Borealis 2015-2016
Kaylah Missall 3.29
The Invisible Cliff Fear is free falling from a skyscraper, but not leaving your bed. It is standing up to escape and realizing the ground is no longer sturdy. Feeling as if the things that support you when you are stripped of all that makes you human are suddenly untrustworthy, and your feet fail to stay sturdy and your stomach is churning with motion sickness nausea. Even time seems to be distorted, because when you look at the clock you are not sure if the one on the left is right, or if the one next to it on the right is wrong, but you don’t ever remember having two clocks in such close proximity. But you are not too sure of any- thing right now. You feel paralyzed, too scared to move because this invisible cliff is surrounding you on all sides, and every time you have ever stood near a ledge without a railing is flashing before your eyes and all you can think is “Why? Why me? What is wrong with me? Why is this happening to me?” But the only answer you get is the same question repeated back to you in a strange voice that rings in your head over, and over, and over, and over…. Travis M. Goeden 10.26
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