be something fun and it turned into something that built my hard work-ethic. I actually wasn’t very good when I was younger, but my Dad and I worked through it and eventually it grew into where I’m at now. The game has taught me several lessons over the years, and it’s played a big part in shaping me.” That work ethic will be taking Van Huis south next Fall, as he will continue his baseball career at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Not shocking that a Bridge City native wants to stay somewhere near the Gulf. Before he becomes an Islander, however, Van Huis has high expectations for both himself and his teammates on the diamond.

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